Mystic's Shadow

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Mystic's shadow
Player: @Nerathul
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 35
Personal Data
Real Name: None, his kind conmmunicate using concepts that cannot be translated to human language
Known Aliases: Mystic's shadow
Species: Energy being of the Black sun dimention
Age: 1983 Cycles (1c being 500 years give or take 30 years)
Height: Veriable
Weight: a few picograms
Eye Color: Variable, but often are nonexistant
Hair Color: Variable, appears often salt and pepper
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Wanderer
Place of Birth: Black Sun Dimention
Base of Operations: Many places
Marital Status: Asexual
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Psionic, transdimentional, space manipulation
Known Abilities
Flight, Teleportation.
Energy being, does not posses any physical form..



Mystic's shadow's personality can be hard to grasp, His logic can sometimes be strange. At best Shadow is curious and friendly, at worst; cold and uncaring. He can be considered shy and socialy akward, he dislike small talks and will rarely say anything if he has nothing to say.

Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, follow.


The birth of a Shadow is a mysterious phenomenon. These fascinating creatures are born from an Extremely powerful energy pit known as the Black Sun that lies in another dimension. In their own dimension, the Shadows are nearly god-like due to the infinite energy pool. However, they can only carry a small amount of this energy in our dimension which they exhaust pretty quickly.

Appearance in Paragon city

Currently a single shadow roams the streets of Paragon City. He (it refers to itself as a "he" despite being asexual) is currently known as Mystic's Shadow. (No name was provided from him about himself or his dimension (or anything at all infact.), he then started referring as himself as Mystic's Shadow. he has stated that this was not his name, just something to call him by.

He does not seem to have a specific goal, but rather seems to want study our Universe. He does not show any sign of aggression and answers any question asked about him. He was recently found following specific people. While his reasons remain unclear, he never misses a chance to help.


Shadow's power can be divided in two: Mental and energetic.

Shadow posses powerfull psionic abilities which he can use for numerous application this include but is not limited to: Telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, illusions, modifing someone's perception (including ability to feel pain.) and causing artificial coma/unconsciousness.

his energitic power allow him to shread matter into his own energy (thouth he never use it in battle for some unknown reason) teleportation, force field creation and many more

Spoilers end here.


IC Comments

(feel free to leave a coment here if you know mystic's shadow.)

"Mystic's Shadow has shown a wisdom and understanding of things I never knew even existed. I trust him with my life." - Rusted Man

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