Orochi Dragon

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Orochi Dragon
Player: @Spectreblade
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human
Age: Late 20's
Height: Approximately 6 Ft.
Weight: Approximately 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Glowing Red
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Ninja Master
Place of Birth: Hiroshima, Japan
Base of Operations: St. Martial, Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Ninja Arts, Toxin Production, Enhanced Jumping Ability, Soul Manipulation
Known Abilities
Athlete-level running speed, regeneration, and endurance recovery
Bow and Arrows
No additional information available.

I based this character on the Yamata no Orochi from Japanese mythology. This was my first character on the Virtue server. I chose this server for Orochi Dragon because I already had a Mastermind on Justice, where all my other characters up until then were, including my main hero, Spectreblade and his arch-nemesis, the Armorbound. Little did I know I'd enjoy playing him so much that he'd become only my second Lv. 50 in over three years of playing the game.


Basic Info

Little is known about Orochi Dragon's past except that he describes himself as having been a servant of Yamata no Orochi, the eight-headed serpent monster from Japanese myth, since his early teens. It is from his affiliation with the serpent that he draws his deadly toxin-producing abilities. He has even taken on some of the serpent's physical characteristics such as the glowing red eyes and scarred underbelly. As his "Mastermind" archetype classification suggests, he is always accompanied by several of his ninja henchmen when entering any combat situation.


Orochi Dragon can best be described as "Chaotic Evil". Like most ninja, he tends to keep to the shadows. But he also enjoys spreading chaos and mayhem, seeking to usher in an era of what he describes as "absolute freedom" under the rule of the serpent.

In keeping with this philosophy, Orochi Dragon is not above earthly indulgences despite his postition as a servant to a supernatural entity. He makes a healthy living lending his abilities as an "independent contractor" to various contacts throughout the Rogue Isles. He also revels in combat, making numerous appearances at the "Fight Night at the Golden Giza" arena circuit, and is somewhat hedonistic.


Primary Set: Ninjas

While Orochi Dragon's ninja training involved using a bow and arrows, and he has enchanted his arrows so that they have a chance of paralyzing his target in an electrical field, he posesses only basic archery skills. He instead prefers to let his ninja henchmen, all of whom have pledged loyalty to Yamata no Orochi as their master has, handle most of his direct offense. He never goes into battle without them. His usual field party consists of six of his most trusted clan members; three genin (Viper, Rattlesnake, and Mamba), two jounin (Python and Anaconda), and the oni Cobra. Although he will leave some of the stronger ones behind when facing lesser foes.

Secondary Set: Poison

His association with the eight-headed serpent has granted him the ability to organically produce a wide variety of deadly venoms and toxins, and even a few beneficial chemical remedies. With them, he is able to heal the wounds of his henchmen, but more importantly, he uses them to debilitate his foes by slowing or stopping their movement, making them more suceptible to injury, lowering their offensive strength, and sometimes even causing vomiting in humans and metahumans.

Pool Sets


Through a combination of ninja training and the serpent's supernatural power, Orochi Dragon has leaping ability far beyond those of normal humans. With it, he is able to dodge attacks and avoid being immobilized or otherwise having his movement hindered, and can easily jump over most buildings.


A great many metahumans supplement their abilities with some sort of exercise regimen. In fact, so many of them do so that it would be easier to list the exceptions than the examples. Orochi Dragon, too, keeps a regular schedule of fitness training to improve his speed, endurance, and general health. Battle is quite physically demanding, after all.

Patron Pool: Soul Mastery

Like all of those who were freed from Zigursky Penitentiary as part of Project: Destiny, Orochi Dragon, upon sufficiently proving himself, was offered by Arachnos the opportunity to take on one of Lord Recluse's lieutenants as a patron, who would grant him a portion of their power in exchange for his service. He chose Ghost Widow. Her ability to manipulate the souls of the dead was one that would prove most useful for the ninja master. Over the centuries, countless victims had been sacrificed to Yamata no Orochi to appease him. With the help of Ghost Widow, he learned how to use the souls of those sacrifices, drawing on their power to attack his foes, immobilize them with tentacles, and even pick up his foes and hold them spinning helplessly in midair.


The Rogue Knights: Orochi Dragon and his ninjas initially worked independently. But recently, he has allied himself with Lord Grae and the Rogue Knights, the villainous counterpart to the Paragonian Knights supergroup. He was already quite powerful, with a threat level in the high 40's when he joined the villain group. Soon after joining them, he would finally achieve threat level 50 after he, Lord Grae, and several other Rogue Knights participated in an assault on the base of the Vindicators. Immediately following the attack, he went to to Mercy Island, where the rest of the villain group cheered him on as he made his status as Threat Level 50 official.

Fight Night: Orochi Dragon and his clan are perhaps best known for their participation in this arena fighting circuit. It was originally called "Fight Night at the Golden Giza", but the weekly event was moved from that location when DJ Zero installed an arena section in his interdimensional nightclub, Pocket D. Now that there was a convenient place where Paragon City and Rogue Isles residents alike could meet face-to-face, there was no longer any reason to remain at its formerly separate venues at the Golden Giza casino in St. Martial and the arenas in Paragon City. Even with the move, Orochi Dragon remained a regular at the competitions, fighting in almost every one since late October of 2006. It is perhaps his constant testing of his abilities here that have driven him to become the formidable villain he is today.

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