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Player: @Akkai
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Threat Level: 21
Personal Data
Real Name: Reliku
Known Aliases: "The Cat Burgler"
Species: Feline Sapien
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Orange with Blonde bangs
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Thief in the night
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Sinlge
Known Relatives: Deceased
Known Powers
Martial Arts
Known Abilities
Super Reflexes
Throwing Stars

OOC Notes - Reliku has been an outlet for my inner catgirl. She is the only Cat Girl that I have, and she does have the A-Typical traits. The difference that Reliku has over most cat girls is that she tries to act serious. She is determined to show "mew" she's someone to not take lightly.




Reliku's personality is very similiar to that of a hyperactive teen with the mindset of an adult. She often finds herself being tripped up by her quirks and traits. She is dedicated to try to be the next great sensei, striving to train and make herself the best ninja ever. She speaks normally, aside for the face that "You" is replaced with "Mew" and "Now" is replaced with "Meow". She is easily distracted, but not easily swayed.


Reliku isn't exactly your average cat girl to begin with, so it would only make sense that she didn't look exactly like your typical catgirl either. Her skin was a curious canary yellow, adorned with black striped markings. Her skin is not fur covered, but with the elongated skin hairs it is most certainly fuzzy. She has a very toned and slender body, still flexible enough that she can squeeze into any space large enough for her head to fit through. Her orange-red hair is kept short at the base of her neck, with two blonde bangs that reach down further than the back.


Reliku started off fairly normal. She had a mother, a father, and three brothers. When she turned 6 she learned that her father wasn't as innocent or good of a man as she had thought. She was witness to the murder of her entire family at the hands of very skilled assasins. Her father had assumed a large debt, and had no way of paying. The Crime Lord would have spared her mother, had she not struggled so much against them. It was never determined what became of her brothers.

Reliku, still just a young girl, was taken before this crime lord for examination. He had first thought that she would have been a good play thing and would have not have been much trouble. His opinion was quickly changed. She showed such a fierce determination that the crime lord thought she may be fitting amongst his assasins. How little did he know he was right.

She trained and mastered every move that they had taught her over the next 6 years, becoming one of the top assasins in her Sect. On the night of her 13th birthday she extracted her revenge on the people that had forever taken her family. It was silent, clean, and over before the clock had struck midnight. But this posed a new problem for the young feline, what now?

13, and without any place to return to, Reliku made her living on the streets. It had been by chance that she had walked into the wrong area of town a year later, and found herself staring at her old home. Curious, she tiptoed across the oriental lawn and slid the door aside. She was surprised to find a man sitting there in meditation, and even more surprised when he spoke her name. "Reliku," he said with a kind of sigh, "You should not be here. There will be others who will try to kill for who you are now and you are just one girl." Reliku glowered a little, "I'll show mew I'm not just some little girl. I will prove to mew that I am more than that!"

She stormed off despite the man's protests and headed deeper into the heart of the rogue islands. There she went through several different stages in her teenage years. She even had a bounty placed on her head for the lives she had taken, but she didn't care. She wanted to prove to the world she was someone to be recognized. But recognition can come at a toll.

Current Events

Recently Reliku has left the Rogue Islands after a series of unfortunate events. She had landed herself some heat from isles and needed some protection. She joined with a darker group in efforts to get on the winning side, but ended up attracting the attention to herself.

After this, she joined up with a smuggler's group, only to be hunted by the man of shadows from the group before. When the smuggling group began to ask questions, Reliku decided she needed to leave and lay low. So what better place than the Paragon City?

Reliku was able to enlist herself with a Hero License, and currently works to help prevent small time robberies. She specializes in stealth and night time crime watch, but isn't someone who will down an opportunity to prove her stuff.

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