Blood Butcher

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Blood and Gold baby!
Blood Butcher
Player: Arbiter Shade
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Saif al Hazrat
Known Aliases: The Blood Butcher
Species: Human
Age: 28
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 184 lbs
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Rogue Isles
Occupation: Smuggler
Place of Birth: Rogue Isles
Base of Operations: Port Oakes
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Control over Blood
Known Abilities
Encyclopedic knowledge of technology, specificly weapons and armor, and drugs


Saif is a tall dark man of middle eastren descent covered in tribal tattoes. Roughly six foot five and on the more muscular side weighing in at one hundred and eighty four pounds. Saif is nothing special in the looks department but he counts that as a blessing, a non-outstanding look is harder to remember than a pretty face.


Saif al Hazrat, the Sword of the Great Lord, was born into a poor criminal family in Port Oakes. He was born with the power to manipulate blood, a rather morbid ability that would later lead to his colorful moniker. As a child he grew up dealing with the Skulls and Hellions on a daily basis Saif quickly realized that he needed to get on people's good sides. He also realized that maybe it would not be wise to completely devote himself to one group and tie himself down, who knows where he might end up after all? He began his criminal career as a fence and quickly got into the information business. Soon the Family took notice of him and opened up entire new worlds of opportunity. Weapons, drugs, armaments, you name it he had it or knew someone who did. Ohh how naive he was, there was so much he didn't even know existed.

Soon he moved his business to Sharkshead and began dealing with the locals, the Skyraiders and the Council. It was as though the world was completely open to him once again with a new wealth of information and technology. Working from this port he also had access to Paragon City and a whole new market. He was on top of his own little slice of the world and nothing could bring him down, until his dealings began to cut into the Family's business. The Family who had traditionally been his greatest allies invited him to a party in Steel Canyon and he was happy as he could be drunk off his ass. When things began to look grim as the Button Men surrounded him, Saif was able to clean his body of alcohol with his powers and took cover as the bullets began to fly. During the battle Saif was hit and began to bleed out, it was then that he had the brilliant idea that if he could control his own blood, could he control other peoples blood as well? He walked away from that night covered in blood leaving a trail of crimson foot prints grinning as he realized his full potential. The Family denied their involvement of course claiming it was a couple loose canons and Saif was never a man to turn down a useful ally like the Family, thought he did love the new nickname they gave him and was there after known to the criminal underworld as the Blood Butcher.

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