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The man who can get it for you- for a price.
Player: @House of Usher
Origin: Natural
Archetype: MM
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: ???
Known Aliases: Sir, 'that bastard'.
Species: Human (?)
Age: ???
Height: 5'9"
Weight: ???
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: salt and pepper
Biographical Data
Nationality: ???
Occupation: gun-for-hire; 'procurement specialist'
Place of Birth: ???
Base of Operations: ???
Marital Status: ???
Known Relatives: ???
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Access to military-grade weaponry, including bioweapons.

[In Progress]


That Magnificent Bastard

A priceless work of art. Secret corporate data. Compromising evidence against a competitor- or his head in a bag. Weapons, ammo, drugs, vehicles...your boss' teenage daughter on a leash.

Kearnen is the man who can get it for you.

A man without scruples, morals or conscience, Kearnan has only one god: the whim of the black market. If you have a desire, and money enough to pay dearly to have it fulfilled, he will get you what you desire. It's easier, of course, if you don't mind if the object is a bit scratched, stained, or bruised- but it doesn't matter. You'll get it. To him, the world falls into two categories: Customers- and victims. Today's client may become next week's 'donor', if a third party makes a good enough offer.

Kearnen has no friends. He recognizes no enemies, no competitors. There are OPPONENTS in the market, true, but they have a tendency to drop out of sight if they encroach too far on his operations. He may be one of the wealthiest men alive- no one knows for sure. He is without a doubt one of the most evil, a fiend in the body of a man.

"Who the hell IS this guy, anyway?"

There are at least three investigations into Kearnen's operations currently open: INTERPOL, a joint CIA/FBI OC task force, and one of the oddly-numbered British Military Intelligence groups are all looking at him, and for him. Likely, there are more.

A few pieced-together reports give vague descriptions: short, muscular, aged roughly 35-40. Heavily tattooed across arms and shoulders. No noticable scars. He's been described as 'ruggedly handsome', but also as 'disturbing' in appearance; both descriptions dwell on his ever-present smirk, and seldom-blinking, cold, clear grey eyes.

Beyond that, all investigations have run into the same basic problem: Kearnen is a total enigma. Not that there is no evidence as to his identity- there's far too much, and much of it contradictory. At least three men with that name and of similar description have served in the armed forces of five countries over the last twenty years, but all seem to have clear records. Fingerprints believed to be Kearnen's match a 'Nam-era Marine sharpshooter- but that man is indisputably dead. Two other near-matches, at least in appearance, were arrested for black marketeering- during WW I and II. One was executed for desertion. Still another man who was believed to be this Cheshire Cat was killed while attempting to steal military stores from Ft. Bragg. There is no modern DNA evidence- and there are seldom any useful witnesses. Noone testifies against Kearnen. Ever. Those who seem like they might be feeling cooperative when braced by authorities tend to be enormously accident-prone later on.

So, every investigation reaches a certain point, and then stalls waiting for a tip about an operation that might be his. Then, it's plan, raid, and pray. So far, the prayers haven't been answered though, as noted below, there's some indication he's been at least temporarily halted. If intelligence operatives could manage to trap and capture one of his associates, it would be a gold mine, but so far his damnable luck seems to extend to them as well.

The number you have reached...

Obviously, one doesn't just pick up the phone to call a man like this, and Kearnen does not deal directly with any of the hundreds of shadow brokers around the world who contract mercenaries. Those best-connected, 'in the loop', know, however, that certain communication channels are monitored by someone, somewhere, who will get word to the right ears. Most clients only know their contract has been accepted when an impersonal communication arrives specifying payment- once that is credited, the commission is usually fulfilled within 72 hours. The truly wealthy and powerful merely set up a shadow account, and include encrypted data on accessing it in their 'service request'; payment in advance will almost always get his immediate attention. If he has any redeeming feature at all, it is that once he accepts payment, he never walks away from a job.

Naturally, law enforcement agencies have made numerous attempts to trace these communiques, but with little luck. They generally lead to throwaway 'net servers, public phone booths, maybe on a rare lucky occasion to a hapless broker who knows as little about Kearnen's true location and identity as the clients do. On two occasions, military intelligence stings have gotten close enough to their quarry to taste blood- their own. Both operations ended in disastrous ambushes, with high casualties, though the most recent, it is suspected, injured Kearnen himself. At least he's not been heard from for a while...

The Boys

There is a third vague category in Kearnen's worldview- those who are efficient and ruthless enough to help him fulfill his commissions. They are not friends or even really coworkers; they are tools. He doesn't demand respect from them, or even loyalty once a given job is done; he DOES demand instant, unquestioning obedience while they are on his payroll. And he is smart enough to realize that fine tools are expensive, and hard to replace- so his cohorts DO remain loyal. Kearny demands top dollar for his services, and pays top dollar to those callous enough to work with him.







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