Jade Enigma

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Jade 02.jpg
What the hell're YOU lookin' at?
Jade Enigma
Player: @V-Tac
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: Always Changin'
Personal Data
Real Name: Jade Enigma
Known Aliases: Nothin' anyone calls me to my face
Species: Human
Age: None a' yer damn bidness
Height: 5' sumpin
Weight: none a' yer damn bidness
Eye Color: Which one?
Hair Color: Strawberry Blond, so poeple tell me
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Occupation: Unemployed
Place of Birth: Atlantic City, NJ
Base of Operations: No fixed address
Marital Status: Not lookin' so don't ask
Known Relatives: Mother dead as a doornail, father unknown but I'm lookin'
Known Powers
Alientating and irritating people
Known Abilities
Lung crushing, pan-handling, pissing people off
Hands off, bub, 'less you want yer lungs crushed.
Why I gotta fill out some stupid form and get some stupid license just to be who I am is ridiculous.

Jade's original incarnation was drastically different from how she eventually developed. She had those big Sailor Moon ponytails, a short skirt and knee socks, and was actually a very pleasant person. I've often found that characters will develop in their own way, however, and she certainly did that. After running around until level 4 I realised this look was not who she wanted to be, and made the dash to Icon. It was only after putting on the leather jacket that her true story unfolded before me!

For more info, check this fiction thread on The Cape Radio forums.




Brash, abrasive, short-tempered and often offensive, Jade is as her name implies -- an enigma. Her street survival skills are finely honed, however they present themselves in situations where they're unneccessary, and more often than not interfere with her ability to maintain personal relationships.

Favorite Song

Blitzkrieg Bop.

The Rob Zombie version.

'Nuff said.


Gravitational Manipulation

Since she was a sighted child, Jade has always had the innate ability to sense and manipulate gravitational fields. She percieves these fields as colors that, by moving her hands and fingers, she can blend and change as a painter blends and changes colors on a canvas. Since losing her sight, she has become reliant on this ability to make her way through the world, and continues to become ever more skilled at the art.

By manipulating her own gravitational field, Jade is able to fly at high speeds or hover in the air for extended periods of time. In addition, she has learned to create small wormholes that, for the time being, are limited to pulling small inanimate objects out of alternate dimensions or transporting people short distances. The latter normally results in serious disorientation and quite possibly physical damage, so she limits its use to those causing threat.

Weaknesses and Limitations

An accident at 9 years of age, caused by inexperience with her own abilities, cost Jade Enigma her vision. Though there is still some minor light-sensitivity in her left eye, her right eye was lost completely.

Since the accident, Jade has relied on her innate ability to sense gravitational fields (which her mind perceives as various shades and intensities of colors) to replace her vision. Though this skill has become highly refined, her reliance on it has unfortunately left her remaining natural senses -- hearing, smell, touch -- no more heightened than a sighted person's.

In addition, this extra meta-sense is limited to objects having three defined physical dimensions. She cannot read simple print or "see" the images on a television screen.


Sensitive about the large scar running across her right orbit, as well as the discoloration of both eyes, she is always seen wearing a pair of dark glasses.

Character History

((As written in-game))

Polite society doesn't approve of a mother leaving a child alone, no matter that she works 3 jobs to pay the rent. The child can be hurt, they say. Like when a young girl, alone after school, makes a knife dance on the edge of a penny from across the room by making the colors she sense shift, and mix, by moving her hands. And when that knife flies across the room because the girl is startled, say by a loud banging on the door, and maybe that girl - 9 years old - loses her sight...

During one of the hour-long supervised visits after I left hospital, my mother whispered something into my ear that I'll never forget. She said, "You're special, just like your father."

I was 16 when she died, I still don't know how, and I ran away from foster homes forever. After 3 years panhandling on the streets of Atlantic City I cam here to Paragon, where special people live, and I started searching for him...


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