Oberst Schlange

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Oberst Schlange
Player: Robziel
Origin: Science
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: ??
Personal Data
Real Name: Klaus Schlange
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human
Age: 29
Height: 6'6
Weight: 210 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: German
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Neu-Schwabenland, Antarctica
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Not Married
Known Relatives: None Living
Known Powers
Oberst Schlange has been observed using powers similar to 5th Column Vampyr's but with greater mastery.
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Oberst Schlange is a Mercenary/Dark Miasma Mastermind played by @Robziel

Originally designed as a mostly solo toon that was a 5th Column rip off of Serpentor with a humorous RP bent he got dragged "kicking and screaming" into serious role play and got a completely rewritten background. He's been more fun this way.



Villain Groups

R.E.L.A.P.S.E. - Oberst Schlange has most recently been affiliated with this new upstart mercenary group in the Rogue Isles.

Known Associates

Kampf Kdt Ulfwerener
Thermal Starlight
Dr. Annette Borisov


Callista Roase
Shelly Lightfoot
Ava Adore
Brendan Aft

Physical Description

Character History

Oberst Schlange was created as the next step in the Ubermensch program by scientists from dimension Delta Zeta 24-10 by harvesting the DNA of their greatest warriors.

He was assigned as second in command under Reichsman during his invasion of Paragon City. After Reichsman’s defeat Schlange integrated himself into this earth’s 5th Column and became one of their greatest and most feared operatives.

Following the events of the Rikt War Schlange orchestrated the deployment of much of the 5ths ground forces into the ruins of Baumton to search for the Freedom Phalanx’s base where Reichsman is believed to be imprisoned.

When The Center made his power play, Schlange rallied his forces and fought the degenerate alien-loving traitors, he fought the fledgling Council forces in in France, he fought them on the seas and oceans, he fought them on the beaches, he fought them on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets, he fought them in the hills. But in the end Schlange was forced to withdraw and go underground and sought out other survivors of the take over.

He has recently been spotted operating out of the Rogue Isles, ruthlessly crushing any Council operations his spies are able to uncover. It was on one such raid that he discovered a young girl being held captive by the Council and experimented upon. Upon rescuing her Schlange saw in her an ally in his crusade against the Council. He has since taken her, Lunamaria Hawke (aka Thermal Starlight), under his wing as his Adjunct and has begun training her.

Most recently the two led a raid upon a Council storage facility to recover Schlange’s original uniform.

Requiems Liaison

Unknown to most, even Arachnos and the Council Oberst Schlange has a contiued relationship Requiem, working closely with him on his plans to rebuilt the 5th. Working at Requiems liaison in the Rogue Isles, Oberst Schlange has continuous contact specially with Dr. Annette Borisov, director for a secret Crey operation involved with illegal genetic research. He is the chief overseer for Project Ares, providing updates to Requiem on the overall project.

Project Ares was created over 21 years ago to develop a new type of ubermensch with greater control of psionic and telepathic abilities, along with the super strength and advanced regenerative abilities seen previously. A special project similar to the Vampyri and Warwolf project, it was originally developed by Dr. Annette Borisov, but after the Rikti war, and an unforeseen delay with the initial subject Ava Adore, the project has been moved to the Isles for completion.

Even though Ava managed to escape and Oberst found himself chased down barely escaping Callista Roase and Shelly Lightfoot, he now monitors Annette's developments with a new clone, perfected from Ava's DNA and will deliver it to the 5th forces forming secretly.


Schlange is very polite and well spoken but when he enters combat he seems to become afflicted with a strange form of Coprolaliaas he yells battle cries that often make no sense. It is unknown if he learned many of these slogans in Axis Earth or not, if so it may explain why they seem nonsensical to people of this earth.



Dark Miasma

Weaknesses and Limitations

Oberst Schlange has been observed occasionally running into hand-to-hand combat with foes seemingly oblivious to the danger that this presents him. This is doubly true the few times Luna has fallen in combat as he flies into a rage.

Other Sources

Creator Contact Information

Global: @Robziel
Official Forums: Negami
VirtueVerse: Robziel

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