Aristomache Sunrune

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"Anar'alah belore".
Ari Sunrune
Player: @Garimi
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: applying experience
Personal Data
Real Name: Aristomache Sunrune
Known Aliases: None
Species: Sin'dorei
Age: 5,784 (prime)
Height: 4'0"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Fel Green tainted violet
Hair Color: Sunkiss Strawberry Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Quel'Thalas, Azeroth Immigrant
Occupation: Combat Medic, Freelance extraction specialist
Place of Birth: Quel'Thalas, E.K., Azeroth
Base of Operations: Founder's Falls
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Relatives: one brother by blood living in Sharkhead and Sin'dorei known

long in Atlas Park in atlas park. NOne others in this world from exact place/time of departure

Known Powers
Mana Tap (ley line tap); arcane healing, dark nether offensive spells and arcane moonburn. Levitation and target summoning
Known Abilities
Diplomacy and Intrigue are natural from cradle as well. A powerful race in arcane use but delicate in physical endurance and strength. Retains some heridtary night vision.
Sungold armor, Arcane Protection Robe, Spell scrolls, arcane charged icons and talismans. Bow, hand crafted arrows, Quill pen, Dimensional Pack (aka bag of holding) Armor, day clothes from Silvermoon, dayclothes from Icon


General Racial


Aristomache Sunrune is an "Elf", a term used universally by humans in many times, planes and dimensions to describe slight built, arcane using, elemental nature connected humanoid races with pointed ears and ethereal beauty regardless of their height, coloration or general demeanor. {The scholar-magi Yoga Master Kun Bhavradi coins a term in his thesis on this phenomena, "Harmonic Descriptives". Words that are similar across languages, worlds and even throughout the universal nether to describe a similar thing. "Human " being another that describes a humanoid type that is usully most prolific and adaptable and therefore usually commmon in their given plane or dimension to the point of being the "standard" race. He further hypothesizes that elves in particular may all be related and enviromentaly changed while out of their home dimension since they have long lives and originated in a time-slowed pocket dimension of which their opening portals to and from has legends on nearly every planet or plane which they are known in histories that stretch sometimes for millenia on first sighting and often gather power and open agate to leave a realm when there is worldwide upheaval}. Aristomache is in prime age by Sin'dorei standards born in the Kings calendar year of 5,230 BK (Before Kings), a time when children were more common, before a long drought of fertility only recently overturned. Her family line came from the region Feralas mostly around Solarsal, her bloodline mostly wiped out in time of antiquity with the destruction of Loreth'Aran; her parents were respected elder nationalist Quel'dorei (Children of Noble birht-"high elves") of Highbourne origin. Sin'dorei is the self term by the majority of the remaining 10% their race "Children of the Blood" (aka Blood Elves) is reminder of the suffering and near extinction by genocide they suffered in the Third War. At this time, a powerful Necromancer, formerly a Prince and armed with inside information of being a previous ally came with aggressive force using a corrupted undead army, "The Scourge". He set sights on the Keystone of their people, land and species, the arcane artifact spawned "Sunwell" sitting upon a huge node of ley lines in that terrain He wished to use its vast energy to power a summoning like none ever seen since the breaking of the main continent and the destruction of it's more powerful parent artifact, the Great Moonwell of Kalmindor. The loss of life and the many wars back to back to back from this time forward shaped their beliefs, trust in other races and kindled athirst for power above the addiction to arcane power they had already genetically embedded. This fact separated them forom their origin not only had they politically changed but they had actually mutated from arcane and demonic exposures into a separate race from the Highbourne Kal'dorei.



Ari being Sin'dorei, is a high elven descendent. Born in the region of Quel'Thalas on the Kalimdor continental break off known as the Eastern Kingdoms her homeworld which had been arrogantly named by a younger non-native race as Azeroth. A world with many wondrous technologies in magic and industry, it was not advanced in the digital-electronic "indutrial" discoveries. Steeped in high number of large ley line veins, it's strongest force was magic. (a detriment since it attracted powerful beings wishing to to harvest this from the planet for personal use of usually nefarious intent) No known "super" powers except Magic based. Primarily: Animism (based in in singular nature elementalism or ancestors) and its broader practice: Totemism (the world at large and ley lines), Arcane (ley lines, Demon summoning, Necromancy, Alchemy) and Divine (given from a powerful deity/entity). Science and technology are at the stage of infant industrial level.

Sin'dorei are a mutated version of an evolutionary offshoot of a native race. Like several native races, enhanced by an arcane environmental influence. It is also one of the few native races that was not anthropomorphic versions of native beasts or magically constructed. Not quite as populous as the faster breeding Titan exported race, the Vykrul (especially it's descended deevolution mutation; Humans) nor the more recent the non-native extraplanetary races like orcs. Even fewer than Trolls or Goblins. Further diminished by genocide during the War of the Scourge. This brings is to Ari:

Early Life

Childhood was stable despite the First and Second Wars. A large family for her race there were 4 surviving siblings when the portal acident came. She was adept at woodsmanship, hunting and archery. She was strong in Arcane, her eyes were amber until she she was a pre- adult of 250 yrs. As she beaceme a woman things changed:

Rites of Passage

Originally trained as an arcane Ranger; when the Sunwell was light blessed 30 years ago,she became a Warrior of Light: a Paladin. Hers was a life of conflicting desires and loyalties. With the cessation of the racial addictions to demonic energies and arcane energy, she was personally ready to reclaim the Honor of being Highbourne, her people's affliations and compact with the Horde made following the path of light often strife with grey areas. Though many of the redeemed of her people were of Highbourne political inclination, the smaller stature and blue glow of their eyes marked them as the ones who risked the very world to feed arcane additcion they imbibed so deep of -it changed their very genes; that diluted them physically. And for power as well as addiction soothing; turned to fel (demonic) energy when the Sunwell was tainted which marked not only theirselves with it tainted green but will likely mark a few generations of their decendents.

The Heart of a Hero

Ari was not happy to be in the Horde task force section when her lot was drawn to serve. The Horde is a coalition of non alliance races that banded together with the remnant of the original Orc Horde for the protection of numbers against the larger and unpredictable human population. |Brief: the Orc Horde of Gul'dan was mighty force of orc warriors infused with fel magic (demonic plane magic) and recruited by an evil multidimensional, interplanetary invasion force called the Burning Legion. Orcs were considered perfect cannon fodder once they were corrupted away from their societies nomadic animist society of ancestor worshipers and elemental shamans. A brutal homeworld with all manner of ferocious beasts of tremendous size, even predator plants made then fierce and intimidating minions. This action ultimately led to tragic result of their entire planet being destroyed by magical forces in a battle to close the dimensional gate that the Legion had opened into Azeroth. The fragmented remains even now float in a netherspace area between planes connecting Azeroth and doomed Draenor and are stage for some remaining battles. Assigned to Fistcrush Squad Six; she had little in common with most of her Squad. Team members closest to her; a Tauren Lsk'ka Softcoat (renamed in Praetoria Ptegleska Softcoat and Moxie Bestminion, a typical Goblin gurl of the lighter inclinations.

Recent Events: Pre Arrival

In Kings Year 628, on a tour of Duty, Fistcrush Squad was lost. At this time Ari was aproximately 5,784 Azerothian year cycles in age. Though no longer a true immortal as her ancestors were, the new Moonwell in conbnation with the Sunwell has provided her race exceptionally long lives. The Squad was on a mission to scout viability and possibly attempt the assassination of a high profile political figure of the opposing faction. Their travel created by a mad gnomish warlock who claimed to be a wizard greater than Medivh, as dubious at best. Behind the lines of hostile territory was gratefully without any major incident though they mixed some.. Moxy got their tauren companion's height and hooves and coloration. Ari was green and stockier. Poor Leska was willowy and her pelt grew 8 inches into a coat of silky gold. Her brother became femal with tusks..only one troll and the Warchief remained uneffected. Disconcerting but the mission was still an option since they wore glamouries for disguise anyway. It was the return summon when things became a crisis... **The Horde is a coalition of non alliance races that banded together with the remnant of the original Orc Horde for the protection of numbers against the larger and unpredictable human population.

|Brief: the Orc Horde of Gul'dan was mighty force of orc warriors infused with fel magic (demonic plane magic) and recruited by an evil multidimensional, interplanetary invasion force called the Burning Legion. Orcs were considered perfect canon fodder once they were corrupted away from their societies nomadic animist society of ancestor worshipers and elemental shamans. A brutal homeworld with all manner of ferocious beasts of tremendous size, even predator plants; made them fierce and intimidating minions. This action ultimately led to tragic result: of their entire planet being destroyed by magical forces in a battle to close the dimensional gate that the Legion had opened into Azeroth. The fragmented remains even now float in a netherspace area between planes connecting Azeroth and doomed Draenor and are stage for some remaining battles... |

The Accident and arrival to Praetorian Earth

The silly fel begotten warlock had too much dwarven stout at the pub local and blabbed information (as well as was too impaired for reliable casting). More events came to over the rise while he was trying to reopen the portal after they contacted him by gnomecorder to request extraction; enemy agents that had been spying in the tavern came and destroyed the gate just as they were stepping through!

When the portal snapped in both ends it looked like the end... a terrible end drifting in the nether until faded away! But there was a tingling... {unbeknownst to the party, in another dimension 4 layers away, a huge science and magic based portal was being destroyed by warring factions at the very moment it had been spun up in charge for use. The backlash caused a vacuum to suck the party into that world...} 7 of the party of 13 were dumped together in the street of Praetorian Neutropolis. The Weaker magic of that world left their party greatly at disadvantage. The most effected was her kin with no light cleasned arcane and the weak nearly dead arcane emanantions ungrasped by mana tap as well as the Trolls with unfamiliar elementas and no loa. The Tauren being cut from their Earth mother seemed stunned. The Orcs..though weaker, were still orcs. The goblins seemed unaffected as well. The ragtag survivors were subdued and captured quicker than they would like to admit. The ones that gave a strong fight were taken to a different facility with exception to the orc Warchief who fought savagely until they had to kill him. Ari adapted quickly, another planet? another realm? Been there -done that. Though the level of industry and architechtire in a magic poor world was impressive to her in its sheer scale. The PPD and then mysterious Elite Security Agents and Anomaly Researcher Burtrow from the C-corp had them under intense study and quarantine for nearly a year. Then some were released to the Behavioral Adjustment Facility for later release to the society!


Her release on recognizance to become citizens thru services was welcome. They were also given devices to track if they tried to gather, for the probation dictated they not contact each other until full citizenship was earned. Though affected by the lack of heavy arcane and mana availability; the politics was her element and traveling dimensionally and planar pathing was not new to her kind. Not even the concept of space travel. She would find her former companions and her brother eventually and was not overly concerned about the dead. .]

Life in Praetoria and Departure

Adaptable refugee being synonmous with her rac's history of being expelled from their chosen homes more than once, Ari greatly enjoyed the structured heierarchy of Praetorian govenmental service . Her beauty, saavy and skills allowed her early release, her freedom mostly under tutelage, but it was great working for an elder statesman. Praetoria was remincicent of her life in Quel'Thas before the falland of Dalaran. But her most moral choices came when she discovered the secret approval of Cole for teh Experiments Berry was enacting that made her think of the tales of how the scourge and the Worgen curse came about. It ruined all her happiness in Praetoria and made her fear suffering through another Fall like that of Silvermoon (>shudder<). And then when the Arachnos encroachments came to light and her brother was fooled into joining them it left her with mixed loyalty.The choices-go though yet another portal to another world still or stay and try to repair her steadily unraveling security. She had doubts of going to a world that had spawned and supported the violent Resistance insurgency; the chaotic and covert Longbow who were trying to overthrow a legitimate and stable government for their own gains and trampling ordinary citizens to do it. And often making alliances with the worse criminals and monsters for more minions to their "Just Cause"Or lastly the smooth , honeyed Archnos agents using the strange mind tricks similar to Seers, and effctive recruiting propogands to fool the disenfranchised into joining them when they also had no business in a place that not only was not their country, it was not even their planet or dimension! Last gleaned information using her position, she learned that Lska evidently had chosen alliance with this evil Resistance during a prisoner raid & smuggled over out of captivity and never even had to work for praetorian regime or even Resistance. Her other closer friend, a mellow Sin'dorei of the Light touched Sunwell, also was defection that very same week. Moxie came over after but was easily found, but Ari didn't need to be told that it was a convienint or expedient thing to do moreso than any firey speech and chest thumping. She was surprised Chris also had gone over despite having advanced in rank pretty high up; societies with comfortable positions for undead and nevromancers were not common. It was probably her sense of responsibilty as she was officially the command lead now theri former ranks. The easygoing small Orc, Candlereader Miss Placed was there as well . . She searched to unite with her lost scout squad members, primarily her gurlz; Moxie Bestminion Moxie, Corpus Christie Cris, & Ptegleska Softcoat Leshka

All the female members that have found tgheri way to Primal Earth are finsing sanctuary in The Sidereal Residence and dutifully protecting the citizenry of that realm as they promised for various motivations .

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