
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @vyver
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Shri'Taki
Known Aliases: StellarJewel, Stella
Species: Bal`Tezlao
Age: 25
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: pink
Hair Color: dark green
Biographical Data
Nationality: extraterrestrial
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: planet Ta`Yawha
Base of Operations: '
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: far away
Known Powers
Kinetic Melee
Known Abilities
superior reflexes, tough skin,



A quick overview of Shri'taki's appearance, personality, and powers without getting into to much detail to save you some reading...or give you more.

General Appearance

At first glance Shri' is a 6'7" Amazon-built woman. Her most distinctive characteristic is her smooth green skin, glistening with a strange form of bio luminescence. Stationary pink and turquoise lines contrast against her green body, slowly pulsing as her the energy in her body is slowly released and regulated. The lines and marks make their way up her body to her face, finishing off with two stark lines outlining her cheeks. You can see her eyes are naturally yellow but a strong pink glow overrides them.

Her hair is neatly cut and swept to one side out of her face. It's a strong dark green shade and short enough to not aggravate her during tough battles. Underneath her hair is a black tiara barely visible. Her ears relatively close to a humans, rounded at the top with attached lobes holding a couple small earrings. Her lips are full and are naturally a shade of dark green similar to her hair.

Not being a mammal her chest is minimal and feature-less. What shape she does have in that area is cause by a foreign bone structure and two lines of her species bio luminescence that serve to accent the shape. Because of her lack of features that humans usually hide, she mainly wears nothing top-wise, which would surprise many who were unaware of her biological makeup.


Contrary to how she was raised Shri' is an extremely social person when around friends. Bright and energetic if a little bit naive she usually brings some much needed light-hearted discussion and subjects into whoever she is with. While separated from her home planet she has already accepted Earth as her new home and dwells little publicly about it. Of course inside she feels the need to see her family and friends but it's been long enough for her to concentrate on other things.

But, during battle she's a completely different person. Cold and hard, her years in deep space bubble to the surface as she mercilessly plows through enemies like tall grass. In the heat of conflict everything around her falls away into nothing, save for her target. This leads to a lot of frustration from others around her as she becomes inhospitable and dangerous, at least to herself. Many times her friends have had to save her from the brink after she got in over her head. Whether this is a natural thing for her species or a result of her isolation in space is up for debate, but there's no question that she enjoys the battle rush.


Shri's self-generating energy is a powerful sight to behold. Wielding the same luminescence that stripes her body, she expels, shifts, twirls, and strikes her targets with solidified energy. ...

The Journey

Caught in the crossfire of Heaven and Hell

New to the hero scene Shri'taki is a extraterrestrial hailing from the jungle planet Ta'Yawha. When her planet was caught in the cross-fire of the Kheldian/Nictus war, Shri was caught in an accident and bonded with one of the symbiotic aliens to form a young but powerful peacebringer. Afraid her planet might be consumed and destroyed Shri'taki, now dubbed the peacebringer "StellarJewel" fled to the stars looking for help.

When you grow up alone you grow up fast

Unknown to StellarJewel (or Stella) the peacebringer she inherited her Kheldian half (named Sepherat) from was a human from Earth. So while Stella was flying for anywhere, she was subtly being directed to the little blue planet in another system..19 light years away.

Unfriendly Welcome


Getting off on a Tangent


What friends are made off


Waltzing with the enemy


Place of Origin


Shri'taki was born on the planet Ta`Yawha, named by her people. Earth scientists currently have no information on the planet other than what she has provided. Ta`Yawha is a dense jungle planet with an atmosphere similar to ours and is over 16 light years away from our solar system. According to Shri'taki her people's technology is a weird mix of advanced tech and something similar to the Mayan or Aztec civilizations from our past.

-Some information provided by Shri'taki.




From what we can tell Shri'taki has a very complicated and inhuman anatomy. But beyond what we can see from her external features and what she has provided we only know so much since she refuses any major medical involvement or studies, combined with her unique statues as the only one of her kind on the planet.

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