Nassau kate

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Nassau Kate
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Master Mind
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Kate Swift
Known Aliases: '
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Pirate
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: John Swift, Carolyn Swift: Parents, location and status unknown
Known Powers
Thugs / Pain Domination
Known Abilities
Magic Aura
Flintlock pistols



Kate is a pirate opperating out of the Rogue Isles. She has a group of loyal followers but often likes to act on her own


Kate was your typical spoiled rich brat. She grew up being taught that she was better than everyone else and deserved more than everyone else. The Swift Family Fortune was nearly limitless. Kate could buy anything she wanted and whatever she couldn't buy, her parents encouraged her to simply take. The law was not much of a concern since power and money had it's privledges.

But the law had other ideas...

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Teen years

When Kate was fourteen, the Long Arm of the Law caught up with her parents. There was a violent struggle and the elder Swifts vanished without a trace. The Swift assests were siezed by the government and Kate was placed in foster care.

Of course, Kate was not satisfied with this arrangement. Her foster parents were even beneath the level of her family servants. Kate soon ran away.

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Kate's first night on the streets found her violently assualted and molested by a group of Skulls. As a psychological defense, Kate gave herself over to the assualt and soon found herself a willing participant, readily performing every act of depravity the Skulls demanded.

Kate acted a sort of shared girlfriend of several Skulls for some time. During that period, she started gathering her parent's assests that were hidden from the eyes of the law.

When she ready to make her move, during a night of debauchery, she produced a pair of flintlock pistols and killed every Skull in the room.

In her last act before leaving Paragon, she performed a ritual summoning of a demon and made the proverbial deal with the devil. It's not sure what she offered to the demon as payment, but she was given certain magical abilities.

Kate left Paragon for the Rogue Isles and never looked back. She decided it was time to act out her childhood fantasies and become a pirate. From that night on, she would take what she wanted without remorse.

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Pain Domination

Kate has the magic ability to control the level of pain in herself and others. Functionally, this often acts as healing, but with subtle differences. Someone always suffers the pain she relieves. Kate does not know nor care who receives the pain. The power picks a person at random, often on other parts of the globe.

Libido Enhancement Aura

The effect of this Aura is similar to pheromones. Males who come into contact with Kate immediately find their libidos boosted with Kate as the object of lust. Some are able to resist it, but those who succumb become her devoted slaves. They are loyal to her unto death, in the hopes of receiving the pleasure of her body.

Transport Portal

Kate can open a magic portal at her location which she uses to summon her followers

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Kate has a pair of pistols that look like ancient flinlocks but perform like Mac-10's. No one knows where she got them or how they're designed. Anyone who takes too much interest in her guns ends up dead.

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Kate has a sword she considers fun, but she's better with her pistols. She'll usually only use the sword once her victims have been fully incapacited. Ist2 1509771-hands-up.jpg


Nemisis Staff

Sands of Mu

Captive Mermaid

The Captive Mermaid is Kate's ship. The figurehead is inhabited by a bound spirit and comes to life on Kate's command. It's purpose is to serve the desires of Kate and her crew. 1955416 1.jpg 1955416 10.jpg

Jolly Roger

Every pirate has a jolly roger. Kate's is two flintlock pistols crossed under a ship's wheel. Some claim they see another image upon the flag but there's no proof of these claims, so far.


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