
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Mikoto inked.JPG
I don't want to hurt you
Real Name: Mikoto Yuanchi
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Security Level: 20
Room for additional notes.



Real Name: Mikoto Yuanchi

Known Aliases: Dancer

Identity: secret

Occupation: Hero/Assassin/Spy

Age: 13

Citizenship: United States

Place of Birth: Okinawa Japan

Base of Operations: Paragon City

Known Relatives: None Known

Affiliations: Dawn Patrol

Physical Attributes

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 280 lbs

Eyes: Right eye is brown, Left Eye is a red cybernetic Monocle replacement

Hair: Black


Quiet, soft spoken


Full Conversion Cyborg

It appears that the subject was created as an assassination tool. Due to some technical schematics appropriated from D.A.T.A, it appears that she is predominantly robotic/cybernetic in origin, with only the brain and some supporting organs remaining of the original body. Many of the robotic parts are highly modified from the base human frame. The legs more closely resemble those of the prehistoric velociraptor, with the addition of prehensile clawed toes for grasping.

Nanomolecular Claws

It is assumed that whoever did this to her placed a close range weapon system for assassination purposes, as these weapon systems are silent when in use. These weapons were placed on the subject replacing the hands. It is amazing that these remain sharp enough to penetrate 6 inches of BattlesteelTM, while keeping the full manual dexterity of a human hand.


the "Circulatory" system of the mechanical casing seems to be pumping some form of nanomachines whose sole purpose is keeping the unit in good repair, and performing maintanance on the other systems.

Jet Assisted Flight

Built into the front, back, and legs of the unit are a variety of small thrusters, capeable of inducing both sub, and supersonic flight, apparently placed to aid the chassis in escape after an assassination is completed. The placement of these thrusters appears to show the unit was designed to Ascend/Descend, Hover, and have VTOL Capabilities,

Cloaking Device

Her "skin" appears to be one large photoreceptor/projector, which seems to mean some form of highly advanced cloaking device

Dimensional Dissasociation Device

as near as can be told, this is a highly specialized micronised version of a Rikti portal! Further data is required for an accurate examination, however the information available from D.A.T.A. includes a theory that this device projects a dimensional instability field, allowing the subject to become slightly out of phase with the physical world. This is one last piece of evidence that supports the creation of the subject as an assassination tool, after all, locked and bolted doors would be no problem if the unit could walk through them.

Wireless Sattelite Computer uplink

Housed next to her assistant CPU is a system that allows for a wireless computer connection, that allows for interception of radio and television broadcasts, as well as a wireless internet uplink to a computer located in an unknown location.

Voice Stress Analyser

This program which runs in conjunction with her audio systems can analyse the probablity that someone is telling the truth.

Multi Optic Eye

Her left eye was replaced by a cybernetic device that allows scanning multiple bands of both visible and invisible light, ranging most of the electromagnetic spectrum, this includes ultraviolet, Infrared, and radiation. The Dimensional dissacociation device (3D) can send a focused beam at short ranges to permit the equivalent of "X-ray Vision"

Character History

Most of this history is only available since the time just before she started working with the Dawn Patrol

Pandemonium reigned in Kings Row after a 14-block bloodbath ensued. Involved in this gruesome melee were members of several various gangs, Four of the Lost, and one shadowy robotic figure. The Paragon City Police Dept. held reporters back from the carnage, but thanks to local hero Doc Graviton, the menace was soon subdued, held floating in place 6 feet off of the ground!

Resident liaison for the PCPD, Cipher attempted to interface with the strange robot, but got no responses. Finally, Lady Blue from the Blue Steel organization tried to get into Mental contact with the strange automaton. At which point it became clear that this mechanical monstrosity was in fact Mikoto Yuanchi age 13, missing and presumed dead from the time of the initial blows of the Rikti invasion! Apparently the poor child had no recollection of the berserk fury she had descended into for the past 48 hours, and precious little of her time that has passed since her dissapearance.

She often has bouts of extreme self-esteem problems, mostly appearing to stem from her appearance. She is terrified of crowds of people, and nearly went catatonic when she was shown the tapes of what she had done when she first resurfaced.

Most of her time at the hostpital was being locked inside a continuous supression field, to prevent her from being able to move or harm the doctors and scientists who were performing tests on her.

during this time, there was an attempted abduction by persons posing as doctors that triggered a violent reaction when they shut down the supression fields and accidentaly triggered her combat protocols. as she fled in horror of what she had done, the 3D activated along with her Cloaking device and she hid underneath the bed in the next room.

Fortunately, the man who was in the bed was Dominic Jackson (Aka Stalking Shadow) who was there recovering (see "Secret Agent Man") It was at this point that she became acquainted with Dominic Jackson and Grace Courbier. After a short time spent with Jude Justice, she was able to get most of her more violent reactions tamed to the point of being able to stand in a acrowd of people withot going berserk.

She has worked multiple times with the Dawn Patrol, keeping close ties to Alumette, adopting her as a mother figure, or so it seemed. During an extended operation in North Korea, it was discovered that the Mikoto Yuanchi personality was planted as a security feature to infiltrate the world of the heroes. The true personality is listed under the entry "The Dancer Project"

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