The Wade

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Arch-Mage Absolute.
The Wade
Player: @Wade
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Mastermind
Security Level: 50 +3
Personal Data
Real Name: Wade D. Sullivan
Known Aliases: Arch-Mage Absolute, Son of Satan, And Prince of Hell
Species: Human/Devil Hybrid.
Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 ibs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Irish/chinese
Occupation: Arch-Mage Absolute. Leader of the Mage's Guild known simply as "The Dominion."
Place of Birth: Nerva Achipelago, Rogue Isles, USA
Base of Operations: Dark Astoria
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Sean Sullivan aka Chaotic Shadow Deceased

Warren Sullivan aka The Infernal Mage Deceased Asumi Sullivan aka The Shadow Deceased''

Known Powers
Summoning and controlling demons. Uses blood magic and shadow magic. is able to create portals to Hell and the Nether. Controls Satan's icy hell fire due to having his blood.
Known Abilities
Controlling demonic beings. Able to use blood magic from the blood of his half father Lucifer. Able to transform into a devil for a small amount of time.
Demonic Armor that is enchanted to keep his devil powers and hell fire aura in check.
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