Zack Lanning/The Arien Corporation

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The Arien Corporation, is an intergalatic business group, which has over four hundred orbiting research stations around various planets throughout our galaxy and many more in other galaxies.

The company was established around ten thousand solar years ago, and has been growing in power since.

Now, the company owns several colonised worlds in various star systems and is the leader in many forms of interstellar travel system designs and terraforming tools.

Although the Arien Corporation claims to be a peaceful business entity, there have been many accusations of hostile take overs of various companies and planets along it's history.

The main source of controversy is still the Arien Corporation's involvement with the planet Geontara. This planet was supposed to have come under siege from an unknown enemy. The planet was picked clean of organisms and left in a husk state. Although a valient attempt by the Arien Corporation was made to save as many of the populace as possible, it was already too late, the supposed assailant group was lost in the void of space and the planet fell silent.

The chairman of Arien Corp. had this to say:

"It is indeed a great loss to the galactic community, that Geontara's trade and resources shall fall lost to the rest of the Universe. We at Arien, feel personally responsible for the loss of the Xhellan race from the galaxy, and we will not rest until we have found those responsible and brought them to justice."


Investigation by the Galactic Law Enforcement is still ongoing, however, no defining evidence has of yet been found on the planet's surface, or within Arien's own holding, various pieces of small insignificant data extracts have been found, though there is no way of knowing whether the events or people described within the disks were in any direct connection to Arien.

"Must...Ge-... Arien... blame for every-... Xhellans... gone... Must get out... Find help-... sister planet's.... responding... too late." - Source Unknown, translated from Xhellan dialect. Data Disk #918635 Arien Holding: #G-F-K-7622

"Geontara is lost... transport, shut down... The Ascended... angry... destruction-... Strange lights above th-... surface... Lost." - Source Unknown, translated from Xhellan dialect. Data Disk #6725437 Arien Holding: #G-F-I-6823.

"Capital has been lost, I repeat, Capital has be- *explosion cuts off the rest of the extract*" - Source - Xhellan Embassador J'ealneth Keranus. Data Disk #331623 Arien Holding: #G-H-Q-5142.

"Run! Just g- *explosion, followed by nothing but screaming and more quieter explosions before static cuts in*" - Source Unknown, translated from Xhellan dialect. Data Disk # 6143842 Arien Holding: #G-B-X-7253.

One of the few data extracts that has been recovered to be in full working order by the company is listed below.

*the screen flickers a few times before showing a room sculpted from a crystaline looking substance, various muffled explosions can be heard in the background, in the distance through a window, a blue explosion can be seen coming out of a building, various lights are distorted through the water outside. tTe camera is panned slightly to face a large mammalian aquatic creature, four eyes don it's face, a lack of a mouth seems to be apparent, as the creature begins to speak the gills on it's cheek and neck undulate*

"My name is Javeck Uralan... I was stationed with a special operative task group of the Xhellan military the night of the Geontaran invasion. We didn't have any idea of what was going to happen until it did... I don't think any of us can even believe it now. My group consists of four members, myself and my brother are warp specialists, we deal with using energy in controlled manners to help control enemy groups, our commander, Falren Jactil, is an expert shifter, also known as a 'Slicer' namely for his preffered choice of weaponry. His wife is the final member of our team, Alara Jactil, she's our medic. We were st-"

*the screen fizzles onto an above surface image of Javeck and a small Xhellan child playing in a green field, a female voice chips in over the top*

"Be careful you two..." the two male Xhellans grin at eachother then run at the woman who falls over laughing with the other two.

*the camera fizzles back to the scene previous*

"...they came without warning, we're not even sure who they are or what. Religion states that they're The Ascended... Gods that supposedly created our race... I don't buy that Galunvar Shite personally... but that's life. When they first attacked, we were waiting for our evening patrol orders, first reports came in off the coast of the city, the first to be hit were families... y'know, kids... little kids... what sick bastard does that? From what we heard, they didn't even kill them... they just took them... dragged them away kicking and screaming... We don't know what happened to them"

"Turn that off, we got incoming" A different voice chips in then slaps the camera down on the desk, as it does, a fizzle happens again and the camera flicks over onto a new scene.

Various explosions are going off muffled by the water, lightning blue blasts of energy bolt left right and centre.

The camera dives behind cover with three other Xhellans, two male and one female.

"Jav, Nel... you two keep an eye on the civilians, get them to *BOOM* Get them to safety GO!"

The smaller male Xhellan swims along with the camera, it pans over the carrier's shoulder to look at the large Xhellan male morphing it's arms into blades followed by the female swimming in close proximity. As the camera goes back and looks up toward the surface, various pods can be seen punching through the surface and smashing through various buildings, more explosions rocket around the place.

The two run towards a building and force the doors open. Various civilian Xhellans instantly dart behind cover.

"We're here to help, let's go! To the Valura port" Javeck called to the civilians, giving his brother a nod.

The civilian Xhellans stand up, various groups are around including a pregnant female with her mate. The camera pans again to see the commander swimming towards them at high speed.

"MOVE KID, NO-" Before he can finish a beam of solid blue energy impacts into his back knocking him into pieces.

The civilians scream and panic.

"Everyone get out the back now!" Jav aimed an arm at the wall blowing a hole through it with a bolt of energy "Get to the portals now!"

The camera turns around to show a scene in the street where Alara is being held at arm's reach by a large four legged creature, the beast has a humanoid body attached to four legs splaying out with two feet pointing forwards and two behind it. It can almost be seen grinning before ripping her in half.

The brothers dart towards it both unleashing blasts of energy at the same time, as they do, the camera flickers off for the final time.

- Data source - Xhellan military - Squad Unknown. Data Disk #52431 Arien Holding: #G-R-A-5512

The data alone was deemed unworthy of notice in the investigation of the Arien corporation, and was later discarded by the courts.

Recently, Arien took hold of Project Erion by force, taking him to one of their many orbital research stations, located around the universe.

This data disk was found along with Zack Lanning in a crashed Skimmer class cruiser which touched down in the Rogue Isles, Lanning was quickly taken back into Uni-Con holding soon after the incident.

"This is Commander Karenus, requesting docking clearence."

''Yes sir. Requesting approach vectors... you are cleared for docking procedures, welcome back, Commander."

The small exploration ship docked with the station with a hiss as the air-lock engaged.

"Collect Project Erion, and move him to the experimental bays for Telician advancement." Karenus couldn't help but grin as the unconscious form of Zack was carried past him in a stasis pod, the grin wasn't even a happy one, more just a splitting of the mans lipless mouth in a triumphant gesture common with his species.

The camera follows a small creature in a high tech looking suit, Karenus, a large viscious looking beast of an alien and another larger alien, orange in colour and equally as tall as Karenus.

"Sar, I expect a full report within two hours, I want full biometric scans and I expect full cognitive function restored within the hour. Understood?"

Sar, the large orange alien nodded once in reply to Karenus "Yes, sir. Should we expect any resistance once he's awake?"

Karenus smirked "You tell me, Sar. Should we?"

"I'll ensure the fields are on maximum" Sar nodded, tapped a few things onto a holographic tablet hovering on the side of Zack's stasis pod, then followed it down the corridor as it rocketed off in the direction of the experimental bays.

The camera clicks off shortly after Sar rounds the corner. After a brief moment of black screen the camera flicks back on to show Sar's face blurring into focus.

"Test phase one, has been initiated. Erion's powers have been growing faster than we could have anticipated, he truly is a marvel for the Xhellan species." the camera pans to show Zack's body held suspended in a blue transparent liquid, he seems to be awake and in a considerable amount of pain. The camera pans back to Sar. "Currently, Erion seems to be responding strongly to a chemical derrived from the Xhellan blood... used in moderation, it can cause a spike of energy in the telician which allows the Xhellan to puncture the boundaries between this dimension and the next, returning a few moments later. From our calculations, it seems apparent that when they jump, they effectively leave a small hole in the dimensional barriers, which seals up a few moments later. Possible applications for this ability, could include various things, namely revolving around warp delivered missiles, or as was originally intended, extreme faster than light travel. More tests are needed." the camera clicks off again.

The camera returns to the same scene of a high tech lab with Zack suspended in a tube of blue liquid in the centre of the room, various energy fields are now shimmering around the tube. "Erion's powers hit a break through yesterday evening, a new serum allowed his powers to physically reach out of the containment gel and actually take hold of one of the lower members of security, it was a rather spectacular sight to observe, he was effectively disassembled molecule by molecule whilst being bombarded by interdimensional energy. It just gives me more ideas as to how Erion's telician could be used for future research on weapon projects." Sar seems almost pleased as a slight comotion comes from the tube in the centre of the room, Zack's face contoring in pain before his eyes become more like his true forms, two sets of pure black shark eyes ripping into existence on his face. "... It seems batch fourty seven has an adverse effect on Xhellan shapeshifting... Mark fourty seven for use in reclaiming and detaining protocals, I want it tested on genetic material of each species on board, see if we can't fit it to the air systems, flush them if Xhellan's try to hide within the crew when they break out..." Sar shakes his head "I hate shapeshifters" The camera clicks off again

((To be Continued...))
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