Professor Gauzer

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Professor Gauzer
Player: @Hurricane Dave
Origin: Technology
Archetype: MasterMind
Security Level: High
Personal Data
Real Name: Micheal Gauzer
Known Aliases: Mike, Prof
Species: Homo Superior
Age: 31
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 224 lbs
Eye Color: Pale blue
Hair Color: Dark Gray
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: St. Henry
Base of Operations: New York City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Marc and Danielle Gauzer (Parents, alive), Dave Gauzer (Older brother, alive) Jace Gauzer (Younger brother, alive) Marc de Vries (Friend, missing)
Known Powers
Can see and understand technology
Known Abilities
Force Gauntlets, rocket boots, The Space Suit, robots
No additional information available.

== Origin of Powers ==

Force Gauntlets

The most obvious explanation would be; Micheal is an ingenious inventor and engineer. Closer observation however would reveal that he had no schooling other then home schooling. Another close observation would be his two brother, Dave and Jace. Both of them show some kind of mutation. In Dave's case its wind and weather control, in Jace' case heat control and manipulation. Conclusion, the chances Micheal is a mutant are probably very high. Then let's take a look at how he learned what he does. He learned it by looking at technology. Do the pieces fall into place now?

Yes? Well there you go then, Micheal too is a mutant. His power is to know and understand technology. He can see what happens when you put this part there or replace that item with something different. He could drive a car because he saw what he needed to do. Of course his powers have limits. He does necessarily know how to explain it or how that piece is called. And anything bigger then a car takes more then just a quick glance to understand.

With this insight however, he created the arm replacements after he lost his original arms. And then went on to create one of his two greatest masterpieces. The Force Gauntlets. These two at first sight oversized cans have been tooled up and pimped out with amongst things

The Ingenious People's Club

Einstein, Edison, Tesla, Wright, Sturgeon and Eiffel. These are the six robots Micheal created over the last three years. The Wright, Sturgeon and Eiffel are armed with simple lasers, while the Einstein and Tesla are armed with a way more sophisticated array of weaponry. Seeker mines, photon grenades and can create minor Force shields.

The Edison is Micheal's masterpiece. Equipped with flamethrowers, plasma cannons, a missile battery with incendiary missiles and plated with titanium, it can blast its way through any villain or monster in Micheal's path.


Pole Star

Micheal met Marc when he was after the villain Legion of the Lost. Pole Star and Prof teamed up, which later proved to be a good choice for The Fire Titaness was there as well.

They continued keeping contact and over the course of time they grew more and more attached to each other. But fate intervened. Pole Star dissapeared and Micheal's search for him has only just begun.


Crushing Mountain

Wu Lei Jin, martial arts expert and crazed villain that Micheal has ran into a couple of times while working for his contractors.

The Fire Titaness

A fire jotunn from Muspelheim who seems to have developed a great hatred for everything technological, and actively hunts Micheal every so often.

Hurricane Dave

Dave and Micheal had an edgy relationship ever since Dave started whipping snowstorms on his birthdays. This soon escalated in Micheal turning a cigarette lighters into a mini flamethrower, and Dave summoning a hurricane into his brother's room.

Now they turn family reunions in fireworks shows, complete with lightning bolts and laser blasts.

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