Casey Grey

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Casey Grey
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 13
Personal Data
Real Name: Casey Grey
Known Aliases: Casey, KeCe-01
Species: Human
Age: 13
Height: 4'
Weight: 33 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: French/English
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Laboratory Complex CX-7B, Subsection D
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Dr. Alison Grey (missing, presumed deceased)
Known Powers
Enhanced strength, agility, durability
Known Abilities
Limited, subject has not recieved combat training
No additional information available.



Casey was born and raised in a Crey Industries laboratory complex, and although she has escaped (unintentionally, and in fact, unwillingly), it is likely that Crey still has some interest in her.

Currently, Casey is spending her nights sleeping on a couch in the Artful Dodgers basement, although she is hesitant to consider herself a member of their organization.


Due to the nature of her upbringing, Casey is naive in the extreme in most matters, and has an extremely skewed view about the world at large. Before her accidental escape, Casey had spent her entire life in a room slightly larger then a racquetball court, which less then a dozen Crey employees ever entered. As a result, she is uncomfortable in large spaces, and is extremely nervous when outdoors. Even the Dodger's basement hangout is uncomfortably roomy. In addition, she is extremely shy around new people. On the other hand, once she has met someone, she is quick to trust, sometimes to a fault. Partly, this is due to extensive mental conditioning by Crey scientists. Although she has no particular affinity for Crey (in fact, she has no idea who they are... laboratory procedures prohibited discussing company matters in front of subjects in order to limit the risk of being connected with them in case of an escape), she tends to believe nearly anything she is told, and is very reluctant to disagree with anyone who appears to be in a position of authority. Those that know her tend to notice that she can act rather childlike. This is not due to her level of maturity, which is normal for her age, but due to her naivety. Casey lacks even an elementry education, and her knowledge of the real world is limited to what she has gleened from watching Looney Toons and Tom and Jerry. Casey's skewed viewpoint extends even to her own life... she feels no resentment towards the scientists that created her over her lifelong imprisonment, on the contrary, she is extreamly guilty for having left the lab in the first place, and her primary goal at the moment is finding her way back there. This is complecated by the fact that she was in a full scale panic when she left it, and has absolutely no idea whatsoever where it is located, other then in a "really big building".


The scientists that created Casey intended her to be a prototype of a "base-line" super soldier. While she appears to be a normal human on the surface, almost every part of her has been in some way modified. Most of the modifications are fairly standard... strenght, durability, agility... however, Casey's most unique feature is her mass. At her last physical, just a week before her escape, Casey was just a hair under four feet tall, but tipped the scales at a mere thirty-two lbs. Her weight is due not to malnutrition, but to her highly unique physiology. Almost every part of her body, in addition to any other modifications, has been optimized to weigh as little as possible. Her bones are hollow, like those of a bird, and their molecular structure is significantly differnt then any found in nature. In addition to being stronger then normal, they are also quite flexable, enabling them to withstand enormous amounts of force without breaking. In theory, with the application of significant force, it is entirely possible for Casey to touch her toes to her knee, although understandable, she has never attempted this. The only exception of this is her skull, which was implanted with a composite plate when she was six, in order to protect her brain.

Casey's physical duriability has been enhanced in other ways as well. Her skin stiffens when she is struck, causing the impact to be spread over a large portion of her body. As a result, most small arms fire is incapable of piercing her skin. In addition, her weight works to her advantage when she is shot at, as bullets that would otherwise pierce her skin tend to send her flying across the room instead. This is somewhat of a mixed blessing, as it is difficult to fight back when one is being tossed about like a rag doll. In addition, it means that when backed aginst a wall, she is substantially more vunerable.

On the other hand, it is with her back to the wall that Casey is most dangerous. Although she posseses the ability to lift approximatly two tons, Casey's ability to make use of her strenght is severly limited by her weight. If she attempts to punch an enemy of normal human weight while standing on a flat surface, Casey will mearly send herself flying backwards, due to her lack of leverage. In order to bring her strength to bear, Casey needs something to brace herself aginst. Indoors, she tends to fight on stairways, or with her back to the wall. If forced to defend herself on the street, she will try to brace herself aginst the curb, a parked car, or a tree. Although this means positioning is vital for Casey, she generally has little trouble finding something to brace aginst... and if she IS caught in the open, she does not stay there for long, as her enemies blows tend to send her flying until she hits something solid, at that point, she mearly needs to wait for them to come to her.

In addition, the relation between Casey's weight and her strength has at least one useful side effect... She can jump, as she puts it "reeallly high!". Although this proves useful for her in getting around, it is not a perfect mode of transportation. Because she is so light, Casey is tossed about like a kite in strong winds, meaning her control of where she actually LANDS after jumping is all but non-existant.

Finally, although she does not heal substantially faster then a normal human, Casey is capable of recovering from wounds that would prove fatal to a baseline human. In addition, her pain receptors are altered, such that a knife in her gut would cause Casey to feel little more then a stinging sensation.

Weaknesses and Limitations

As previously stated, Casey's weight tends to work aginst her, severly limiting her ability to bring her strength to bear aginst her enemies. It also means that while can easily tip over a car or a shipping container, actually LIFTING anything larger then a mailbox is impossible, due to her inability to balance it. This is exasperated by her coordination, which, to put it kindly, is quite poor. Generally, childen coordination like they learn many other things: from their mistakes. Casey, being raised in a single room, had no opportunity to make such mistakes. After all, it is hard to fall down a set of stairs when one has never climbed one. The only things Casey had to trip on were her own two feet, and although this was not an infrequent occurance, her durability meant that she suffered no injury when it occured, and as such never had any sort of incentive to be more careful. It is not at all uncommon for her to be jumping gracefully from rooftop to rooftop, only to wait a bit to long before jumping to the next one, and simply run off the edge and faceplant in the middle of the road. This would be bad enough were it not for her greatest weakness: her utter lack off training. In addition to the fact that her idea of fighting is wildly swinging at her enemies until they leave her alone, Casey has never before been subject to attack from anything other then her own clumbsiness, and when she is being tossed around or accidently falling out forth story windows, impacts that cause little in the way of pain or injury to her are still more then capable of causing her to black out. Although she usually awakens and gets right back up within ten seconds or so, it nonetheless gives her foes a substantial opening. Even when the impact is the result of her own clumbsiness, it tends to cause a bit of a scene when a girl lands in the middle of the road on a busy street.

Character History

The following is the condensed record of the 11th experimental subject of the KeCe project, referred to hereafter as subject KeCe-01. These documents are the property of Crey Industries, and are not to be copied or redistributed without express permission of Information Security. Failure to comply may be grounds for termination.

KeCe Project History

The KeCe Project, under the direction of Dr. Nathanial Brown, is a long-term experiment in human DNA resequencing. After the failure of the Caddius Project (Human-Red Cap DNA combination), who's failure was attributed to the incompatability of the strains used, the decision was made by Dr. Brown to shift the focus of the program. Although the DNA of creatures naturally exibiting supernatural abilities holds great promise, Dr. Brown believes that, given current techniques, the combination of these strains with human DNA is too unstable to be properly utilized. It has been decided to focus on the modification of natural human DNA. As a result, most "Superpowered" abilities are beyond the scope of this project, instead, the project will focus on increasing the physical limits Homo sapien, namely strength, endurance, and agility, as well as increasing the sensitivity of the senses. Project staff selection was finalized on May 19th, 19xx, and all personel were given notice of reassignment three months later. The decision was made by Dr. Brown to use DNA from a member of the project staff for modification, both to minimize outside evidence of the project, and to enable the observation of the baseline attributes of the genome used. After extensive testing, Dr. Alison Grey was selected for this role.

Current Project Outlook

At this time, the the KeCe project seems to hold great promise. 13 years after birth, the subject has shown no signs of undesireable secondary mutation, and has managed to meet or exceed nearly all performance standards set forth for the program. In addition, the mental conditioning of the subject has been highly successful, and the likelyhood of escape attempts is considered to be low. As a sidenote, the subject has shown an affinity for Dr. Alison Grey and her husband, Dr. Winston Grey. While initially a cause for concern, it has been determined that this affinity may prove useful in controlling the subject, especially once field testing commences.

Urgent Update

On 7/28/07, at approximatly 2:45am, Laboratory Complex CX-7B came under attack by Rikti invaders, and defensive forces were quickly overwhelmed. Although Crey Security is still investigating the incident, we have confirmed the Dr. Brown perished in the attack. The majority of the lab staff, including Dr. Alison and Winston Grey, is missing and presumed dead or captured. Unfortunetly, subject KeCe-01 is also missing, and lobby cameras captured her leaving the building at 3:17am. Due to the legal sensitivity of this project, the decision has been made to terminate the project. All records will be destroyed, and any surviving staff will be reassigned to other classified projects. Crey field forces have not been briefed on the specifics of the program, but have been ordered to act towards subject KeCe-01 as they would an interfering hero, and terminate her on sight.


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