Category talk:Atheist

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Took it upon myself to add a description. Also moved it out of the "religious" category, because it means the exact opposite of a religious person. If it is to be grouped with the religion categories, "religious" should probably be renamed to "philosophies" or "beliefs" or something; I didn't do this because numerous characters are using the generic "religious" category rather than a specific sub-category, so it wouldn't be a simple switch. - Fox Lee

Sounds good. A grouping category, Category:Religion or similar, such as the one for careers and so on might be needed if we have several in use at this point -- people looking for an Atheist category would probably expect to find it under such a heading regardless of it usually connoting a lack of religion -- I haven't had a look at Categories in a while, though. Long enough that I dread catching up... -- Price 06:39, 2 June 2011 (CDT)
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