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Player: @Caios
Origin: Supernatural / Mutant
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: The Slayer
Species: Vampire
Age: 154
Height: 6'
Weight: 140
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: American / Mix
Occupation: Self Employed
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: 'Living - none, Vampiric - Sire, Brother
Known Powers
Supernatural Speed and Strength, Vampiric Regeneration, Supernatural Senses
Known Abilities
Supernatural Fighting Prowess
none typically

“I bet you think you know all about vampires. Believe me, you know f*** all.” - Razor Blade Smile

Caios (Pronouced "Chaos") is far from your typical vampire, then again she's far from your typical Hero as well. Often described as a Modern Day Vampire Cowgirl, Caios actually enjoys her immortal life. She's out to beat the crap out of bad guys and score a free meal at the same time.




Caios tends to be fairly blunt and outspoken. She has a tendency of direct and brutal action as the preferred solution to just about any problem. Her long and experienced life makes it so she is rarely unfazed by anything, and even when faced against the most impossible odds ahead of her she will often happily jump into the fray.

On a personal level she is never one to be overly emotional or dramatic, and rather hates the vampire stereotypes that are. She has long ago accepted her fate and if anything tends to enjoy it at least on casual level. She definitely isn't afraid of making a vampire joke or two, even at her own expense, and will even go so far as to throw her vampiric nature into another persons face verbally, particularly if they get easily unnerved by that sort of thing. Despite that she almost never falls back on any sort of stereotypical vampire behaviors (baring her fangs obnoxiously and what not).

For the most part she thinks of herself as a normal American girl, and a tomboy. She likes shopping but prefers playing video games. She'll enjoy a good steak albeit extra rare. She likes going out with friends, whether it's going to see a movie or tearing down a Council headquarters.

Socially she tends to be fairly laid back. Her vast experiences mean that it's very hard to really get on her bad side (though it's still easier to annoy her). But she remains approachable for the most part. She's not one to do a lot of talking however, but she will speak up when she has something to say.


All of Caios's abilities come from her vampiric nature gained from the bloodline that sired her. Some of these abilities are fairly generic for all vampires while others are enhanced due specifically to her inherited bloodline.

Physical Prowess

While all vampires are capable of physical speed and strength beyond that of normal humans, Caios's bloodline allows for a physical superiority far beyond that of even other vampires. This means more then just more supernatural speed and strength, but a capacity beyond all natural means to truly control her physical body to astonishing feats. This ability is often referred to as "hyperkinesis", though in this case it is taken to supernatural levels. It is an aspect of her nature Caios has taken advantage of throughout her long life by battling and learning from all manner of martial arts masters all over the world. She will rarely train under a master for any length of time, but rather can pick up new fighting styles and adapt them to her own style very quickly just from fighting others. As a result the more she fights the more deadly she becomes. And she has been fighting for over a century now.

Supernatural Speed

Where Caios's supernatural physical capacity is most apparent is in her nearly impossible capacity for speed of motions. That she is not known as a "speedster" has more to do with her underplaying her abilities then anything else. Also she doesn't not exhibit this speed for long periods of time, so she is rarely seen running at mach speeds across the city. However there is no evidence that she isn't actually capable of this, but rather chooses not to. This could be a simple matter of not wanting to waste the energy required for such prolonged speeds, or it could simply be a preference on her part to do thing differently.

What first hand accounts do prove is that in battle Caios is more then capable of astonishing speed of motion. Punches and kicks which are literally too fast to be seen by the eye, even high speed cameras can have trouble capturing her fastest movements. As a result she will often appear to be standing still even as she is attacking a mass of enemies surrounding her all at once.


Supernatural Strength

Caios's speed can often overshadow her strength. While it is obvious that speed is what Caios excels at, her raw strength is still far beyond anything a normal person would be capable of. She is far from the top of the strongest superheroes out there, but is still more then strong enough to pick up full sized cars and throw them around when needed.

Supernatural Senses

As a vampire Caios has access to far more acute senses specifically designed to hunt her top prey, humans. All of her senses are much sharper as a result, allowing her to pick up on things most would miss. Strangely, in Caios's case it seems her senses are even more capable then normal, even beyond what her vampiric nature would explain. It is not clear whether her enhanced sensory capacity is due to her bloodline or something else. ( the only other publicly known vampire of her bloodline does not show this level of supernatural senses. )


As a vampire Caios is already dead, or more precisely she is undead. Not truly dead, not truly alive, she is not capable of dying by normal means. Many things that would kill most other people have absolutely no effect on her as a result. Toxins, poisons, radiation, even extremely hostile environments have little to no effect on her. Any damage she sustains in battle can be shrugged off for the most part and is quickly and easily repaired.

Part of her resilience to damage is due to the nature of her undead state. She doesn't age, in fact her physical body never changes. Meaning the way she is now is exactly how she was the moment of her first "death" when she was only 20 years old. Any changes forced on her body are quickly reverted as she changes back to her current state. This means any damage she sustains isn't so much healed as "reset" as her body reverts to its static form. This process takes time, though with brief concentration Caios can accelerate this form of vampiric regeneration. Doing so requires quite a bit more energy which in turn means an increased need for fresh blood. This is blood regeneration in a nutshell.

Even so she is capable of being 'killed' however it would require something relatively drastic, and probably include a mystical component to truly destroy her. The most obvious way to do this would be the sun (as described later) which is why she always carries protection. Also while she can technically continue existing in an eternal sleep, to actually be able to function normally on a daily basis requires energy, which means she must feed on blood fairly often.


Blood Dependency

Leaningheart C.jpg

Caios is a vampire, and no matter what this means she needs blood to function. As an undead creature she can absorb the life energy of fresh blood and use it to fuel her activities. Very little blood is actually needed for day to day activities. However her more extreme and superhuman activities require more energy and thus demand more blood to accomplish. By contrast if left without any blood Caios will eventually burn through all of her stored life energy, as her energy reserves run low she will become thirsty for blood. This red thirst that all vampires can experience when they hunger for blood can become extremely intense and overpowering, eventually leading to frenzied uncontrollable behavior as her body desperately tries to feed itself. Eventually her body becomes starved of all energy and will shut down, making any action, even the most basic movement, completely impossible. At this point her body becomes indistinguishable from a corpse.


The biggest and most notable weakness is an aversion to sunlight. That's rather putting it mildly as any skin exposure to direct sunlight will cause her to literally burst into flames as her flesh burns in the light. As a result Caios is, understandably, very uncomfortable being in any sort of daylight for long periods of time. In order to handle operating in direct sunlight Caios always carried protection in the form of special magical protective charms (typically in the form of her sunglasses) which negate the effects of sunlight. These charms don't make her immune to sunlight so much as redirect any direct sunlight. In the end it allows her to stand in the sun as if she was standing under a constant shade. Even then being in direct sunlight remains extremely uncomfortable and she is clearly better suited to activity at night.

So far it has been confirmed that only direct sunlight is lethal to her, and only from this system's sun. Traveling to other worlds has shown that the sun of other planets has no effect on her. That said the sun of alternate Earths, being nothing more then the alternate reality version of the same sun, still has the same devastating effects on her.

Minor Weaknesses

On occasion Caios's vampiric nature has been used against her in unusual ways. Certain magical spells and items can be tailored specifically to affect vampires, making Caios vulnerable to those effects. More mundanely, her supernatural senses can sometimes be overloaded. Typically even really loud noises, pungent smells, and/or bright lights can be managed easily enough without any adverse affect. However unexpected and sudden sensory changes can have a more significant effect. A sudden bright flash in a pitch dark, silent room in time with a loud noise (such as using a flash-bang grenade) can not only leave Caios extremely disoriented, but also cause her serious pain as a result.

At the other end of the spectrum there are also other weaknesses typically associated with vampires that have been shown to be ineffective against Caios. Holy Water, Crosses, and other religious icons have no effect on her at all. ( Though some suggest this is because the people wielding them generally don't have sufficient power in their faith. ) She can enter a house uninvited just fine, cross a stream without any issue, actually loves garlic especially on her pizza, and much prefers sleeping on an actual bed over any sort of coffin. These are all things she claims are nothing more then hollywood myths.

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