Jennifer Lindt

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Jennifer Ann Lindt
Player: @Joe Public
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Dominator
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Jennifer Ann Lindt
Known Aliases: Mouse, Glitch
Species: Genetically Engineered Human
Age: Unknown, presumed adult.
Height: 66 inches
Weight: 115 pounds
Eye Color: Green.
Hair Color: Auburn (Variable)
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian Refugee
Occupation: Unemployed.
Place of Birth: Neutropolis (presumed)
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single (previously engaged)
Known Relatives: Simone Deepeneaux (Verdandy, foster mother)
Known Powers
Psionic manipulation, psionic cloaking, shapeshifting, flight.
Known Abilities
Eidetic memory, temporal awareness, expert cook.
Carries a battered copy of "The Velveteen Rabbit", a small jewelry box with a note in it.

"Everything worth having is hard to get."


The Beginning

She had a mother. That mother was beautiful. She doesn't even remember her father. The Top Dog Reese murdered her mother right in front of her eyes, and brought her back to Mother. Mother and Jean showed her things. They put wires in her brain. They emptied her out. Tried to make her perfect. Because she belonged to Mother.


Vanessa daVore had long been known to rescue girls from the talons of the Mother of Mercy Hospital. She found a tiny four-year old, and brought the girl back, and gave her to a woman to raise as her own daughter. Jenny grew loving her foster mother deeply, moving in the tunnels in the dead of night to avoid the press gangs searching for psychics, using the Visionaries to hunt their own kind like bloodhounds.

But they couldn't escape forever, and away from the young Jennifer's "Auntie 'Nessa", the Visionary found her. Reese, acting as the strong arm of the hunters, murdered Jennifer's foster mother right before her eyes, burning the woman to a twitching skeleton. Jennifer was dragged back to the hospital, and her Seer implants were installed.


Jennifer's torture resumed under the tutalage of "Jean", the man known more extensively as "Malaise." He showed her terrors. He worked to empty her mind and prepare her for her future. What that future was he never explained. And while the Seer implants began ruining her senses, they sharpened her psionic abilities. She also received personal nightly visits from Praetor Tilman, who explained how special Jennifer was, and how she was going to be something more than a mere Seer. What she meant was never explained.

Jennifer was kept separate from the other Seers, but one "patient", Penelope Yin, made psychic contact and tried to keep the girl sane even as Malaise extracted her remaining memories, and filled them with horrors. She broke, crying nightly, with only Penny's psychic voice as any kind of consolation.

That, and the approaching sensation of two minds. One powerful, and one dead. Vanessa daVore entered the hospital, her mind putting the people to sleep as she approached Jennifer's cell and the ghost travelling with her reduced the door to powder with her voice. The two escorted the girl free from the hospital. The girl was taken back to the tunnels, and she was never allowed out of Vanessa daVore's sight... until she began exploring the tunnels on her own.

The Resistance

Jennifer proved herself an able early-warning system to the Resistance. However, she was not well-loved. The girl was already half-mad at the torture at the hands of Malaise and Praetor Tilman. Her tendency to watch instead of acting also antagonized the others. They found her dangerous. But it came to a head when Ford caught Jenny spying on some of the other ladies while they bathed. He declared her a glitch, and began to beat her savagely before raping her.

Whenever Jenny worked alongside the other Resistance members, Ford was team leader, and he beat her after the mission, blaming any attack by the PPD on her wanting to sabotage them, to get them captured so she could return to "Crazy Legs." She suffered terribly, but her love of Vanessa daVore motivated her to find a solution to Tyrant's empire.

Escape to Primal Earth

Jenny eventually was contacted by Dark Watcher, who saw the potential in the girl. He arranged for her transport to Primal Earth. After arriving on Primal Earth, she was murdered by the Widow Fair Elise. Her corpse was discovered by the valkyrie Verdandy, who used her influence on the apportionment of a person's life to infuse Mouse with a fragment of her own spirit. Treating the lost teenager as a daughter, she gave the young woman a place to stay. She presented Mouse as a fifteen year-old runaway to the Rhode Island Child Protective Services, and offered to foster her under her secret identity, Simone Deepeneaux.

Time Scrambling

Jennifer came to Verdandy, and lived well, but her vision continued to decay until she was left blind. Her seer implants were removed, though entirely too late. Worse, she came to the attention of the Night Widow Elise.

The Night Widow wanted what Jennifer had. Originally, Nocturne used her as a weapon against Verdandy for a previous defeat at the Valkyrie's hands. However, Elise discovered something else. She wanted to trade her mother-figure for Verdandy, wanting to be like her. Using access to Ouroborous, she discovered Jennifer Lindt, and elected to replace her. She repeatedly dove into Lindt's personal timeline, scrambling it. What was left was the shattered remnants of the poor girl's psyche.

Jennifer sees the echoes of the previous timeline, times when she was happier, when she had a beloved child, and when someone other than Verdandy loved her. When she had a daughter. She had nothing now. She was broken. But she saw things, like her former lover, and her daughter from the invalid timelines. And she remembered Elise...

Jennifer dove through the timeline, seeking an end to Elise, intending to kill her.

The Serpent

Mouse's fear-form has its origins in a half-remembered invalid timeline. In that timeline, she was raped by a creature resembling her fear-form. Nightmares of the creature plagued her throughout her altered history, the first time that her memories demonstrated a talent for remembering invoked paradoxes. During her temporal murder at the hands of the Night Widow Fair Elise, the fear-form became quasi-sentient and self-identified as "the Serpent," a direct counterpoint to Mouse and her timidity. The Serpent is in reality a paradox tumor, given sentience by absorbing shreds of Mouse's shattered soul. It is filled with rage and self-loathing, and seeks only the end of its host, which it hopes will destroy it as well. As a point of curiousity, though, the Serpent is highly protective of the temporal reflection of Mouse's lost daughter Andromeda.

The creature was excised partially by a spiritual doctor. It has made plain its intent to murder the doctor if her attempt at removal of the temporal cancer fails. it stayed its talons and fangs, wanting to be destroyed more than anything else, even more than the destruction of its de-facto creator, the Widow Fair Elise.

The Last Secret

Jennifer is not anyone's child. She is genetically engineered, and has been especially prepared to receive Praetor Tilman's psyche. Her tremendous psychic powers allow her to assume nearly any humanoid form given time to prepare, even emulating the look and feel of metal, though not the durability of it.

Discovering that she was little more than a bioweapon designed to be driven by her greatest enemy hasn't sat well with Jenny, and it's tipped her toward the edge. She's acquired a monstrous form based on a half-remembered timeline where her family was haunted by a reptilian beast that had co-opted her lover. She intends to use this "fear form" to destroy Elise once and for all, using her own fears against the architect of her misery.

The Unbirthing of Fair Elise

Jenny found the shatterpoint, and with her friend Valerie Chalk, went back in time to defeat Nocturne before she could hear the command thought for the psychochronometron. By doing this, they stopped Nocturne from travelling back in time, and snatching Allison Deepeneaux from death. The terror was unborn, and Jenny's psyche could finally heal.

The serpent extracted itself from Jenny's mind, and offered itself up for destruction, its goal fulfilled. Now free from its terrible influence, Jenny pursued the woman she loved. She used her shapeshifting power to restore her sight, and altered her body until it matched her appearance the way she would have been if she'd never tried to make herself plain and uninteresting to men.

The Healer

The woman she was seeking, Valerika had been psychically damaged by a booby trap placed in her by Neuron as well as intense abuse at the hands of a slavery ring. Jenny, Verdandy, and the martial arts expert Zong Chee worked together to help restore the woman to independence, but Jennifer tried her best not to "take advantage," believing her desire to love Valerie Dixon to be selfish in the extreme. However, the two grew close, and after Jennifer opened the entirety of her mind and memories to Valerie, the two truly understood one another.

Now she is in love. Not the crush that almost destroyed her, but real love for the woman as she is now.


As a bio-engineered psychic, Jennifer Lindt is capable of tremendous feats of mental power, from simple empathy to drawing out a psyche and devouring it to fuel her abilities. She also is able to exert telekinetic effects, such as lifting and moving small objects, or repulsing something as large as a human being away from her.

Jenny has also managed to surpass the normal abilities of psychics, and has learned to create an intense pyrokinetic blast, disrupt the molecules of people and objects she attacks psionically, and even knit those patterns back together. In addition, she received a gift from the Praetorian Carnival Queen that allows her to call upon allies in the Carnival of Light.

Because her biological matrix is unstable, she's able to rearrange it psychically, assuming a number of different forms of either gender, all based on a human template. One of her forms includes a "fear form," a quasi-human, reptilian monster based on a beast that harried her and the person she loved before the timestream was corrupted.


Now in a loving relationship, Jenny's current goal is to find some way to cement the happiness of her love, her best friend, and her mother. She also desires to become a chef. Only her best friends know of this desire.

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