Gabriel Alexander

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Wealthy Heiress
Gabriel Alexander
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Known Range Fighter and Scrapper
Security Level: N/A
Personal Data
Real Name: Gabriel Alexander
Known Aliases: Gabby
Species: Human
Age: 24
Height: 5'3
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian
Occupation: Student/ Contract Director of Alexander Corporation
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Atlas Park
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Gia Alexander (Twin Sister),Trevor, and Gianna Alexander(Parents), Tobbias Alexander(Older Brother), Cadence, Kael, Valis Alexander (cousins)
Known Powers
Focused Energy, Energy Blast and Money
Known Abilities


Hello everyone, I'm Gabriel. Yes, I know isn't that a guys name. Well its not its my name and I'm fine with it. Everyone just calls me Gabby for short, please don't call me Gabe. Anyways most of you will know that I'm a Alexander. Yes the very wealthy Alexanders, who own darn near everything. I try not to let that effect the way that I live, but trying to act as if I don't have a lot of money is very difficult for me. My Twin Sister Gia would say that I'm spoiled but like I tell her I'm just better at receiving gifts than she is. I attend Saint Cailta private School in Founder's and I hate it but that just a family tradition. Our family is big on that word tradition, everyone has to do what the others have done before them, sucks I know.

So you may see are the city beat up helpless thugs or what ever. Its not personally my favorite thing to do but everyone in my family has to do it. Its just another one of the million ways our family gives back to the city. Oh you may not know this but everyone in our family is quote unquote "special". We're born with gifts, which isn't very uncommon here in the weirdo of a city but whatever. My sister thought born with this abnormality like the rest of us. It kind of mutated but it only allows her to do crazy stuff with fire, no facial deformations, yet. Oh yeah let me continue what I was saying. Oh yeah, at the age of 18 my family acts like every other person with gifts around here, and fights the never ending crime wave in this city.

You might be saying to yourself, wait isn't she 17. Yes, thats what I was saying. Well some stalker cop was following me and my sister one day from this party. We were almost home before he pulled us over. I can't remember why, but anyway. Oh yeah something about under age drinking and DUI. I say yes we were under age drinking but what the heck is a DUI. He didn't even arrest me for driving under the influence, loser. Anyways my father comes down, scares me have to death, and cuts a deal. We have to do one year community service then continue the family tradition until were 25. Oh the joy!

On a personal note I'll try to talk a little about myself. I'm sweet, funny, and very loving. I love my sister more than anything. She is my other half as I'm her better half. I love my family. I have no clue what I would do if I wasn't in this family. I hope to become a strong Alexander woman because it takes a strong female to keep the boys under control in this family. My mom is really strong, maybe to strong. She really tough on me. We clash a lot. We don't talk that much because of it. My sister Gia is really close to mom and I'm really close to my dad. I'm a regular Daddy's girl with a lot of zero's in my account.

My father the 4th generation power male of the family. He took the family name and money, expanded it further than my late grandfathers could ever imagine. We now own such companies as Alexander Corporation (ALEXCORPS for short), Alexander Industries, Alexander Global. We own a hospital Alexander Research Hospital and a World foundation "Alexander Foundation", and many other properties, local/national and international companies. So its no mystery where my family gets its money. We are wealthy.

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