Sigga Bjorg

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What is a man? Are they their actions, their presentation to the world, or the way the world sees them?

Among the gangs of Paragon City, the Trolls are one of the least human. Not coordinated in the same sense as the Circle of Thorns but still far more monstrous than Hellions, Trolls occupy a space somewhere around boogeyman and credible threat. Bjorg is one of these Trolls, a Supa Troll after an extensive overdose of the recreational super-drug and intense narcotic Superadine.

Sigga Bjorg Profile.png
The Rogue Supa Troll
Sigga Bjorg
Player: @Aetherine
Origin: Science
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: Mid 20's
Personal Data
Real Name: Sigga Bjorg
Known Aliases: Rampaging Troll
Species: Superadine-addicted Human
Age: 30
Height: 7'4"
Weight: 550 lbs. (estimated)
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: Urban Adventurer
Place of Birth: New Bedford, MA
Base of Operations: Paragon, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents (deceased)
Known Powers
Super strength, regeneration, intense mental focus, minor
Known Abilities
DJ, amature weight trainer, skill with metal working.
{ersonal communicator (city issued), smartphone (small, compact), Bluetooth headphones, duffle bag of clothing (left at mission entry, usually).
No additional information available.



Early Years

The Right Stuff

Growing up in New Bedford was a small paradise in a world that was quickly succumbing to metahuman and superpowered influences. South-eastern Massachusetts was still a retreat for the rich, and Sigga's family had amassed millions through careful management of his banking trust in Europe. Life was perfect, and Sigga was set up to inherit a fortune that would manage its' self while he enjoyed an otherwise trip-free life.

Life during this time was educational, but sheltered. Doing well in school but paling in comparison to a handful of mutant students, Sigga gained a respectable education in New Bedford; for the time he was there.

Black Celebration

Sigga did not understand what his father's work involved, only that he would often leave the country for his top clients and be gone for months. But trips to Paragon for business always involved the family, so it was no surprise that Sigga and his parents were in Paragon on May 23rd, 2002. The day that the First Rikti War began. The initial attack occurred as the family settled in with a handful of super-powered friends and allies, unsure of what the initial portals foretold. But within hours it became obvious what the next few months would involve. Running from shelter to shelter, being separated and reunited time and time again, and the eventual death of his parents proved to be too much for Sigga to handle. When the war was over, and Omega Team sacrificed themselves for the good of all; Sigga was left alone and young.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Falling through the post-war cracks of Paragon were hundreds of young men and women, all looking for somewhere to belong or someone to care for them in the disaster which emergency services were unable to handle. Sigga was no different, having lost his parents and any ability to leave Paragon. With only the shirt on his back and no street smarts to speak of, Sigga banded together with more charismatic and experienced people as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months.

Days brought Sigga into contact with the smaller gangs, ill-equipped as the city services to handle the influx of criminals and the hopeless. Weeks brought Sigga into contact with the Hellions and the Skulls, neither of them something he wanted to become. Months brought Sigga into contact with a social worker fighting to keep her head above the paperwork. And for her life.

Sigga encountered Anna de la Croix being mugged by a pair of Skulls, yet to collect their masks. The months of living in the underground had been a crash-course in street life physically and mentally, and "Siegfried" as he had called himself now was a changed young man. Dispatching the two thugs with a lead pipe and judicious use of force, the young man soon learned of Anna's job and her plight. He was only too happy for her help in return for his own; finding the cast-aways that did not belong in this strangely twisted underground and getting them out. Even thirteen years old, Sigga still was able to help the people he met that were trapped in the vicious cycle of gangs and infighting.

This didn't last for long, however. Learning who Sigga was, Anna was able to contact his family to return him to a normal life, complete with his inheritance. However, she learned that lawyers were fighting tooth and nail over the status of his parents estate and business; with various other family members vying for control of the multi-billion dollar potential and millions-worth of property. Sigga was lost in the shuffle, unable to claim any of it for his constantly disputed legally dead status and complete lack of support among the family. Sigga was left destitute and alone, save for his case worker and the few people he still had contacts with underground.

The news hit Sigga hard; hard enough to force a name change (to Siegfried Nibelungen) and a complete change in personality. From a reasonably happy if morbid teenager to something far darker and more expressive, Siegfried begun listening to rock metal and getting deeper and deeper into the culture of late-night partying and criminal activity that many teenagers of the time were succumbing to. A want to "fit in" drove Siegfried to do drugs and commit crimes; a desire to ease his the pain in his heart forced him further and further to violence. This violence included weight lifting and training, as the constant struggle to survive on the streets was becoming a true life-or-death struggle with every person Siegfried hurt.

Eventually all of this came to a head early in 2005, with the return of a former mentor turned rival in the underground. Encountering the young man again and getting into a series of fights (with one resulting in a bullet in his leg), Siegfried turned to a desperate solution to keep himself alive in the coming confrontations with Ed and his band of thugs. Weeks of Superadine use later, Ed and his thugs were in the Zig for holding up a bank and failing spectacularly; and Siegfried was on the fast track to green skin and horns.

Look to your Orb for the Warning

Siegfried emerged from the troll underground a completely different creature. Now referring to himself simple as "Bjorg" and severely mutated from exposure to Superadine, Bjorg wandered the back streets in Atlas Park dazed and confused. Various nameless heroes fought with him at this time, and all were sent on a trip through the medicomm system to the hospital for their trouble, none of them able to reason with or combat against the still befuddled young man. It wasn't until early in the morning, passing by a broken mirror in a dumpster, than Bjorg realized what had become of him. The memories of his experience as a troll flooded back, remembering how he got to the surface again and everything back until the death of his parents. The memories took hold of him, and once more he plunged into grief and sorrow over what he had become.

The Hellions, however, jolted him from his stupor. As they set fire to a still-occupied building and cheered at their soon-to-be-successful murder and arson, Bjorg woke in a nearby sewer access doorway. The screams of the people inside caught his attention first, and that was all it took to set him in motion. Reaching the building as fire trucks and a handful of heroes arrived on the scene, Bjorg bolted inside of the building and begun to help carry people out. A misunderstanding broke out between Bjorg and the resident heroes; resulting in Bjorg's arrest. Only the work of a then-unknown psychic heroine managed to subdue the Supa Troll, putting him in a catatonic stupor long enough for officers on the scene to transport him to secure holding facilities for processing and trial.

Modern Paragon

Temple of your Dreams

Post-Hero Registration, Bjorg resided in western Eastgate, near the safe zone for Officer Wincott and his Troll Taskforce. Having proven his worth to the city and some of the officers working the taskforce, Bjorg managed to get some utilities for his crumbling building. Much of the next few years were spent fighting and bleeding across the face of Paragon, with activities ranging from basic street-level hero work to going off-world on Portal Corp rescue missions with the then-famous Team Cobalt-Black.

Black Balloon

In his time of higher-security heroics, Bjorg was taken on by Zenvious Foundation for care and mentoring. He took well to the group, socializing and working with numerous psychics among the registered heroes before eventually finding a rhythm of heroics by day and therapy by night. The scars from his initial encounter with a psychic heroine some years before were still fresh on his psyche, and through months of care and experimentation Bjorg was given some semblance of normalcy. Not intelligent by any means, Bjorg was at least given a chance at holding a conversation and using a cellphone as more than a pager or expensive projectile.

Third Alternative

In more recent times, Bjorg has joined members of Team Cobalt-Black in their efforts to clean up King's Row. Working out of a small gym in the Row and offering aid to various at-risk youths, the Supa Troll has worked his way into a more subdued position in Paragon's hierarchy of villains and heroes.



Super Strength


Bjorg is a Supa Troll. As a Supa Troll, he benefits from increased durability both in toughened skin and an extremely high pain tolerance. However, the rampaging Supa Troll known to heroes and Skyway residents alike is most usually freshly altered; these specimen are still on the high which comes from raw and uncut Superadine. The duration of changes from this exposure lasts anywhere from hours to days in most cases, with the recipient reverting to a more reasonable size and strength with medical treatment. Bjorg benefits from his Superadine addiction more than he suffers as a result. His increased size and musculature are constantly being reinforced by additional use of medically-certified Superadine in the same treatment plan as Methadone, while his durability improve as often as he tests it.

A side-effect of the medically-sound Superadine comes with its' effects on his regeneration abilities. Intense focus and rigorous training from various sources of exposure helped offset the change in regeneration, helping to increase it with use against new and exotic sources of punishment. One of the major effects Superadine has is connecting rage with strength in the user, though other emotions can cause someone under the influence to react in super human ways. Bjorg cantt explain it, but his own grim determination and rage at a situation can help him boost his healing factor and resilience.


A troll in motion stays in motion. For the most part. Unable to reach land speeds of most speedsters and with no ability to fly, the average troll gets around either slowly on foot or by bounding through the air. For smaller-bodied trolls this involves leaping and scurrying up a surface to complete their jumps. Supa Trolls and some Ogres and Caliban can make unassisted jumps upwards to seventy miles per hour, reaching upwards to ninety feet in height before landing. Supa Trolls are the fastest and most powerful leapers in the troll hierarchy, and Bjorg is no exception.


Trolls are big. Trolls are mean. Supa Trolls especially have a reputation of being fearsome in combat and inspiring such bravery in their foes as fleeing, wetting themselves, and cowering in terror. For Bjorg, his roars of anger and rage and the sheer vigor which he delivers his blows has an unnerving effect on his foes. From simple taunts and challenges on his foes to more pressing intimidation (and even instilling outright panic in entire crowds), Bjorg employs far more psychological warfare than most heroes would imagine and most villains would enjoy.



The Bag

The Axe


Who He Is

Why He Does It


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