
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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The name is the bloody city's fault. Stupid clerk saw a tall bird with sword.
Player: @DrJackWolfe
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 40
Personal Data
Real Name: Lady Kyrie Warder
Known Aliases: None
Species: Magical Mutation
Age: 33
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 146 Kg
Eye Color: Blue Grey
Hair Color: red, dyed blond after she got to the city
Biographical Data
Nationality: Citizen of the United Kingdom and Untied States
Occupation: Keeper of the Holy Blade
Place of Birth: Buckland in the Moor, Devon UK
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single, really single, frighteningly so
Known Relatives: Lord Chester Warder (father), Susan Warder (mother)
Known Powers
Super Strength, Invulnerability,
Known Abilities
Master Sword person, Blacksmith,
The Holy Blade Dragonfang
No additional information available.

Real Name: Lady Kyrie Warder (HEAR IT http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/k/k0122100.html)

Known Aliases: Keeper of the Blade

Identity: Public.

Occupation: Knight errant, Consultant for the "EFU" divsion of the Pargon PD

Citizenship: Citizen of the UK and US

Place of Birth: Buckland in the Moor, Devon UK

Education: Privately educated by the church First Degree equivalent Bachelor of History.

Base of Operation: Paragon City, RI

Known Relatives: Lord Chester Warder (father), Susan Warder (mother)

Affiliations: Knight of the Blade; Guardian Angels


Physical Attributes

Height 7'1"

Weight: 146 Kg

Eyes: Blue-Grey

Hair: Blond or Red She'll never tell


To most she is quiet, stoic, and fairly intimidating. Her friends know her to have a wickedly dry humor and quiet religious passion, although her values are not those of any recognized church. It's in battle that she seems to come alive. In combat her speed, agility, strength and fury combine into a dance of deadly beauty. It is clear that war is her true calling.

Powers and Origin

Over a thousand years ago a knight, Liam Warder, witnessed a battle of the heaven at the end of which a shooting star fell to Earth. Seeking the crater Liam found a sword embedded into the ground at its center. Touching the blade Liam was changed; a voice filled his head "Protect this blade, I shall return." Like any knight of the time, he reported his findings to The Church, the gathering of leaders of every religion banded together to protect the world from paranormal dangers. The Church council tasked the Warder family with protecting the blade, and since the Warder's have acted quietly in shadows protecting mankind.

Enhanced strength, durability, and the ability to wield the sword have been passed along the Warder line since the 9th century. A curious side effect of these holy geas is the birth of only male children to the Warder line, until Kyrie.

Being a female upset much of The Church, there were cries of Apocalypse and many tried to prevent her from keeping the blade. Some factions of The Church have even attempted to steal the blade. Knowing she wasn't safe in hiding, Lord Chester Warder sent her the country of her mother's birth and ordered her to do the unthinkable.

"Be visible, keep the secret of the Knight of the Blade from world no longer" his hope was a visible heroic Knight of the Blade would avoid The Church's wraith


Ragnrok is resistant to all physical damage. She can shrug off small arms fire, grenades, even small missiles. Energy weapons and elements, while not instantly deadly seem to cause her greater harm. Her best defense appears to her agility and speed, she simply slips past many deadly attacks.

Super Strength

Kyrie can press at least 10 tons, her leg strength allows her to leap hundreds of meters.


Kyrie has amazing stamina and heals wounds quickly

Her enhanced form requires approximately 10 times the calorie input of a normal human.


Kyrie is the keeper of what she describes as a "Holy Blade". It is unclear whether the blade is indeed a holy artifact "A Blade of Angels" as Kyrie says or some other mystic or alien artifact. The blade does not appear to be traditional steel, but some sort of white alloy. Feeling like enamel, it is easy to see the how the name Demon's Fang stuck. Patterned after the classic "Broadsword" Demon's Fang weighs nearly 100 kilos and would be impossible to wield without enhanced strength. In addition the blade disappears from this dimension should Kyrie be knocked out.

Demon's Fang appears to have some intelligence and is quite obvious to psi gifted and magicians. It is unclear how bright the blade is, or how much it can communicate, though Ky does occasionally mutter to it. Recently the blade's personality has taken to manifesting outside of the sword, typically as small red demon.

Perhaps more important then Demon's Fang is The Scabbard. The Scabbard is a pocket dimension anchored on Kyrie's back. When Kyrie "pulls" Dragonfang from The Scabbard it appears she is drawing it directly from her back. The Scabbard is quite large and has the property of magically preserving anything put in it. Food and drink stay hot or cold and do not spill in The Scabbard, clothes stay pressed, fruit and meats stay fresh. It is believed The Scabbard was used as the ultimate survivor pack for questing knights.

Character Notes

Kyrie is on call with the "Extreme Force Unit" of the Paragon PD. The EFU is also known as the "Dead or Alive team". Although it is possible to use the "Flat of Blade" the nature of Kyrie's weapons almost always cause extreme damage and she is sent after the most dangerous and deadly of targets.

Kyrie sleeps on a cot in the Pocket D and has no home in Paragon. She considers the D the safest place to let her guard down since DJ Zero somehow prevents non-consensual violence.

There is scar across her neck, no record exists of how it got there.

Short Story for insight

Grass and bedrock cracked under the impact of her 300 pound frame. She collapsed to her knees, dispersing the energy of her ten story fall, not a significant distance for Kyrie Warder, but more then a step off a curve.

The Behemoth Overlord had seen the human coming, a speck leaping off the building across the street. His servants were distracted and let the captured soul go; he would punish them after they harvested this silly girl.

“No time to waste,” the thought didn’t really float through her head, it hadn’t the time. It was more an instinct, something she just knew as a warrior. Reaching over her shoulder she pulled the mighty blade from its dimensional sheath as she pushed off the parkland and began to pivot. The force of her ballet like spin raised the tip of her blade, Demon's Fang, cutting robe and demon flesh alike. A full circle complete she slammed her blade to the ground.

A puff of greenish smoke accompanied the disappearance of the CoT archer. Parrying the attack of the huge Overloard a slight grin creased Ragnrok’s usually stoic face.

“Don’t get to cocky Rag’rok, we have you.”, the beast's gravely voice intoned

“Like bloody ‘ell you do, you great poser, not enough of you t prevent me from winning this fight.”

The demon breathed hard, and flames engulfed Kyrie’s body. “Perhaps human, but we’re not working alone.

The great bark of the Council automatic weapons echoed in her ears, the slugs causing her little pain, but startling her. Then came the explosion of pain as the massive hammer fists caught her ribs and hurled her across the park, a soft granite hillside stopping her flight. .

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs she tried to force herself to her feet. To late she recognized the “PTOOM” sound of the freak grenade launchers, the explosions toppled her down the grass again. A rain of circuits tumbled from her belt pouch, as her teleport grid transponder went off-line.

“I’ve got to get out here” she thought pulling her legs under her for a kilometer devouring leap. Demon flames, freak electricity, and council sonics slammed into chest before she could clear the crowd.

A circle of villainy formed around her prone body, hoots and howls went up from the crowd. They grew louder as they realized the grid wasn’t saving their victim this time, this time they’d have fun.

Kryie’s mind railed against the situation. They couldn’t beat her, she had to get out.

“Magic Guys doing something bad?” bellowed over the parkland as the ground shook and many of her attacker tumbled to the ground.

“Thorns hanging out with Freaks and Council something is up.” The ground shook a second time and more villains fell to the ground.

A huge man, with a B his on chest swung at a freak Slasher Tank, “Catch Old Hippie guy.” His punch forcing the Freak to fly across the park

The short man, with a neatly trimmed white beard and ponytail smiled, as his fist caught the Freak and lofted it into the air. Energy erupted from both her rescuer eyes, bathing the Freak leader in a pleasant reddish hue, before the grenades in its’ shoulder feeds detonated under the punishment.

“Oh…I bet spiky-metal guy won’t be so tough now.’”

“Undoubtedly, come on let’s finish this and go get a corndog.”

The giant seemed to nod as they two men tore into her attackers, the larger one waving the smaller off some of the tougher freaks, because, “Hippie man not strong enough”, the hippie man only smiled at that as he threw himself into CoT thorn wielders.

Soon it was just the three of them, the white haired one helping her to her feet.

“I know you…you were a Legend, Ragnrok right? You had a lot a potential, but a way too much of a loner. Didn’t like working with a team.” The world seemed to warp as the giant and the hippie casually floated into the air.

As they flew away the hippie said “Given the days events, seems like maybe your loner ways ought ta change.”

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