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Member of "The Justiciars"
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 23
Personal Data
Real Name: Superbot
Known Aliases: None
Species: Android
Age: Unkown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 300 lbs
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unkown
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Electric / Electric
Known Abilities
Can create and control an electric current and manifest it into a weapon.

Code name:Superbot Origin/Archetype: Technology/blaster

Real name: Unknown

Identity: Secret, based so far on the fact that no one knows, not even him. Occupation: Full time hero. Legal status: At this time he is being given sanctuary at the "Argo" until this can be established. Place of birth: Earth, we hope. Marital status: Single Known relatives: None

Known allies: At this point allies are unknown.

Known enemies: It is assumed the Rikti because of were he was found.

Base of operations: The Argo

Group affiliation: The Justiciars

Previous affiliations: None.


He was found in battle worn condition at a Rikti crash site after a massive battle in the sky above. The members of The Justiciars that found him made the assumtion from his human form that he must have been a hero injured while fighting the Rikti. No one remembered seeing him there, but the fact that there were so many heroes from other groups helping in the fight, it made it hard to tell. After seeing his metal skin starting to repair itself it becomes very clear he is not human, but an android of sorts. After a very brief discussion it is decided that leaving him there would not be right, and the only right thing to do would be to bring him back to the Argo. Upon waking from what appears to be a sleep like state the hero is unclear as to were he is, or who the heroes around him are. When asked his name the unkown hero only replied "My name... I am not sure..may I enquire as to what a name is?". It was neccessary to keep him in secure observation for a few days to not only make sure he was well, but to also evaluate if he was a threat. During this time some of "The Justiciars" started referring to him as "Superbot". After overhearing them referring to him that way he decided it sounded like a good name and suited him. A few months have gone by since his awakening, as he prefers to call it, and Bot as learned much about the planet earth and the people who inhabit the surface. By using the data banks of the Argo's computer he has been able to blend in with the other more. Seaming less like a android and more like one of the team. Someday he would also like to figure out what he was doing at the crash site. Were he was created, who created him, and most of all...was he intended to help the humans...or not!?!

Height:6'3" Weight:350 lbs (but thanks to his creator has stabilizers that relieve most of the weight bringing him down to 220) Eye color:White Hair color:None Age:Unknown

Other distinguishing features: His flesh is metal covered by Tights...

Strength level: Able to lift twice his body puts it around 1000 lbs.

Known superhuman powers: He is able to fly, using the very same stabilizers that help him not weigh his full weight. Speed is yet undetermined. His main source of power is not known at this time but it allows him to send out large amounts of what appears to be electricity from his hands and body when he chooses to. He appears to be able to control the level of flow of electricity from a slight trickle barely enough to appear as a spark, to a massive amount strong enough to engulf several foes and fill their bodies with lethal doses.

Other abilities: His body does appear to have the ability to repair its self. Much like a human it takes some time but not quite as long. His body seams to be made of a type of metal that is about as strong as steel and is coated in a layer of clear fluid that seams solid but when damaged becomes liquid and helps to repair. While it is strong his skin is not indestructable.

Limitations: At this time his limitations are not known.

Paraphernalia: His outfit is very basic, tights and a belt.

Weapons/Arsenal: His body appears to be his Arsenal.
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