Fire Child

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Fire Child
Fire Child
Player: @Moggie
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 33
Personal Data
Real Name: Eris Stephens
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 18 / 28
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 175lbs
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dark brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero Combat Medic
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Steel Falls
Marital Status: Boyfriend
Known Relatives: Father and stepmother out of town, Mother is dead
Known Powers
She can call and control fire
Known Abilities
She is a trained combat medic
No additional information available.



Real Name: Eris Stephens

Base of Operations: Paragon City

Affiliations: Eris is a student at Maggie's Rock. While not an honor roll student, her grades have been good enough to let her go to mixers and Prom with other private schools. It was at a Prom that she met her boyfriend Rene who goes by the Hero name Astre. She also has been seen running around with a younger student named Selene called Aetherfade.

Physical Attributes

Eris is a tall slender young woman. She has long dark red-brown hair and tans to a nice golden brown in the summer.Her favorite styles are jeans and tee-shirts and she spent all of her Christmas and birthday money to purchase a maroon leather trench coat. No one has been able to convince her that it's not very heroic looking yet.


Eris is cheerful and zany and very friendly. While she misses having a family of her own, she likes to pick up stray children or animals to play with. She can sometimes be seen with a trail of kids following her for the cookies she keeps in her pockets. She is very passionate about defending those smaller then herself. In fact, she dives into every new thing with a great deal of passion, if not always common sense.


Fire Child has the ability to summon internal fire and control it. She's been working very hard to learn to shape it into birds, animals and even sometimes readable writing. The more control she develops, the less likely it is that she will injure someone close to her so she works on it constantly. She is also a trained Hero Combat Medic, tending to injured heros in the line of duty. She was allowed to work on the front lines during the Second Rikti Invasion and it has hardened her determination to learn as much as she can to prevent harm to others.

Character History


Eris Apoligizes

Flash Fire

Ice Cream Pirates

Time chapter 1

Time chapter 2

Time chapter 3

Time chapter 4

Time chapter 5

Time chapter 6




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