Operative Ajax

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Operative Ajax

Basic History

((This entire wiki will be edited upon having the time, as for right now I will not even include the statistics and such, I just want to get things written down somewhere for the time being because it won't fit in my in game profile.))

Ajax Arkady lived what appeared to be an average life in Paragon City, if not a successful one at that, which is what made it seem so unexpected when he suddenly disappeared on a "vacation" to the Etoile Isles. Arriving in Port Oakes, he quickly went to work with one of the ferry lines for some cash. Disappearing from that during a round trip to Mercy. He showed up at Fort Cerberus and asked for recruitment into the ranks. It wasn't long before he was thrown into Wolf Spider "Boot Camp". His aptitude testing while there revealed a genius on many levels, though his tactical prowess and strategic talents were apparent even then. Upon graduation, he was given the promotion to TAC-OPs and put in charge of a Snake Hunters Squad that worked hand in hand with Mongoose. After showing his ability to lead and fight in many of the most dire and dangerous lair assaults, he was given a "day off", which meant guard duty at a base under the distant warehouses. Two days with no report from the base meant trouble, so an investigation squad was sent to do what it did best, though not even they could understand what had happened: the base was in ruin, fires still smoldered, alarms still blared, and ammunition littered the ground. Though there was nothing there that gave a clue to who the attackers were, they found one unconscious survivor trapped under a fallen piece of equipment: Operative Ajax. They took him to a medical bay for all of 30 minutes while they prepared for "debriefing"; it was an uncomfortable interrogation to say the least. Ajax though, did not remember the attackers or the battle, but what he did remember is what got him the promotion to Huntsman: He destroyed all base copies of important files and overwrote his TAC-OPs Battle CPU that controlled his HUD, among other things, with that information. He was released and promoted, being put sent back to his Snake Hunters Squad, he was happy to get back in the fight after being out for a few days, but suddenly an Arbiter informed them of his squads disbandment... "Why?", he thought for all of a moment before he realized: the breakout. Suddenly "Destined Ones" were flooding Mercy and all the soldiers were on a big "day off". Guard duty pissed Ajax off, but that was nothing compared to all the Destined Ones flooding HIS islands. At first, he lashed out normally, like the other Wolf Spiders that is: trying to take out some of the Destined Ones that picked on them or were easy looking prey, but that wasn't enough: they could take out one of these Destined Ones and see them back up only a little later after being reclamated by the teleportation system and hospitalized. So not only was this couter-productive and meaningless, it was potentially lethal as, more often than not, these villains came back for revenge on whatever soldiers were nearby. Ajax came up with a new plan: He was going to be a Destined One... and he knew one guy to help him who was right there in Fort Darwin. Safe to say, Ajax got himself on the electronic list and cut ties quickly. Though the other Soldiers saw this as betrayal, most wouldn't confront him and those who did were punished efficiently. He's already off to a good start, ripping his way out of Mercy and off to other islands. Word is, he's joined up with a group working within Arachnos known as the Bedlam Spiders.

OOC Notes

Ajax was the one who took out everyone in that base, though he figured that out, he has know idea why he wanted to steal that information that has wound up in Black Scorpion's claws. He knows one thing for sure: whoever he was working for will find him, or he will get that information and find out himself.

Also: Ajax will be promoted to the Crab Spiders at 24. Which he will stay in until 32, where he will be given a new experimental crab suit and working with Black Scorpion's Faction. This suit is made specifically for Fast Response Action and Base Busting, quick and versatile enough to be put into Ajax's hands for best use. It is code-named: Helveolus, after a certain type of jumping spider. Most appropriately so, because this suit is heavily armed and packed with jump jets and a self-destruct mechanism.

Yet another note: The fact that the suit Ajax is destined for is named Helveolus is interesting because Ajax's Cimeroran counterpart is a commander in Romulus' army named: Attulus, which is the scientific genus of the species Helveolus.

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