Elemental Envoy

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Elemental Envoy
Player: @Lightning Senshi
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Saigonoshi, Hiryu
Known Aliases: Jinx
Species: Reincarnated Human
Age: 15
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Confidential
Biographical Data
Nationality: Nihonjin (Japanese)
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Kyoto, Japan
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Kasumi Saigonoshi (Mother), Kazuya Saigonoshi (Father)
Known Powers
Elemental control, spirit siphoning, divination, luck manipulation
Known Abilities
Martial arts mastery and philosophy, tactics, robotics
Reiki Ken Sentai change device, satellite comm
Possesses a powerful connection to the spirit world

The End (01.24.10) - After a lot of choice, I decided to finally delete Jinx. This is hard because he's one of my favorite IC characters I've ever had, but mechanically, after a few certain mechanics changes and the fact that the main group is gone.. I thought it was time to go ahead with it. Jinx will always be alive in the fact that he'll be reincarnated and I already have the next in line leveled pretty well. This will also be the last time I update this page (other then adding a link to the new character), but if someone decides to want this name, I'll copy and move everything over to the new page for those who were interested. What follows is a letter from Jinx to his family and friends which he hopes arrives to them (If they ever glance at this page and catch notice, then it's safe to say the character got a copy of this.) It's corny, cheesy, but I feel it's how he would do things.

"It's funny, I sat here for the last four hours debating about how to go through with this, and another two hours just trying to decide if I should write this in Japanese or English.. I hope my English is proper, how embarrassing would it be to leave a letter of importance and have it riddled with grammatical and misspellings.. But I'm moving away from the subject in which I'm writing about.

The fact is, I will be dead soon.

No, and before any of you funny people decide to chime in saying yes in so and so years, I hate to disappoint you, but, I won't be around after I mail this final letter off. I'm writing this as I explore Paragon City and of all the places to write the majority of places I choose to find peace and quiet, I choose Overbrook. (That would be Faultline for those of you who haven't been keeping up in your P.C history lessons.) It reminds me a lot of myself, when my eyes first found it, it was terrible, the rubble, the pain and all the lives destroyed.. but look at it now! It's risen from the ashes like a phoenix, like I will eventually, and if a place like that can recover, each and everyone affected by my death will be able to heal too.

So what's going on and why haven't I told anyone? Why not gather all my friends and take of this Sailor Moon style with the power of love, justice and friendship on my side? The answer to that is, they intend to ensure that I "awaken" right there on the spot and to be honest.. I have a hard time distinguishing friend from foe whenever that happens, I was an anomaly of sorts, in the aspect that I believed that I never had to use --that-- much power except when those.. other worldly things began to appear. Guess it's time for me to explain this the best I can..

Execute. (Yes Touji.. --that-- Execute the one that your sister Akari never stopped talking about.)

Random chance too, just another Sunday afternoon in the P.C Mall, I was hanging out in Zapp's Arcade just playing "Tournament of Golden Age Heroes V" and who puts his quarter down for next game? Execute of all people, I might not have even noticed it until one of those girls just had to shout right next to me that Execute was going to win. (..On a random note, why of all things to fan-club over, a villain? I always wondered why heroes never got anything like that, I mean, even Shigeru (Gary) from Pocket Monsters (Pokemon) got the exact s---- Ah.. sorry.. right, I'm getting distracted..

It pretty much started from the fighting game, we even had a pretty decent conversation and he's not really the worst guy out there, infact, I think if it wasn't for his childhood.. he might have been a hero. But as it stands, because of the incidents (I'll explain that later I promise) that happened long ago.. he felt he had unfinished business. Like normal, he just wants to complete the fight and ever since the Terror Toad fleet's retreat he's kept that loss on his mind and as luck (..I have a feeling that this wasn't really luck.. and more like.. fate was changed.. hard to explain..) would have it, the conditions were set. I was right, I was set-up. Execute came right out and said it... "I was set-up." The goal was to force me to awaken, annihilate everything and go from there. For what purpose? He didn't say, he didn't even know. From the look of disgust that was hinted in his eyes and the fact his personal fan-girl club was armed.. I can suspect this wasn't what he wanted in the long run.

My biggest strength, is indeed, my rebirth. It's a fact I've been open with my friends and yet I've kept extremely silent with the naming convention and how it's usually so drastic, it's easily assumed that I'm in no way associated with the former, that's fine. Everything is tied into a strand of fate.. and Execute didn't lie, whoever was after me was very deadly and very powerful.. I caught one glimpse of him.. and I even think it was intentional to attempt to put some fear into me.. he had black armor like mine and left.. well.. I won't describe what was sent to me, but I'll just say the word "Defiler" was there. You see.. the problem with most assassins is one thing... most of them are overconfident and go through measures, but this one..? There was.. I don't know how to describe it..? Style. A beautiful, but very deadly style with a strong dose of symbolism... the intellect in me really appreciates it, while the living breathing part of me, that enjoys the fact that I am alive truly dislikes this show of arrogance. I question why I was left alive, or what exactly the full meaning of everything is.. but I think I understand it and rather take up more space.. I'm just going to go down to the point.

I'm nowhere as powerful as I need to be to handle this threat, and with my friends, I'd be invincible, but the fact is, we can't be everywhere at once, and this .. this.. 'assassin' has made it quite clear he can be somewhere before me. But, I'm not going to give him and whoever he's working for get some sort of sick pleasure of forcing me to awaken. No, I won't go like that. I'm rolling the dice in this case, and if it's something I learned in this lifetime it's that you have to sometimes take chances for what's worth fighting for? And you know what, my life, my family and my friends are worth that, if I had to make that chance again.. you know what? I would do that in a heartbeat.

Arrogance is a terrible emotion, and I plain on exploiting that, Execute is going to get his fight, and I won't hold back.. but when that assassin shows, I'll remind him of the mistake. Knowing Execute? He'll try and fight us both, or at least the one who set this all up first. What will this accomplish? Either I win, and I have to find the copies of this letter I make and destroy them, or I lose and the world goes on. But at the very least.. I won't be the cause of those I care about. ..It's funny. I realized that I can say "I care" or that "I love" in my life. ..It is a shame though I discovered that and the only way I can share that is with this situation.. telling myself the outcome.. but knowing the outcome.. are two very different things.

So, with the knowledge.. I wanted to make leave this, as I stated before.. it's cheesy.. but.. well, anyway...

Dad & Mom: I'm sorry. I really am. ..I think that's the first time I ever said that to you now that I think back on it. What for? The lies, the hiding of the truth. I was never able to tell either of you the truth about anything. From the Paragon City Freedom Corps Academy, to my leaving, even to the fact that I am, the Elemental Envoy. I want you to know that I'm happy to be your son and I don't regret, or hate anything you did in regards to how you choose to raise me.. I'm also sorry for the pain and how crazy I must have sounded growing up. I assure you, it was my training for the destiny that I have and always will have. I hope the next time I see you.. the pain will have healed and you go on with your lives and smiles. (You won't know me, but I'll always remember you.)

P.S - I took a large amount of my trust funds and transferred it to another account, it's silly, but in the event I may need it for my rebirth. At the very least to get a start.

Touji - I wish you could have come with me to America. I think you'd have loved it, especially the food, it felt weird without you being there and you know? Of all things considered.. the name Jinx stuck with me and I was happy to gained that as a nickname. You were my only friend as a child and you stuck with me until the very end. I know I haven't called.. or even wrote in awhile and of all the letters to receive.. it had to be this. I think you knew this was going to happen, otherwise you wouldn't have put up the fight with me in leaving in the first place. ..Thank you. Oh. Touji, keep those grades up! ..You have a great future ahead of you, if you can just focus on it for a moment.

Bow-Slinger - Dex, You welcomed me into the Teen Templars right from the start and I --know-- if I mentioned any of this to you, you would have been one of the first in line to help me. I always saw you a lot like me, the world sometimes just tries to force itself on your shoulders and everyone wants to use you in some way, shape and form. You'll survive as you always do and you'll become a better & stronger person for it. Don't ever forget who you truly are, and I look forward to seeing what you've done with yourself by the time my next rebirth is old enough.

Ultrasound - Maura, where do I begin? Not only did we get along like we've known each other for years, it was obvious you trusted me and for that, I'm thankful. In essence, you were the one I was able to confide into in regards to some of the worst moments for the Templars, and was probably the only person who even shared the same opinions I had. You had a playful curiosity and a brilliant mind on your shoulders (despite what you may believe yourself) keep that in mind and don't forget that ok? I had planned one day to show you the 'surprise' under the armor, but, looks like that won't be happening, try not to hate me for that.

Smoking Mirrors - Max right from the start you wanted to make sure I didn't get left out or isolate myself from the world like I had planned too. You did everything in your power to remind me of the present and not my goal of complete detachment of the world. That's the power and the type of friend you are. Fondly I remember the time at the beach when I told you the story of how I acquired the nickname of "Jinx" and I wouldn't have even brought it up without you making sure I said --something-- rather then hover in silent meditation. I know times and have been tough for you but, you will pull through, because it's just who you are. I dislike having turned down your cooking now that I think back on it, I hear good things about it. Maybe one day. Stay true.

Lunar Dusk - Vincent, you have a strong curiosity and powerful sense of loyalty for your friends when they need you. We needed to talk more, but when I needed you, you were there like that. What more from a friend could I have asked for? Find that confidence inside of you Vincent and don't let go of it, it'll guide you to greatness. Thank you for everything and your support when the Templars & I needed you.

Beachbreak - Chad, you didn't see "Elemental Envoy" in front of you, rather, you saw "Jinx" and that's who you became a friend with. One of the first people to encourage me to discover myself as Jinx, and not the other way around. Destiny or not on my side. One of the most powerful pieces of wisdow (amongst many) which you have given me and if only I choose to act on more of them. I only wish you were able to see the result and how right you were on many of those things. I just hope this accomplishes enough of that.

Blase' - Amelia, you were the one who found me after my departure from the Vanguard and the PCFCA then after working together on a few cases you gave me my new home. We got along just well and accomplished much together. Somewhere inside of you is a leader-type figure waiting to break out and find itself in the world. Embrace it.

Dusk-Hawk - David, I wish we had more time to hang, rather then half the time we were being chased, hunted, or something to trying to kill us or our friends. Still, you know what? I wouldn't have had it any other way. Whenever we were down, you always had some sort of secret-back up plan that made even me blink surprise. Don't run out of those ideas.

Galaxy Shot - Claire, we didn't talk much, but you were there when I joined the Templars and you made it clear I could come to you if I ever needed anything. For that alone, and the fact I'm sure you would have helped if I needed anything.. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I know I didn't mention everyone, and I could write forever, in truth.. some of the people I knew we didn't talk much, or even hang out. It was a passing nod, or an occasional conversation, but it made me realize just how --stupid-- I was. To myself, I was unsure how to proceed without the Kami's to guide me on my never-ending quest of training, I thought I was alone..? But, I wasn't. I didn't have the voices in my head yes, but I had the voices that were right next to me, urging me to bring out the best in me (and all the aspects of me from the Elemental Envoy, to Jinx and even to the parts of me I didn't even realize were inside of me.) and the parts of other lives that I had forgot about. I had planned on another page, in which I was going to call.. "The secrets of Jinx.. Revealed!", but I choose against it at the end.. I always hid under that Reiki Ken Sentai armor of mine.. and I think that those secrets are going to go with me, it makes the most sense and at the same time, it gives a laugh, at least it did to me.

I bid you the best in what the future holds in-store. What does it hold? I don't know, I have guesses, bits and ideas, I suspect that the method of my training will be completely different, but will it matter to any of you? Doubtful. It's thoughts like this that seem to preoccupy my mind and I question why, seeing, it won't be me.. but yet, it is. It's confusing, but still.. will I see any of you again? I can hope, but, unless the Menders or someone else interferes, it won't be at least for a few years give or take depending on how my memories reawaken, if they even at all. (What a horrid way to end.. I should at least give some hope), but, maybe that's for the best.

To my friends, my family and everyone who was important to me.. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this in person.


P.S - I'm sorry, this letter in truth.. will never make it to my parents of this lifetime. They won't even realize I'm dead, though I'm sure they'll know. I also can't let them find this. The fact is they'll always be targets and watched, the fact they remained a secret is what kept them alive for this long. (Though, I'm sure they could take care of themselves.) But, if I plan on going this far.. I can't error at all..

"Breaking News! This is Paragon City's HERO WATCH channel 7 Action News Team. We're sorry to interrupt your current scheduled show of "When Good Rikti Monkey's Go Bad", but officials report the body of Paragon City's own "Elemental Envoy" discovered today by a group of heroes in the hazard zone labeled "Eden." Eye-witnesses spotted his lifeless body surrounded by hundreds of unidentified flowers along with obvious signs of combat damage. Paragon City officials have decided to keep youth's identity a secret, as reports go to claim he was quite secretive of his identity in the first place and no records exist of a family or even guardians. A memorial service is planned to be set-up by Atlas Park City Hall representatives. We'll be following this story and bringing you updates.. more at our 6 o'clock broadcast, now, back to your regularly scheduled programming."

"The elements that make up this world, they will become your ally, they will become an extension of yourself and one day young child you will be able to call forth each and everyone of them with no effort. It is our duty, our destiny, and our life to control and ensure that the elemental balance is never disrupted. I have no doubt this makes much sense, but, we will meet again very soon to begin your training..."

- Elemental Emperor to Jinx (Age 3)

I created Elemental Envoy to create a fresh character for a new super group that my friends had begun working on, and having always wanted to play an Earth/Storm controller, but never wanting to deal with the low damage the two sets are at first, I thought that this would be a perfect chance to create a team-based character from power choices to the like. While, in the end, the group did not work out as everyone had liked, I lucky enough to be invited to a new group, which has accepted him quite kindly and has already been much fun. While looking over the power-set choices, the powers, I was thinking about a story that I'd be content with and I noticed the wide variety of elements that the powers had and noticed that he pretty much had them all and before I realized it, I had noted that Elemental Avatar had much in common with the show: "Avatar: The Last Airbender".

So, in the end, I decided to give a nod to the show, and base some of the concepts of the show, which in turn are based after other various things in Asian culture and decided to give it a whirl. With my own twist on things of course such as the Sentai/Power Rangers background, and various other things. On a random note, this is, my first created wiki page, and I'm still learning how to use this format and styling, so my apologies in advance if this looks strange in the end.

The End (01.24.10) - After a lot of choice, I decided to finally delete Jinx. This is hard because he's one of my favorite IC characters I've ever had, but mechanically, after a few certain mechanics changes and the fact that the main group is gone.. I thought it was time to go ahead with it. Jinx will always be alive in the fact that he'll be reincarnated and I already have the next in line leveled pretty well. This will also be the last time I update this page (other then adding a link to the new character), but if someone decides to want this name, I'll copy and move everything over to the new page for those who were interested. What follows is a letter from Jinx to his family and friends which he hopes arrives to them (If they ever glance at this page and catch notice, then it's safe to say the character got a copy of this.) It's corny, cheesy, but I feel it's how he would do things.



"There is no doubt... the new Emperor is before us."
"Eh..? You know what. Instead of acting all big and smart, how about this time you show some proof! Rather th--Ow Ow! My head.. it's not supposed to twist like thaaaat!"
"The child is watching us.. and already I'm sure he thinks you are a fool."

- Time Kami to Fire Kami

Saigonoshi Hiryu child of Kasumi and Kazuya Saigonoshi was born on October 31st, 1993 and to what his parents describe, he was a miracle baby as doctors have claimed that Kasumi was unable to bear any children, so in her eyes, this birth was a blessing and a sign all wrapped up into one. It didn't help either that was born on Halloween either, which, as the parents come to believe, makes it even stranger considering what his nickname has become. His parents were both somewhat loners, Kasumi a shrine caretaker, and Kazuya himself was the inheritor of the Saigonoshi fortune that was left him to upon his father's death. Having run away to be with the woman he loved, the two lead a simple and quiet life in the shrine. But to the two of them, that was all they needed.

And then everything changed when Hiryu was born, carefree and free spirited individuals were overcome with instant parenting powers, and thoughts of school, friends, girlfriends, weddings, grandchildren raced into their mind. With nothing but the future and their child in their hands, the two decided to make some very radical changes in their lives. For a good majority of his younger childhood years, Hiryu was raised on the shrine and tutored, beginning the day he could walk, his lessons were often taught to him by his mother, and even as he didn't understand them, Kasumi would try any, to get the best head start on his future. Kazuya on the other hand began construction of a large mansion, which would be the "Home Away from Home", he wanted only the best for his son, and here he could have everything from private tutors, to his lessons and every odd thing the two could come up with.

Hiryu's life was very simple at first, wake up, lessons, physical activities that which his parents wanted him to excel at from Kendo, to martial arts, lunch, back to lessons, a brief 30 minute TV break, and finally to sleep only to repeat the procedure every morning. This sort of overworked and not very fun lifestyle was rather common in Japanese children, it was to establish the powerful work ethics needed to survive in Japanese Society and with the various tentacled demons, giant monsters and other various threats that come to Japan like a magnet, it was felt he should be able to defend himself and those around him.


"..Anou... I never would have thought a man on a bicycle could fly so far without a ramp..."
"Jinx! Jinx! Do it again! I wanna see someone else FLY too!!!"
"He's.. he's like a black cat! Nya~"

-Aya-Sensei and students.

Hiryu was a somewhat quiet child having grown up, in what he considered, his own private world which revolved around him and everything he did. As he got older, his schedule went from being home tutored to enrolled in a private school and for the first time ever, he had interaction from various children. Children he really had no idea how to interact with, but they were there at least, or so that's how he figured things were. As quiet children often tend to be picked on, Jinx was no exception, really, it didn't bother him the least, other then make his day inconvenient and the children loved it because they had an outlet for their own issues and over-schooling that their own parents put them through. Day-after-day they would keep the teasing up, all of which lead by the lead bully, Touji Ayasa, a foul-mouthed little brat, who in the end would give Hiryu his new nickname, which would stick with him to this day, and become his first real friend ever.

It had happened out of nowhere, and no one really saw it coming. Aya-sensei and had "New Age" idea of teachings took the children outside to enjoy a bright and sunny day and give them a break from the nonstop lessons. Having spotted the ice cream man, she waved him down and bought treats for the kids, hard to guess that she was their favorite teacher right now. Typical Touji however, decided that he wanted more and pushed Hiryu back, causing him to drop his still wrapped treat. Laughing at him, Hiryu sat down against a car, which was left in drive by mistake, and started a chain reaction of events of bad luck ending with a man on a bicycle flying through the air and landing in a tree, still pedaling in the tree with no idea of a way to get down. Awe-struck by the event that had just witnessed, fingers were pointed and laughs were to be heard, only to stopped by Touji, claiming that if anyone messes with Jinx, they're gonna get a 5 finger sandwich courtesy of Touji. Touji soon after wanted to see more strange sights and sure enough, hanging with Hiryu long enough, he'd get to see various other oddball accidents which occurred in his presence, even if Jinx didn't have any real involvement with it. Still, the nickname stuck, and Hiryu would have it no other way.

The Kami's

*whispering* "Touji-san... some... fire creature is watching me..."
"Ne!? Fire --has-- to mean evil right!? You're mom's one of those priestess! I bet you inherited her super priestess powers. HA! Take this invisible foul being! Leave Jinx alone..!"
".....What is Touji-san doing...?"
*Sighing* "...Beating up a rock it looks like.."
"Ha! Silly humans, like you could hit an inv---OW!!!"
Level up..! I'm going to level up!" *Still swinging the stick*

- Jinx to Touji, while observed by passing classmates.

The kami's are the traditional spirits of the elements, which are said to make up the world and all things within the world. Each kami is tied with an associated element: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Metal. Though, other various kami's often tend to exist and are simply less known then others. If you were to ask Jinx today, he could list hundreds of other kami's that he's seen, met and who have helped him in one way or another. Examples of such would be the Time Kami who was in charge of seeking out and locating Jinx, the Shadow Kami who's task was to help him understand the "Other Side of Balance", the Light Kami who was to show him the spirit world and so on. It's the task of the kami's to locate and discover the next reincarnation of the Elemental Emperor, to begin his training to ensure that the world remains as it is, and to combat the evil that is working forward to destroy such a balance. Jinx met all the criteria of the reincarnation at an alarming rate as described by the Time Kami and decided to push all the plans forward by a few years.


"No wonder the teachers are going by a curve this year.. Jinx-kun is in their classes..
"...What's his average.. a 110% out of a 100%..? ..Ugh. This is going to be one of those years..

- Classmates

After the nonstop studying, Jinx was enrolled in a private junior high school, all this work, all the studying, and the time ahead was paying off in his parents eyes, but Jinx was worried about losing his only real friend Touji, as beside from money, Touji's grades were not up to par.. or even anywhere near below it. Touji had more of a focus on the now, rather then later, and as a result, his school-grades were in the bottom percentile. Still, reasoning with his parents, they made a deal. If Touji could get his grades up, and if his parents agreed, they would pay the tuition for their son's friend to go with him. Kasumi and Kazuya loved the idea, for the first time, they found a way to get Jinx interested in school, and he was making the effort to help his friend out, to them, it was the sure sign that he was growing up and already learning to do the thing thing.

Junior High School

"So wait..? In Japan, you're still in Junior High?"

- Teenager asking Jinx about the differences between Japanese and American schools.

All the hardwork had paid off, and both Jinx and Touji had made it to Junior High now and as Jinx would often say, this would be the building blocks for their futures. It was from the tutoring with Touji, and from the first initial classes that Jinx had realized, he had a simple knack for learning and a lot of things, he just claimed to "Already know" from previous tutors he didn't remember. His teachers and classmates were all impressed, and he would soon after only months of being in school would achieve the number 1 ranked student in grades. It was also here in Junior High, where Jinx would finally begin to open up a bit more, to other students, slowly coming out of his own personal shell. Still, only a few months in, Jinx would establish himself not only as a great student and role-model for others his age to aspire too, but also the reputation for weirdness.. it was here in Junior High, that his training would begin.

Reiki Ken Sentai

"Defenders of the Elements..! Guardians of the Spirit World and the Real World... We are... REIKI KEN SENTAI!"

- Fire Red of the Reiki Ken Sentai

The Reiki Ken Sentai, were a beloved Sentai [Task Force] who from what they described to media outlets, a unit put together by the mysterious Elemental Emperor, who had nothing but care and love for the planet. imbued with fragments of the physical manifestation of the elements that govern the world, they will do everything in their power to ensure that the world and the people, animals and even those who now call it home will be protected. The sensation and people's love for them was an overnight thing, when some sort of odd creature that bore a resemblance to to a corrupted Jellyfish appeared and began hurting innocent people, the Reiki Ken appeared to save the day and everyone in the monster's away. It was from then on, they would have the people's support in their strange, but obviously good-willed task. It was about this time, that Jinx would have his first 'episode', and in the middle of class, went into an coma-like state, aware of the world, but not there. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors would do what they could, but, nothing they did triggered any sort of response.

Jinx in truth, which would be soon of money, was in the spirit world, confronting the Elemental Emperor himself, the one who appointed the Reiki Ken Sentai to their defending task. There the man explained to Jinx about destiny, his powers, the signs, the kami's. All the odd situations in the world and their link to him, and his entire purpose was explained. However, the Elemental Emperor did keep much a secret even still, but, as expected Jinx began to catch on and was told: "He needed to understand and master himself first. Finding his true balance.." With that, he was instructed to first master Earth, and that his destiny was to be with the Reiki Ken Sentai.

After the conclusion of his trip to the spirit world, Jinx awoke in the hospital room surrounded by family and friends, who all let out a sigh of relief to see he was alright. Doctors still didn't know what to classify it as, so they credited it to being over-worked in preparation for High School and called it a day.


"Strong and Steady..A bastion of defense. With the Earth, you can protect your allies, hinder your foes or outright stop them in their tracks. Your offense will be your defense and your defense your offense. Learn to feel the ground beneath your feet and feel every vibration, every trickle. Those who stand on the earth when they face you, will find that very earth betraying them. In ways they will not understand or even consider"

- Earth Kami

Earth was the first element that Jinx was taught to realize, and in truth, what the Earth Kami could teach him, was almost nothing other then the infinite wisdom that he bore. Once Jinx's training began and he was ready to manipulate earth, he was already good at it, to the point where the Earth Kami felt he was no longer needed to oversee the boy's lessons. Still, the young Jinx pleaded with the Earth Kami to stay and to continue his training. Jinx surprisingly became better and better at it as time went on, and learned much in the ways of beliefs and thoughts that the spirit had. The Earth Kami also felt, that despite the powers that he would be able to control, that he would need physical training, it would also, to himself, give a true reason to keep himself around the boy. Thus, his training with the Chinese martial art of Southern Praying Mantis would soon begin.


Soft and Gentle and ever flowing in a constant stream of motion.. Such is the state of water. In untrained hands, you will be only able to move in, but given time, you will be able to shape it, and draw it from whatever it is you need. Form it to ice and a deadly weapon you will have, draw the water out from a living being.. with it's flow, Water is infinite."

- Water Kami

Water was the second element that young Jinx had begun to train in, water was something that Jinx felt he enjoyed to train, it offered him a stream of endless chances to shape a battle, to heal an ally in need, or to just cool off on a hot day. He also enjoyed the "Flow" aspect of such, where as Earth was a rigid and strong tower, Water was the flowing manipulative element. As with Earth, Jinx picked it up extremely quick, and along with the Earth Kami, the Water Kami decided to begin instruction of the Chinese Martial Art Tai Chi with him. Still, something concerned Jinx, the Water Kami had mentioned Jinx's 'Balance' and if he was to lose such balance.. his water powers would change along with him, something that until he experienced, he never understood what exactly that would mean to him.


The speed and agility of the wind, the strength and power of a tornado, yet the subtlety of the clouds. With Air, you can fly ---"
"Wait wait wait.. I can FLY!?"

- Air Kami to Jinx.

Air was challenging for Jinx to pick up on, if anything, it would be due too to his excitement at the thought of being able to just fly in the air. To him, that made the entire element worth it. Still, it was extremely tough for him to pick up on. Air Manipulation was nothing short of a defensive art, which would force him to react, rather then act. It was a hard concept, and Jinx was not sure he was ready, still, the Air Kami was subtly teaching him the ways of Ba Gua Zhang, and assisting him with his learning, his school, to his first meditation session, Jinx eventually caught on, that the Way of Air was a life-style, not just an element. It was about bettering one's self mentally, are well as physically. That control is a valuable thing lost to many people. With that said and understood, the Air Kami would acknowledge Jinx's succession and move him on.


"Take what you want. Do what you want, It's all about you kid. If the world doesn't revolve around you, make it."
"..You know.. that's not all to encouraging.."
"So make me encourage you!"

- Fire Kami to Jinx

If Jinx thought Air was going to be tough, Fire was the worst. Fire was all about him, rather then the world around him explained the Fire Kami, he was taught to take what he wanted, and do as he wished, and in the real world where his actions were taking, everyone disliked Jinx during this "Tough Guy" phase, even Touji was a little spooked by it. Jinx's flame was as black as his heart right now, feeding with every desire and thought. If he wanted it, he took it, if he didn't, he did not. It was even more amazing he didn't stop abusing his powers in public. But then one day, the Fire Kami approached him and said: "Everything you've learned.. everything you did, that is a perfect example of what --not-- to do." The lesson hit Jinx hard, and he finally understood, it was about his inner peace, and that his thoughts and life would influence what he could do, how his powers would react. The Fire Kami would further explain, that within the perfect balance that Jinx needed to achieve, he would be able to manipulate the "True Fire", fire in it's ultimate power. To complete Jinx's training, The Fire Kami would pass on the ways of Northern Shaolin to the boy, a style he thought would work well with his new awakening.

The Sixth Member

"What!? There's SIX of you now!?"

- Admiral Deathtoad the XVIII

With Jinx's initial training, and mental conditioning ready, the Elemental Emperor gave Jinx his "Reiki Ken Sentai Belt" and instructed him to watch them from a shadow. To use his powers when they needed it, but to never do the job just yet, and for now, keep your identity to them a secret, when the time was right, he would tell the young boy when. Jinx first appeared when Admiral Deathtoad the XVIII was in Tokyo Tower, threatening to release his Changing Tadpoles into the water system and all the world's citizens would be transformed into the Toadslaves, used for various boring household chores that servants were required to do, and when the All Consuming Eye that Devours appears, the Toadslaves would be used as his grandfeast. Admiral Deathtoad the XVIII soon released the GigaChaosLizard which would begin it's destructive rampage on the streets below, and the strange Admiral took hostages, declaring his intent to harm them if the Reiki Ken Sentai interfered. Stunned, and unsure what to do, they knew the hostages would be killed if they attacked, but people could be hurt, or even worse die. Elemental Envoy made his first appearance, shooting a stream of fire at the creature's over-sized hat setting it ablaze, and when he let go of his main hostage, Elemental Envoy forced an wall made of earth between the two to appear, giving them time to run. His first appearance was over just like that, he didn't say his name, stay for a memorable quote, he just left everyone to wonder just who it was.

Life Afterwards

"Sensei! I have to.. use the bathroom.... again... for the.. sixth time.. today..."

- Jinx.

Life really didn't get any easier for the Junior High Student, between the little time he had for friends, studying, a sentai's sixth mysterious member, his training and now with Junior High placing a high emphasis on even more schoolwork, and more in high school and now with clubs, Jinx knew this was going to be one --very-- tough year, often telling himself: "If I can survive this.. I can survive anything." And Jinx did just that, he survived, joining various clubs such as Kendo, Archery, Swimming, Computers and Art clubs, while keeping his grades up to his perfect record, fighting monsters, and being --somewhat-- normal. He indeed did do all he sent out to do, but, one of his greatest tests was fast approaching.

Death, the Balancing Act

"Attachment.. it is dangerous, and yet one of the most important aspects of Balance. If you cannot love, you cannot live, but if you cannot let go...."

- Elemental Emperor to Elemental Envoy

When Admiral Deathtoad the XVIII unleashed his master, the All Consuming Eye that Devours, the Reiki Ken Sentai knew what had to be done. The entity had to be stopped or Japan could be wiped off the face of the earth, and then just maybe, even the world. In a battle which started in Japan, there, the Japanese citizens would watch, one by one, the five main members of the Reiki Ken Sentai killed in front of their eyes. Elemental Envoy for the first time, found his balance shattered, and as a result of distress and other factors, it triggered the condition known as "The Awakening". Elemental Envoy listened to his team's dying words, as each gave a final few words, and hope, hope that there was indeed a chance to make it out alive. That no matter what happens, he has to succeed, and not for them, for the people that they wanted to protect. After each one died, he stood up, and in a flash of white light, the entity and young boy were gone, halfway in the middle of the ocean now. Reports of the exact battle are sketchy and rumor filled, however, a Longbow Battleship's recording has made it back to HQ.

The Report

"What in the world..?"

- Longbow Warden

"HQ!, HQ Come in. Do you read me!? We have a meta-incident that needs to be reported now. It appears that out of nowhere, this.. giant.. eyeball tentacle thing appeared, and in front of it is this.. figure.. it has a ... Power Rangers feel to this guy's costume. Just, he's glowing brightly, like you'd see on one of those fighting anime! But.. the guy is really... really angry. AGH! The Eyeball's voice.. it's... it's screaming in my head, and he's laughing.. And now the two begun fighting.. The human looking guy is flinging fire, ice, lightning---- Wait .... What in the World...?" ..The... the ocean around me.. it's.. it's on fire... no.. the ocean is --literally-- fire now... and.. and stone is smashing into the boat. ....The battle's over that.. that eye thing is burning up by that guy's flame.. and my head doesn't hurt. Captain! Turn this ship around, the guy's going into the water, and we have to help! Captain...-- Arachnos!? Ha! You spiders are all the same.. I'm not letting some boy in white stop me..!! -- Transmission Terminated.


"..Jinx.. I'm... sorry.. Touji... in all the chaos..."

- Kasumi Saigonoshi

The final memories, other then losing control of the battle, Jinx just remembers plummeting into the icy waters below, with no way whatsoever to get back, and at that point, he wasn't one hundred percent sure he even cared too with everything that had happened. At least the creature was gone, but when he woke up, he was on a hospital bed, with family and classmates around him. While Jinx began to sit up, he was assaulted with even more bad news, his friend Touji was in a coma, after trying to help some of his classmates escape, a building came down onto him. The news of his friend's condition was horrid to Jinx, but the fact he was alive was good news at least. When everyone had left for the night, Jinx visited Touji's room and would attempt Elemental Water Healing, but to no avail, Jinx found his water violent and destructive, not the same ever flowing tranquility that it once was. It was exactly as the Fire Kami described it, the lack of balance transformed his talents, his powers, to something which Jinx felt was nothing short of ugly and disgusting. As classes were canceled, Jinx took the opportunity to run away from home, to find that place of perfect balance and tranquility. His parents took it as a way of dealing his emotions, and Jinx found that place, the shrine in which he grew up at.

Paragon City Freedom Corps Academy

"...Paragon City.. In the United States? And Longbow's seal..? What do they want with me..?

- Jinx

A few months after Jinx's return back home, having found his inner peace and balance once more, Jinx came home from school one day to find a simple letter addressed to him awaiting on his desk. It was from the Paragon City Freedom Corps Academy a boarding school, in which it's students will be groomed and trained to be the future Longbow Warden's of Tomorrow. In Jinx's mind, this was perfect. A chance to go to another school, and in the United States of all places, somewhere he's always wanted to go. Jinx talked to his parents, and they agreed, on --one-- condition. That he must keep up with his Japanese Schooling at the same time. Jinx agreed and the arrangements were made, next week he was on the first flight to America, with schoolbooks in hand, and more awaiting for him. He was curious to what was in store for him, but more so, why they picked him. He had thought that it may be due to someone witnessing his entire fight but the real surprise was waiting for when he got there to find out the exact reason.

Dolphin Lad?

"We assume you'll be able to use your aqua powers in certain places, in particular Independence Port, there's an Giant Octopus that likes to terrorize things there. I'm sure your fish animal summoning talents and talking---"
"Wait... my what...?"
"Fish powers, you know, Dolphins come to me! Sorta thing. Hey.. Dolphin Lad! That should be your name.."

- Welcoming Committee to Jinx

Well, things weren't going as planned for the young teenage as he had thought, from what he could tell, they assumed him to be some sort of aqua powered fish talking hero type. Still, this was a one in the life-time chances and so Jinx would play with the idea and go along with it, of course, this did indeed mean even more schoolwork and classes, but in his mind, this had to be worth it and it would be a good way to exercise his own powers and potential. Also on his mind, for the first time, he would meet others around his age who were in similar situations to that of his own, at least, beyond the "Normal" parameters anyway. The students were quite welcoming of him, and seemed to value his opinion and his own powers, well, he also didn't say he was an Aqua Hero, but, it seemed that since a good deal of them were keeping things from the students, if using his elemental powers, he felt that there would be very little reason it would be brought up.

The Vanguard

"You mean.. I get to work on THOSE robots..? ...Today is a good day..."

- Jinx

Joining the Vanguard was an important step to Jinx, he'd be able to offer his advice in regards with invaders not from his own world, due to his previous experience, he would get even more additional training which would help him out in the Longbow Program, and, they decided to let him join the Robotics Corp, where he would get to work on HWAS and other various models that he seemed so much interested in. To his surprise, to the left and right of him where Etoile's own. Various villains, some of which he even fought before, it would be a strange sight, but, to someone like Jinx, his emotions only existed to be discarded, so his personal feelings did not matter, it was just about doing what was right. If they were here to help, then he would take their help however he could. It was however, not until a few dispatched missions afterwards, that Jinx saw the truth, in which, he would be very dangerous to losing his balance once more. Longbow, the same group he was trying to join, and become a rank of, were going against the wishes of the Vanguard, due to misplaced paranoia. True, Jinx did realize that many of Etoile's citizens were indeed plotting, but, at the same time, Jinx was well aware that Longbow and other various groups were doing the exact same thing, but, what he saw on the field of combat was just downright wrong. If anything, he expected Arachnos or someone else to be pulling that stunt. Jinx now found himself in the United States, with no where to stay, no money, and nowhere to go. Just, the faint strings of his balance. "Dolphin Lad is it..? Or would you prefer Jinx..?" That whisper echoed behind him, and to in front of him, an Arachnos boy, garbed in white. Now on guard, Jinx glanced over to the Arachnos agent, and behind him, right there at the supermarket, a group of spiderling scouts were out and about, selling their cookies to passerbys. The first words that came out of Jinx's mouth was "Diplomatic Immunity?" and the other teen just nodded once, before he said what he needed too. The offer was simple, find your balance elsewhere, and for someone else, someone, who at least is open and honest with themselves and those around them. The boy was being recruited for Arachnos right there in the middle of the day. While Jinx did turn the offer down, he was left with the phrase: "You will come to us on your own time. Until then."

Balance Restored

"The Kami's.. They no longer speak with you, because, they have said all they need too. Listen silently.. and you will hear what they have said. There is no need for them to repeat their own words."

- Elemental Emperor to Jinx

With nowhere left to go, and an offer to join Arachnos right there, Jinx decided it was time to return back to basics. Everything he learned, he felt the need to start over, to recondition his mind, to begin a new practice schedule, to remember what he taught, why he did such things, and to figure out his balance. Another soul search so to speak. Flying to the only place that he could, he took himself to the Menders Enclave, and settled on one of the little islands floating in the distance, it would be the perfect place to begin studying and practicing. In all, this place worked for the most part, as with all the elements surrounding each island, he would train, meditate, practice his martial arts and all his manipulation skills, replaying his entire life in his mind. All the while, in the spirit world, he had begun another journey, to find himself. To restore his lost balance. In doing so, he did just that, his trance, and personal quest complete, he emerged wiser, and mentally ready for whatever Paragon City had to throw at him. It was there, he told himself was time to move on, to discard the remaining feelings of doubt, and detach himself from such thoughts and feelings.

Teen Templars

The next stage of his life, had only just recently taken the first steps of his newfound self. After working several cases with heroine named Blase' who referred him to one of the leaders to the group she belonged with, the Teen Templars, After an interview with three of it's members, they soon offered him membership into the sponsored group. After the warm welcome that was given to him, Jinx had thought that he may have just found that new home he was searching for, and a good place to get that fresh new start he was searching for.

Facts & Tidbits

"Wait.. That can't be it for us right? There has to be more on us RIGHT!?"

- Fire Kami
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