Sapphire Streak

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Sapphire Streak
Player: Eomatrix
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 16
Personal Data
Real Name: Sir Tyler Anderson
Known Aliases: Flash Fist, Quickfoot, Steeltoe, The General
Species: Homo Superior
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Born a Citizen of the United States of America, became an honorary citizen of Sweden, Norway, and Finland due to his actions in the Rikti War.
Occupation: Vigilante/Part-time Bartender at Pocket D/Retired General
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Base of Operations: Boston, Massachusetts
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Kaitlin Anderson (sister), Rudolph Anderson (father), Lily Anderson (mother)
Known Powers
Superhuman Reflexes, highly potent adrenaline
Known Abilities
Martial Arts Master, brilliant Strategist, fluent in English, French, Swedish, Norse, and Finnish, high pain threshold, fast thinker, Parkour Expert
Prototype Body Armor, Police Communicator, jump pack, occasionally uses a revolver
No additional information available.


Physical Attributes

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 140 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Appearance: Muscular, slightly above average height, short light brown hair, well tanned


Tyler's method of coping with the trauma of the Rikti War was to hide his emotions behind a mask of irreverence and sarcasm. This manifests itself as a some what egotistical and over-the-top personality. Even in combat, he always has a wiseass comment ready to fire off at an opponent. Occasionally though, his serious side breaks through the mask and he becomes a totally different person until the mask reasserts itself.

The Liberator Pulse Rifle

The Liberator Pulse Rifle was originally just a slightly modified Rikti Rifle with an ironic nickname, but the technology was eventually reverse-engineered to spawn a whole brand of pulse weaponry. The flagship line of the weapons is named after Tyler and he gets a royalty every time one of the guns is bought. This, combined with the high cost of each gun and the massive demand for them all around the world, has catapulted Tyler into prosperity. His personal fortune currently numbers in the hundreds of millions, and could even be far larger if he were not so selective about which weapons are available to those outside the SLA.


Parkour Expert: Despite the fact that Parkour seems relatively useless for someone with a speed-based mutation like Tyler's, Juliet (a veteran traceur herself) taught him Parkour during the war. He learned it because they were required to traverse both rooftops and ruined sections of cities, where running in a straight line would be impossible. Tyler continued to use Parkour as a way to ambush Rikti even after Stockholm was retaken.

Explosives Production: With conventional explosives being scarce during the war, Tyler often had to improvise when it came to explosives. He knows how to produce all sorts of explosives, though his speciality is incendiaries.

Military Leader: It goes without saying that Tyler is an incredibly brilliant military leader. As a child, his father taught him how to fight and the basics of military strategy. This knowledge was tempered by both his study of history and his personal experiences during the Rikti War, resulting in a balance that makes him an immeasurably cunning commander.


Tyler's only actual mutant abilities are his adrenaline and his speed. His adrenaline is much more potent than it should be, and it allows him to maintain his speed without becoming exhausted. It also allows him to go without sleep for long periods of time. He once went for 75 hours without sleeping during the Rikti War.

However, unbeknownst to Tyler, his mutations are very weak in their natural state. The reason that he is so powerful is because of the temporal tether effect known as Temporal Scaling. In his natural time period, he would only be slightly faster than normal, but due to the fact he was brought so far into the future, his power levels skyrocketed to their current levels.

Martial Arts

Tyler developed a martial arts form, known as The Leopard Style, in his time as a vigilante that became an officially recognized martial arts style midway through the Rikti War.

Super Reflexes

Tyler's mutant ability is incredibly potent and it affects his entire being. Apart from his superspeed, his reflexes are so quick that they border on precognition. His response time has been clocked at 0.0001 of a second. This hyperfast processing speed also applies to the rest of his brain, allowing him to receive information almost 200 times faster than a normal human.

Secondary Mutations

Healing: Tyler's body possesses an incredibly potent, yet somewhat slow acting regeneration ability. Any wound or disease that does not kill him instantly will be healed within minutes. Tyler seems unaware of the true extent of this ability, and it is somewhat unlikely that it is part of his natural mutations. Based on statements from Tyler himself, the healing ability was not present during the first month of the Rikti War. What may have caused the mutation is unknown but it occurred between the first and second month.


Pride: While incredibly powerful both physically and mentally, Tyler has an ego to match. He is extremely arrogant, especially when it comes to combat. After having survived countless situations where even seasoned warriors would have been killed, Tyler has a massive amount of self-confidence. His judgment is clouded by this and he has been severely injured due to this arrogance many times.

Alcoholism: In his desperate attempts to escape the haunting terrors of war, Tyler took to drinking heavily. Even to the point of learning how to brew his own alcohol, Tyler drank incredibly heavily for a very long time. Even though he has mostly recovered from his addiction, Tyler killed so many brain cells over the worst period of his alcoholism that his brain is still regenerating the lost brain cells.



Juliet Boroughs

Juliet Boroughs was Tyler's second-in-command during the First Rikti War. A sonic mutant, she helped coordinate the Resistance before they set up conventional communications. After the war, Juliet turned to drugs to soothe her emotional agony. She entered a downward spiral, ending with a brush with Superadine dealers. She would have been killed if not for the timely intervention of a nearby hero. After this occurred, Tyler convinced her to go to rehab, where she remains today.


The Scandinavian Liberation Army

As Founder and leader of the Swedish Resistance during the Rikti War, which went on to become the group that would become known as the Scandinavian Liberation Army, Tyler has the unquestioning loyalty of almost everyone that he served with. A year after the end of the First Rikti War, the SLA largely disbanded in an official capacity, claiming that the official militaries were capable of handling the Rikti threat. Despite this, localized cells were set up all over Scandinavia as a preventative measure, should the Rikti return. This proved prudent when the Rikti invaded a second time in 2007. As the backbone of the cells are made up of veterans of the First Rikti War, Tyler still holds a large amount of political pull within Sweden, despite his resignation from office.


When Anderson found that he was having difficulty adapting to civilian life after the war, he made the decision to found a Private Military Company with a speciality in combating the Rikti. 'Varja' (Swedish for sword) became one of the first such PMCs and arguably one of the most successful. With funding from a variety of backers, Anderson set up a training facility and headquarters in Northern Sweden. Varja still exists today and is involved in operations all over the world.

The Midnight Squad

Tyler is an official member of the Midnight Squad. He has been helping rebuild the group by covertly funding them and discreetly neutralizing their opponents. He also helped build their membership base by recommending that some of the strongest mystics in the SLA join the group. The alliance between the Midnighters and the SLA is an obvious one. Both group are committed to fighting the Rikti and both are using magic to do so.

Character History

Character Stories

The Midknight

Vanguard Blues

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