Michael Saint

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Michael Saint
Player: @ True Vision
Origin: Science
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 5
Personal Data
Real Name: Michael Saint
Known Aliases: Fracture, Mike, Father Saint
Species: Human
Age: 24
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: dirty blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Priest in the Rogue Isles
Place of Birth: Kings Row Hospital
Base of Operations: Kings row, Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



Despite being a priest, Michael Swears alot, especially when around old friends and is comfortable. He believes that he was givin a second chance to get back at the people who did him wrong in the past, although anything that has to do with his church comes first. He has an unothodox way of looking at Religion, believeing that Jesus died for every Sin man will make, hence why he can swear. His views on people are un-biased, he tends to give them the benifit of the doubt before deciding what to make of them. He is loyal to a point, he won't kill people for others if he doesn't believe they deserve to die. Mike has issues with enounciating, becasue his mind was very destroyed when he was on Superdyne and various other drugs to enhance toughness and strength.


Mike was born in Kings Row hospital, his parents didn't want him, since he was the son of a prostitute and a buisness man cheating on his wife. Mike was luckyenough that they had morrals to go to the hospital at all. He was put up for adoption and was adopted by the Saint family. They raised him as best as they could giving the low living conditions of Kings, but Mike was rebelious and at the age of 16 got his first taste of power, a peice of Dyne givin to him by some gangers. He got hooked, But his parents tried to find out what was making him so diffrent. Before they could, Mike got into some money troubles with the Gangers and they killed his adopted parents as a lesson.

He was homeless and living on the streets suffering from lack of the drug he got himself hooked on when a gang called the Bonecrushers took him in. Mike used the money they stole to get back his precious Dyne, usuing it to help the only kind of family he had. He bought a variety of drugs to increase strength, as much as he could afford. He was with the gang for 3 years, but never got promoted because of the down side to Dyne, green skin, simple thinking and hard times saying what your thinking. He took on the name Fracture in those times, given to him by the leader when he broke the spine of a rival gang member with one punch.

When the skulls came in, The gang had too much trouble competeing with them to survive and disbanded. Mike lost the last bit of family he had, and as retibution used the rest of his money to buy as much Dyne as he could and went into the Skulls main base. He killed 25 people by himself, but never got his revenge. He wasn't mediported for injuries they gave him, but for overdossing on Dyne.

He was treated in a medical facility for his drug use and was frequently visited by a preist from the Metropolitan Comunity church, Father Samuel Chop. The issue with his condition was the lack of Dyne in his system made his brain produce a more natural version of it, giving him the strength and stone-like protection of Dyne, but without many effects. Father Chop visited him for his entire stay there, which was 3 years. He then moved into the Church that the good father was working in and helped around. Eventually he knew the cermons and songs better than anyone. He also knew the beliefs as well as his mentor. Mike was givin preist status after 2 years of living in the church day in day out learning about god. He also, in his time there, was givin surgery to get rid of his green skin and loss of hair, as a comuntiy service to the church.

Mike attempted to preach at the Chruch, but becasue of his speech problems never did well. He was very stage fright becasue of his speech problem and tended to have trouble wording his well written speech. Father Chop offered Mike a chance of practice with a smaller crowd, to go to the Rogue isles and take up a job as lead father of the comunity church there, which was a hidden wooden house in Cap au Diable, the only markings of it being a white cross by the door. Mike took up that offer and moved quietly to Cap.

What he found there was many normal citizens who needed a way to paragon and needed their faith restored. He did what he was sent out to do and managed to get almost every person that came to him off the isles in peace. He preached to crowd that never was bigger than 24 people, some being gangers who wanted to get away from their gang, many of the rest being citizens of the Isles. This gave them faith, but one person who visited for a cermon gave the location of the refuge to a gang and they burned the place to the ground taking the cross and putting it on a statue to represent it being up its ass. Mike doesn't preach anymore, now he looks for a way to get money back to the church and finding the people who did that to his place of refuge. He still takes up jobs getting people off the isles when they contact him.

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