Lunar Wrath

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I'd wanted to create a villain for a while now, and decided to tie him into the storyline that my hero, Lunar Eclipse, was currently going through. I also wanted to shake things up a bit RP-wise so I figured...evil duplicate! Thus, Lunar Wrath was born.

Lunar Wrath
Player: @Lunar Eclipse
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Connor Gardner
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 30
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian America
Occupation: Former CEO/Owner of Gardner Armstech, operative for The Convention
Place of Birth: Boston, M.A.
Base of Operations: The Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: All deceased
Known Powers
Energy beams, radiation control, flight, increased healing, increased visual and tactile acuity.
Known Abilities
Doctorates in electrical and mechanical engineering, MBA, some hand-to-hand combat training
Advanced body armour, prosthetic limbs, protective glasses


Character History

Wrath's latest development is a set of high-tech combat armour that provides him superior protection

Lunar Wrath is a dark reflection of The Lunar Eclipse, and hails from the Praetorian dimension.

Dr. Gardner was the founder of Gardner Armstech, a high-tech weapons supplier to Lord Tyrant's regime. He personally designed a number of new and useful tools for which Tyrant's armies found a use, and as a result his company was heavily faovured by the regime.
Wrath was an ambitious man, however. He was obsessed with expanding his own personal power at any cost. To this end, he replaced his arms and legs with highly advanced prosthetic limbs (modified with heavy radiation energy projectors) to increase his own physical power. However, the process and the drugs he took drove his mind even deeper into its megalomania and paranoia :he became convinced that Tyrant was plotting against him and that he had to head the threat off as early as possible. He bgan using his resources to launch small-scale strikes against Tyrant's holdings.

Tyrant, perhaps unsurprisingly, reacted very poorly to these strikes one the identity of their mastermind was uncovered and utterly crushed Gardner Armstech under his heel. Wrath was presumed dead in the ensuing chaos.
Unknown to Tyrant's forces, a series of mysterious agents made contact with Dr. Gardner amidst the Chaos. As his efforts collapsed around them, Gardner accepted their offer of a safe haven and their resources for future vengeance in exchange for his aid in...certain matters. His membership in The Convention became offical shortly thereafter.
For a time, the Convention used him in an attempt to discredit his counterpart in their dimension: The Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipse had been a thorn in the side of the Convention for some time, and with Wrath impersonating his more heroic self, they hoped to be able to alienate him from his usual circle of friends and confidants. The plan spectacularly backfired when Wrath's paranoia and self-superiority complex exploded in a tirade at the Pocket D.
Since that time, The Convention has preferred to use Gardner as a consulting force and something of a loose cannon in their ranks able and willing to do whatever is necessary to advance his (and thus their) goals.


Dr. Gardner has a genius-level intellect...and isn't shy about letting people know it.

Arguably the three characteristics that most define Dr. Gardner are his arrogance, his paranoia and his complete lack of ethics or morals.
He holds himself above nearly everyone, believing that he quite simply is superior to them. He will insult any weakness he sees in someone: be it fashion sense, intelligence, looks, or any of a bewildering varieties of deficiencies he seems to loathe with every core of his being. At the same time, he considers himself a man of impeccable culture and taste: his suits are always the finest cloth, his shoes the most exquisite leather. He truly believes that the world (no matter which dimension it is) is destined to be under his foot, and woe betide anyone who gets in his way.
His paranoia is simple: those rare few he believes to be his equals or superiors are to be destroyed, lest they do the same to him...he sees their influence everywhere and is tremendously leery of anyone save those rare few that he actually trusts. He loathes uninvited personal contact, fearing viral pathogens, a dagger in the back, or countless other ways to end his life that can be transmitted in such a way.
His lack of ethics and morals translate into one simple goal: To advance his personal standing, no matter the costs. He has lied, back-stabbed, stolen, killed...done anything possible to ensure that he comes out on top. this has extended to his company's R&D efforts as well: he has ordered and supervised countless experiments and tests on unwilling human subjects, all in the goal of producing the next latest weapon: be it technological, biological or a controllable superbeing.

Finally, he enjoys many of the finer things in life, and is not above indulging in his appetitite for various pleasures.


Dr. Gardner has replaced his arms and legs with highly advanced prosthetics. He has installed a highly experimental set of energy emitters within them, allowing him to fire tightly focused beams of radioactive energy as well as manipulate the energy into a variety of useful forms.
All these functions have been routed through the same control systems that allow him to control basic motor functions: activating his weaponry is as simple as willing it to do so.
In addition, the limbs are stronger than the human norm and their degree of sensitivity to touch stimuli can be mentally adjusted by Gardner. He could easily tune them to be hyper-sensitive or completely eliminate any sense of touch in the limbs at a whim.

Due to the chemical cocktail treatment he took to immunize himself from radiation poisoning, his eyesight has become 'supercharged': he can pick out the most minute of details visually, as well as see things at distances that a baseline human is incapable of.
In addition, the cocktail also enhanced his healing, allowing him to heal at a considerably faster rate than a baseline human. This also had the unusual side effect of effectively immunizing him from the risk of cancer.

Weaknesses and Limitations


The special chemical treatments he took to render his body immune to the adverse effects of radiation had an unusual effect on his eyesight. It in essence 'supercharged' his eyes, giving him phenomenal visual acutiy. However, it also rendered his eyes hyper-sensitive to light. As such, he constantly wears protective lenses to keep from being painfully blinded by the multitude of bright lights on a day-to-day period. Even with the lenses on, unexpected bright lights cause him some discomfort. If the glasses were to be removed, he would be agonizingly blinded by anything more bright than a nightlight.


Since all four of his major limbs are cybernetic prosthetics, there is the risk of them being jammed or interefered with via electromagnetic pulse. While they are heavily shielded against such, a sufficiently powerful or focused burst of such energies could cause them to temporarily shut down.

Wrath's arrogance and smugness have resulted him in being one of the D's most disliked figures


Lunar Wrath has allied with himself with the secret organization known as The Convention, and has acted as their agent in a number of affairs since his escape from Praetorian Earth.

Notable Foes

Lunar Eclipse

Wrath utterly loathes his heroic counterpart with every fibre of his being. He considers the 'good' Loony to be a lazeabout, a slacker and a complete and utter waste of ability and potential...coupled with a good dose of fearful paranoia that someone who could conceivably be his equal exists in this world.
While the two have yet to meet face-to-face, the emnity between the two is palpable, not the least because of Wrath's affiliations to The Convention, the very organization Eclipse has vowed to take down. When the two finally meet, the confrontation will no doubt be epic.

Lord Tyrant

Tyrant is the man who crushed Dr. Gardner's company, scattered his ambitions to the wind and forced his exile to this dimension. Granted, this was because Wrath was scheming to destroy Tyrant.
Wrath considers Tyrant an inelegant, jackbooted thug; using a sledgehammer to solve problems better suited to a scalpel. He is still plotting his revenge over the exile.


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