Palladium Christmas

From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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What is an RPCC?

An RPCC is a two stage Costume Contest. The first stage is essentially a Costume/Bio Contest. Both your players outfit and their biography will be judged- think of it as a holistic evaluation of your toon. The second "round" is a roleplay contest. Essentially, we will have looked at your character and decided that we would like to know more about that character, how they act and react, how they speak etc. The second round of our Costume Contest will take place in our base- where we will roleplay a Christmas Party and disperse our prizes. It is time consuming, but fun.

Do I need a bio to compete?

The short of the long: no. If you have enough confidence in your character and believe that they speak for themselves, then by all means enter bio-less, but bios certainly help. Is this some sort of recruitment ploy?

Yes and No. The purpose of our event is not to really recruit, but to have fun. We will however, extend the opportunity should it present itself. Do I really have to RP?


So what would MY character be doing at YOUR Christmas Party?

The Sentry is a non profit organization. The Christmas Party is actually for supporters and employees of the company. The Sentry will have contacted Heroes to make guest appearances.

Can Villains Compete?

Compete? Yes. Win? No. The first part of the Costume Contest is somewhere between IC and OOC. The second part is completely IC. Also, it is conducted in our base.

Please note: date and location may change

If you have questions please contact: @TheKnightSentinel @LightofthePhoenix @Saturn Spirit

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