Jade Heel

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Know that it was Jade Heel that strikes you down!
Jade Heel
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 25
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Jade
Species: Human
Age: Early Twenties
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Eastern
Occupation: Assassin
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Martial Artist and Chi control
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



Jade Heel is an enigma wrapped up in a riddle surrounded by a mystery, cloaked in conundrum. Her exact motivations are unknown. Where precisely she is from nobody knows, where she is going, none can say. The only sign of her presence is her trademark heels after which she is named. Jade Heel makes her way silently through the isles... you don't find Jade Heel, she or rather her heels finds you.


Jade Heel is of Eastern or Asian extraction and tends to wear a either light loose clothing that will not interfere with her movement or a training robe. There is one constant that does not change regardless of the outfit or guise - her boots. They are always Jade.


Personality wise, Jade Heel is a very dominant personality. She will not kneel to anyone. She also has a very sharp tongue that she uses when she choices. As time goes on, the influence of the boot's power is slowly over-riding her "normal" persona and turning and twisting her making her more corrupt. She has little tolerance for "fools", and "idiotic sheep". She has even less time for her targets, usually zeroing in quickly for the kill.

Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, follow.

Jade Heel actually has Royal blood flowing through her veins, which partially empowers her boots. She is also unknowingly actively suppressing knowledge about her Royal heritage, and where she got her training. The harder someone tries to dig for that knowledge the stronger the barriers become.

Spoilers end here.


As a child, Jade Heel was taught the Martial Arts purely as a series of stretch and centering exercises, with a little bit of self defense tossed in. One can never be too careful after all. To aid, and assist her in the training, the boots were given her. These were to help her get in touch with her inner energy, her 'chi' as it were and make it manifest. Little did she know when she put them on that the boots were already possessed. At first the boots acted just as advertised, they did help her to become more centered, and greatly increased her ability to tap into her 'chi'. With practice it was now visible to all to see as she practiced her katas. But soon it began to take its toll. Soon it began to corrupt her. All too soon she was on a collision course with her teachers, relatives and those around her. Her abilities grew, there was no doubt about that, and soon she was superior to all those of the land.

Then she found herself in Rouge Isles. Separated from her homeland, disorientated and confused, with little to no recollection of what had happened beforehand. However that didn't stop her. She landed on her feet (so to speak) and took off run. She would soon conquer this land too, or strike fear of her name into it.

Before, where once she strove to be visible, she used her 'chi' to now become invisible. And it worked. By focusing her internal energy and drawing it into herself, she was able to fade out from other people's perceptions. This combined with her already impressive martial arts skill, and the healing abilities that focusing one's chi granted, has proven a formidable mix.

During her travels over the isles as she gathers her strength and the resources she needs to achieve her goals, whatever they are, she has encountered several groups.

Past Associations

Current Associations


Jade Heel's powers and abilities are a combination of raw natural ability, intense training, focused meditation, and external enhancement. Though a combination of the the first three of these, she is a worthy fighter, and a talented Martial Artist. The extra boost from the boots initially solved a little confidence problem, but then turned her from a worthy fighter to a deadly one.

Her abilities to control her chi also extend to a limited degree to others. Disrupting the flow of a body's chi or natural flow of energy can have devastating results on said body. For living tissues it can result in permanent damage and death, and in machines like robots inject a charge of energy can cause them to overload or be destroyed. All of Jade's attacks are charged or boosted with her own chi, to give them that extra spice and to make them that much more deadly to others.


Jade Heel claims to real loyalties to any one group or person, save herself. She trusts no, and no thing. Well not that she admits to at least. Organizations have let her down in the past. People have failed her, and they are weak and frail. The only one she claims to trust is herself. That said, there are those in Rogue Islands that she has extended her protection over. She views an attack on them as an attack on Jade Heel, and will deal with the offending party in a manner she deems necessary - usually with her heels. These include but are not limited to:



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