Neutronic Powerhouse

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Neutronic Powerhouse
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Threat Level: 15
Personal Data
Real Name: Casey Cassiday
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 21
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 98 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Auburn
Biographical Data
Nationality: Praetorian
Occupation: Underground Punkrock Superscientist
Place of Birth: Imperial City
Base of Operations: The Underground
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Father, Charles Cassiday
Known Powers
The Power of Science!
Known Abilities
The Power of Science!
Nu Wave Blaster Gauntlets, Sonic Jetboots, Super Caffine
Street walkin' cheetah with a heart full of napalm.

Underground Punkrock Superscience... Activate!

When life gives you lemons, you wire those lemons to an energy reactor and turn those suckers nuclear. That's apparently what you do if you're Casey Cassiday, otherwise known as Neutronic Powerhouse. And the next step is to use those metaphorical lemons to power energy-blasting gauntlets and take the fight to The Man, in the name of justice and science and proving that you're better than any stupid Negative Energy Reactor inventing Praetor.

Casey herself is intelligent enough to invent a new form of energy (perhaps not a safe one, depending on who you ask) and highly energetic herself (possibly because of a steady intake of SuperCaffine), but perhaps lacks to focus to take her ideas of Nu Wave energy to the next level (also possibly due to a steady intake of SuperCaffine). That she's reckless and fond of a bit of the 'ol ultra-violence doesn't help either, but this doesn't make her any less of an asset to the Resistance. Slowly, she's climbed the ranks alongside her friend Mindslammer as she blasts her way through everything from the PPD to ghouls to the Syndicate. Totally punk rock style.

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