
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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By: @FredrikSvanberg


Abducted from outside his home in Overbrook over ten years ago, George Graff was transported to a mysterious laboratory where he was subjected to painful and extensive surgery to implant highly advanced cybernetic machines into his body. He was returned to the same spot ten years later in what was by then known as Faultline[1].

The earthquake that had ruined his home had also left him orphaned and alone. Realizing that if he had been present at the time of the disaster, with his new powers he might have been able to prevent it, or at least diminish the effects somewhat. To honor the memory of his lost friends and family he swore to only use his powers for good.


Geography's cybernetic implants baffle the scientific community[2]. The implants grant him control over matter in all states; solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. He can control the movement of the molecules forming the matter in such a manner as to cause stone and other solid material to shift violently, to create gusts of winds or continous whirlstorms, and even, by manipulation of molecular vibrations, to create intense cold and heat.

George must be able to touch the matter with one of four connection points, located on the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet, in order to affect it. His influence is however able to propagate through the material he's touching, up to a limited range.


  1. According to George he had spent at most a couple of weeks in the laboratory, undergoing surgery or recovering from surgery suspended in recouperating fluids. The only creatures he saw were highly advanced androids who performed the surgeries and other treatments in complete silence, with no explanations or answers to his questions.
  2. One theory put forward by Dr. Sheridan claims that the implants somehow manipulate the weak and strong forces which control the interaction and formation of atoms and molecules on a quantum level.


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