Way of the Tiger

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Way of the Tiger

Tiger profile.jpg
Connie Masters
Way of the Tiger
Player: Cuppa Neko LLX
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 24
Personal Data
Real Name: Connie Masters
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 21
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: 75% Caucasian, 25% African
Occupation: Hero!
Place of Birth: Manhattan Beach
Base of Operations: Manhattan Beach
Marital Status: ‘Single, Why are you asking?’ ;-)
Known Relatives: Mr. Kenny Masters
Known Powers
Regeneration, Katanna Mastery
Known Abilities
Air Walking
Image Inc Stainless Steel Katanna

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Way of the Tiger (kat/regen nat scpr) My father runs a multinational corporation. And i like totally get whatever i want. So like i wanted to have cool ninja moves and he got me into the Academy of Earth, Air, and Water. When I wasn't doing so good as a Air Ninja he had me exposed to a experimental drug that gave me the agility of the cat. Then the bastard says some BS about me "going feral" and turns me into a monster. He apparently found a better fix and changed me back to a more human form but now I have fur ICK! Ok so he got rid of the fur and most of those nasty instincts now so i guess i can let him of the hook but there better not be anything freaky coming later! Man you never know how much you miss something till it's gone, with winters chill i began to miss my fur, thanks again to my dad i was able to get a nice warm winter coat, and he promises me it will go away when the weather gets warmer *purrrrrr*


Registered Hero There isn’t much to say her, Connie’s demeanor and quirks don’t really paint her as a true and selfless hero, she is often in things for glory and excitement but she does uphold the laws dictates of Paragon city so she is at the very least a Registered Hero.






Female ‘But if you wanna make sure…’



Additional Traits/Abilities



Connie is, lets be real here, a spoiled little rich girl, heiress to the Masters Empire her father has access to vast wealth that he in turn uses to spoil his daughter rotten. Connie has known the likes of Paris Hilton as her BFF. It is unclear exactly when but at some point Connie caught wind of the Academy of Ice, Wind, and Earth and more or less bought herself entry with a massive donation to the head Sensei. Expecting to be able to sleep though classes, go at them half hearted and buy her status as a elite ninja, like she bought everything else, she was in for a rude awakening when no matter how many tantrums or how much cash she threw around she could not be promoted out of the Way of Discipline’s basic green to a more advanced division such as Air, Water, or Earth.

When her standard methods failed she turned to her father once more and ‘bribed’ her way to get a partial advancement. Her martial art’s training a joke she was ‘promoted’ to weapons training, a class that was considered ‘easier’ then martial arts and she ‘earned’ her basic katanna. Still she wanted to be a real ninja and so she asked her father for help.

Mr. Masters having recently gotten hold of the Way of Ice formula, the original Leona strain and the Neko’s Law variant poured his resources into something to please his daughter. After several months and millions more invested then any of the previous group could access he came up with TGR/HYB1 and told Connie about it, she was more then eager to take the formula that promised on minor cosmetic changes but a drastic increase in her reaction time.

Connie jumped at the procedure and soon she was sporting long elf like ears and some minor feline facial quirks. As well as phenomenal regeneration and cat like reflexes. With her new ‘skills’ she quickly rose to her sought after position of Way of Air Disciple in the red trimmed tunic. However when she tried to claim her title as Exemplar of Air she was rebuked, the name was taken! Undaunted she became, under much protest that a sister school had that named reserved as well, Way of the Tiger.

Ever the exhibitionist Connie with her new body turned to the porn industry for a new thrill but the ‘wild cat girl’ playacting awakened a dark creature buried and though neutered from the formula. Connie experienced a series of black out and it is reported that during this Black States she was a savage animal. Mr. Masters had little choice but to trick his daughter and expose her to the refined TGR/HYB2. The new formula heavily mutated Connie’s body turning her fine human body to some fleshy feline horror with beast like legs, a cats head’s and numerous other chrematistics.

Angry and bitter Connie broke ties with her father and dove into her training to hide her pain at loosing all she held dear in her fine body. She didn’t care she no longer blacked out, she was a monster on the outside and that’s what mattered! It was months before she even spoke to her father and in that time she master basic Air Ninjutsu granting her the ability to walk on air as if it were solid ground. But the biggest surprise was yet to come as her father called her up and informed her of TGR/HYB3.

The 3rd iteration of the formula gave her back much of her human form, even close to TGR/HYB1 standard but also gave her a full coat of fur and a bit more feline facial features. This started repairing her relationship with her father but not by much, she was still a freak and still had the urges of an animal, to mate, to breed.

Connie hasn’t really changed much in all her time and adventures but she has matured some since loosing her ‘face.’ Still shallow and pursuing the ultimate goal of acquiring one of the master swords from the academy. However things are going to change soon as Mr. Master’s scientists have perfected TGR/HYB4 and it looks to solve all the problems of the previous generations and to possibly be the cure for Neko’s Law and Way of Ice.

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