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De-Motivator was created as a different and much more serious incarnation before. He was deleted before and recently brought back in a much brighter light. His chakra ordeal is not directly related to Naruto, as it's form of chakra is much more different than this one.

The De-Motivator
Player: @T-Pill
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Drew Masters
Known Aliases: De-Mo
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Weight: 235 lbls
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Port Oakes
Base of Operations: Port Oakes
Marital Status: Married to Hyperdrive
Known Relatives: David Masters (Father, Deceased), Theresa Masters (Mother, Deceased), Rachel Masters (Sister)
Known Powers
Chakra (Life Energy) Control
Known Abilities
Skill at hand to hand combat, superior knowledge of life energy
One knife
Wanted by Arachnos with an impressively large bounty on his head: Dead or Alive.



De-Motivator often comes off as a pretty brash and arrogant guy. Oftentimes he can be found asking people for random favors or asking strange questions of people. Most people he sees, he talks with them amiably until he makes a biting remark. Mostly, he does this for fun. He enjoys people watching and learning and interacting with ones he finds interesting or ones he knows aren't interesting- thus often De-Motivating them as only he can. He comes off as enigmatic, mostly because he's roundabout with his talking and hardly tells anything about himself. Lately though, he's changed to take absolutely nothing seriously and instead opt to make everything a joke, as opposed to being just arrogant. Mostly because now he does take everything a joke.

De-Mo can also be a serious guy when the time calls though. Some has described it as downright scary due to his usual laid back attitude. He becomes more focused then and cuts off all of the games he plays.

On the De-Motivational Prowl

Often times De-Mo will go to the D and just find people to mess with. He sometimes picks someone and De-Motivates them, as simple as that. Other times he listens in on a conversation and adds his two cents, which are usually the complete opposite of a good idea. And some other times he just makes people run through hoops for his own amusement with 'favors' he asks of them.

Overall, De-Mo rarely finds time to actually socialize with these people. But occasionally some will actually get into a conversation with him and he might actually come close to making a friend. But mostly he just gets yelled at, much to his own amusement.

De-Motivational Rants

When questioned about De-Motivation and being a De-Motivator, De-Mo will often go into a long and complicated (as well as nonsensical) rant about what it is. This also happens if someone dares to insult De-Mo. He often threatens them with the harshest of De-Motivations and makes it sound rather brutal and vicious, though never explaining how he'll do it, just the after affects. Because of this, many people don't seem to take De-Mo seriously for that. He doesn't mind it.

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De-Motivator's powers all derive from his chakra. He is all physical combat, normally fighting right in the thick of it because he can protect himself from as much as he can fight against.

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Chakra Control

De-Motivator excels at controlling his chakra. Chakra is the life force energy, mostly attained by centering each of the types. The more centered and closer to 'nirvana' that each of the chakra types are, the more powerful it becomes. Being in a family of chakra users, he was able to pick up how to control it in a much more useful ways as stated below.

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Combat (Energy Melee)

De-Motivator is able to concentrate his chakra to his hands, forming them into crushing orbs with more force behind them. This makes his combat style rather peculiar in comparison to others.

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Chakra Blast

De-Mo has since been learning how to properly use his chakra to extend out from just very close to his body and have the ability to "send" it at someone. He does this by channeling it in his hand, then throwing it out towards someone, sending chakra energy crackling at them. He calls it a chakra blast.

De-Motivator in the Overflow.

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Defense (Electric Armor)

While De-Mo can concentrate the chakra in his hands, he can release it out of all of the chakra pores in his body, allowing a shroud of chakra to flow around him, defending him from attack. He has managed to easily extend it far enough so the energy actually hurts anyone who stands too close to him.

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The Overflow

De-Motivator has the ability to make his entire body engulfed in chakra. He calls it The Overflow, and it leaves him almost impervious to any form of assault. While in this form, De-Mo can fend off against many enemies with ease. It is considered the ultimate form of chakra control and it's very hard for any user of it to get to this level. However, keeping this form up is an extreme stress on the body and when in the form for too long, you end up being forced out of it and left defenseless and exhausted.

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Nullifying Touch

The chakra pores exist in everyone, and though De-Motivator never takes advantage of this much at all, he can focus his chakra into the tips of his fingers and jab them at a certain pore, closing off chakra flow from passing that spot. Usually this technique is used to close off movement in arms or legs, but it can be used in more harmful ways such as closing off the throat, lungs, or even the heart.

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Chakra Reading

Though he acts like he can read people's life energy, he really can't just by a glance. He used to be rather poor at it, but he has become much better at being able to read people who are prone and by a touch of a hand. It does take time for him to properly analyze it though. Using this, he can see if there is something unnatural within them or see if something is suffering within all parts of their psyche. He can also find out what parts of their life energy are stronger than others.

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Martial Arts

De-Motivator also knows various forms of martial arts, being one of the few things he actually stuck with in his life while growing up. He only uses this as a back up if he can't use his chakra for some reason.
The Re-Motivator in action!

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Though many do not consider this a power, De-Mo does. During battle, he has been known to try and 'De-Motivate' his foes through insults and cracks. Most of which are very corny and awful, but it has seemed to prove effective from time to time by throwing his opponents off.

De-Motivator has also stated that there is one other way to make sure an enemy is De-Motivated. Just by them being unconscious.

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De-Mo has a device with him now that fills him or whoever else he uses it on with a second wind in fights. The nature of the device is up for debate, but it usually spouts off motivational words to keep his confidence going.


There are seven different chakra types and the goal is to balance all of them in order to achieve nirvana. The more balanced they are, the stronger you become. Though because of the way De-Mo uses his chakra, he must replenish it by training and re-balancing each of his chakra types.

His chakra also seems to diminish more quickly due to living the Rogue Isles, due to the immense amount of negativity around. This would explain why De-Motivator usually tries to calm people down and quell arguments, as it just drain his chakra balance.

The following is a reference of the chakra wheel and what everything means; a reference for anyone who wants to know what De-Mo is talking about sometimes:

The Chakra Wheel
Chakra Type Location Color Associated With Balanced by
Sahasrara Crown (Top of Head) White/Pink Connection To Divine Meditating, working, soothing exercises
Ajna Between Eyes (Third Eye) Purple Intuition, imagination, concentration, Extra Sensory Perception Meditating, visualization exercises
Visuddha Throat Blue Creativity, expression, communication, sense of hearing Singing, humming, chanting, breathing exercises
Anahata Heart & Lungs (Chest) Green Emotions, love, wisdom, patience, compassion, sense of touch Yoga, swimming, stretching, jogging
Manipura Solar plexus (Stomach) Yellow Displays of emotion, determination, will, laughter, happiness/sadness/anger, sense of sight Rubbing your belly, breathing deeply, being aware of your own life energy
Swadhisthana Groin Orange Desire, pleasure, self confidence, well-being, sense of taste Sex, expressing yourself in new ways, moving your hips, yoga
Muladhara Bottom of Pelvis Red Survival, stability, sense of smell, instinct, potential Sitting on the earth, being around nature, dancing

De-Mo in his civvies.

Character History

Growing Up

Drew Masters grew up as an average kid in the Isles. His family was nowhere near average though. His parents were both vigilantes against Arachnos and his sister Rachel, who was three years older than him, had decided she wanted to become vigilantes like her parents. Drew on the other hand was content just living his life normally, just going with the flow. He never had the best grades in school as he wasn't all too motivated to do well. And while his parents would often encourage him to try and use the family skills of chakra, he often times found himself bored, not putting enough effort into actually making the skills worthwhile.

While in school, he and his friends actually made a band called The De-Motivated, as they all were rather tired of school and most everything else it entailed. Drew had a boring job and no real direction after graduating, while his sister grew up to be a vigilante like their parents. Eventually, Drew's band disbanded and he was left bored and without much to do at age twenty-two.

Becoming The De-Motivator

One day, Drew's parents decided that they would bring together a group of vigilantes to strike Recluse's straight at the core of his power: Grandville. Unfortunately, the group had a spy from Arachnos working within them and before the vigilantes could do any real damage, they were all killed. Drew's parents, however, were publicly executed as a show to anyone else who would dare make a strike against Arachnos.

Drew and Rachel were distraught and traumatized by the whole ordeal. They stayed together for about a month, trying to help eachother through this tragedy until Rachel ran off. Drew didn't know for why exactly, but he assumed it was to go after Arachnos, as she had mentioned it many times before.

He hadn't heard of her since, but he decided he would finally learn how to use his chakra. He trained his hardest and after six months, he was finally ready to go out and fight. He donned the most chakra-pleasing outfit he could and put on a pair of sunglasses. It didn't take him long to think of a name. A throw back to his former band, and the only solid motivational ground he ever had. He became The De-Motivator in order to De-Motivate Arachnos and anyone else who meant to hurt the Rogue Isles, as well as find his sister.

Never turn your back on a De-Motivator.

His Training

Drew, now going by the moniker of The De-Motivator, had to decide on many things. The way his parents died put many precedents for him that he needed to set immediately. He vowed to never kill... ever. He also decided he couldn't make himself stand out as a threat, so he decided on a few personality quirks for himself.

He trained himself to easily be able to sound like a dunce all the time. He would speak with an upwards inflection and act dumb sometimes. He also began to come up with some lame trash talk he dubbed "De-Motes." He figured with all of these things, he'd be able to slip under most anyone's radar in terms of importance in getting rid of. After all, he'd just be some idiot.

More than that, he needed to become combat ready. So he trained and trained with what he knew and slowly evolved on it. He honed his martial arts skills first, just so he could get used to a flow of fighting... then he started to train his chakra. It took about a year to finally get himself ready to actually ready to use his chakra. His punches began basic, but with a few more months of training he began to make some very damaging shots with his chakra. Finally, when he felt comfortable he went about going out and fighting, beginning his life as a mercenary.

Joining The Dread Aces

After De-Mo began his career as a mercenary, he quickly thought that he should find people to work with. It'd offer him help as he bolstered his powers to something powerful enough to achieve his goals, and it would give him protection incase he got into trouble somehow too. He heard of The Dread Aces and decided he would go and try to join them. He confronted the group of them in the D, headed by Crimson Cutlass, and offered to join them. It was rough at first... because De-Mo's show of a false personality proved to make him a sketchy addition to the crew at the very least. But eventually De-Mo was accepted into the Aces.

De-Mo fights with Fearghas.

He ended up showing his worth. He helped the Aces with their problems and it helped him get stronger with his chakra too. He also made numerous friends as well... kind of. He mostly weirded them out or confused them with his random chakra and color stuff.

While in the Aces, he's aided in rescuing Crimson Cutlass from Nemesis and making runs against Nemesis themselves to get supplies for the ship. He then went on the raid to Paragon to get some supplies there with the other Aces. Besides that, he's also gotten the crew supplies on his own, though mostly quiet about it. De-Mo has kept his presence in the Aces, aiding them here and there as he grew stronger.

Harshest De-Motivation

Full Version: Harshest De-Motivation

One day De-Motivator got a tip from his contact about an Arachnos Bane Spider Executioner that De-Mo had been looking for. De-Mo wanted his name so he could kill him. His contact set him up with a plan and gave him everything essential he would need so he wouldn't have many problems. Unfortunately, the first part of De-Mo's plan failed horribly, so he had to make a decision whether or not to try without the integral piece of the plan in place. De-Mo made the decision to try anyway, which was a very bad decision on his part. He charged the base without any plan or any certain ace up his sleeve. He just went charging in to kill that Bane Spider. Ultimately, he ended up being beaten down rather badly and thrown in the Arachnos prison.

De-Motivation comes when you least expect it.

De-Mo was beaten and tortured for information on what he was doing but he didn't say a word. After all, what would he say? As this all happened, he realized the only way out would have to be through combat again... so he trained and trained his chakra for every minute he was awake. The guards didn't understand him mostly and told him to shut up sometimes too, but he would just find other ways to train it. When he heard he was going to be executed, De-Mo decided he couldn't stall anymore and had to escape then and there.

He channeled all of his chakra which had been weeks channeled and coated himself in crackling life energy, and channeled all of the excess into his hands. He punched open the jail door with two shots then charged through the base, beating down anyone in his way and his chakra taking most any shots and blows... making him absolutely unscathed. When he got to Bane Spider Richards, his target, he beat the crap out of him essentially. Then he held him up to deliver the killing blow... and just threw him aside instead told him to never forget he let him live.

After that he ran out of the base and straight to a sewer to rest, as his body was absolutely worn. After sleeping for over twelve hours, he limped his way back to the Dread Aces' base and found a comm to ask them for help. Luckily, people were around and came to his aid. Among those to help his injury were Dead Man Dane, Vidunder, Firelight, Kichi, Jet Nitro, and Crimson Cutlass. Kichi and Firelight made sure his injuries would start healing while Dead Man Dane made sure no bones were out of place or anything. De-Mo then proceeded to ask Dane if he would help repair his Re-Motivator which was damaged when he got beat up and he did, leaving De-Mo very thankful for this.

De-Mo then spent the next few days recovering and training himself to get his chakra back. It was very time consuming and hard to muster his chakra again but in time, he managed it. Though instead of focusing on his mercenary career again, he had a new goal to work on...

Perfecting The Overflow

After De-Mo recovered, he had his sights on a new technique. He had a taste of this technique when he broke out of the Arachnos prison, being completely impervious to any sort of attack on him. He experienced this and realized he needed to figure out how to do it at any given moment, as it seemed like it was a valuable skill. The problem was, he didn't know how to do it again.

He decided to spend most of his days trying it over and over, pressing his chakra to the very limit in order to make it surround him completely, but failing miserably. He tried this for days on end, training his hardest to get as much chakra as he could, then trying to expel it all at once, but his body just wouldn't be able to release enough of it out.

De-Motivator in De-Motivational action.

De-Mo began to get frustrated, wracking his mind for how he could do it, determined to perform this skill again. As he became better friends with Firelight, he concocted a plan to get it to work. He figured he just needed more energy, and Firelight was adept at transferring energy. So De-Mo asked her for help and told her to just transfer as much energy as she could to De-Motivator, in hopes that he could use all of it to push himself over the edge. The plan didn't go well and although it did help him get further, it left him extremely weakened and in irony, de-motivated himself from the task. Firelight (Julia) helped him get his spirits up a bit, although he would have gotten himself out of it in short time, and the two talked for a while, growing even closer.

The next day, De-Mo tried again as hard as he possibly could to get this talent again, but unfortunately failed badly and ended up being far too weakened and physically unable to use his chakra for a few days. This was unfortunate timing as the Dread Aces had went over to take down Flint Pierce and his crew that day for vengeance of a previous attack he made on the Aces. Incredibly disappointed and ashamed he put himself out of commission for a second time where he could be needed, he apologized to his boss, Crimson Cutlass, and promised he'd be there for the next big adventure. Crimson accepted and De-Mo went back to his training with a lighter heart.

De-Motivator kept trying his hardest to perfect this technique just as he had been, but each day he tried, he'd get just as far as before. Each day exhausted him and kept him aching almost all the time. He struggled through it though, persevering and taking days off sometimes to make himself some more money.

One day he got tired of constantly working and training, so he wandered to the Pocket D. There he found a friend he had met a while back called Chase Styles who was a martial artist. De-Mo and him talked about their issues recently until De-Mo asked how he pushes himself to the limit, not admitting he wanted to do the same himself. But eventually he cracked, as he realized Chase Styles could help him greatly. Chase told him that he fights for something he believes in strongly, and being able to think of that takes him to the next level. The martial artist asked if De-Motivator had anything he was fighting for. De-Mo, in order to keep his image, decided to say he didn't but knew that it may be the trigger in getting himself to perfect this technique. De-Mo then left but came back later to kidnap Chase (literally) and ask him for details on how he focuses on what he's fighting for. He waked the chakra user through it and De-Mo was able to learn it easily, being used to meditation and the sort. Once he had it mastered, he thanked Chase, then went off to try it again.

The next time De-Motivator tried, he failed to do it still... but he managed to get much closer. Frustration seeped into De-Mo still and he got an idea that he hadn't thought of before. He looked for the journals that his parents had made for him and his sister. They were supposed to read them as they got better with their chakra but since De-Mo didn't care about any of that until after they were gone, he never read them. He began to look through them, reading them very closely. Eventually, he got to a part detailing The Overflow. It was a direct description of what he did before in the Arachnos base. It gave all of the details about it and how to make it work. De-Mo was on the right path, but he was missing one thing: the connection with his chakra itself. He needed to not only use it, but become it too and realize it is his embodiment. It took some time, but De-Mo focused on various techniques his parents outlined in the journals, then finally tried once again. He couldn't do it still, but he was incredibly close to it. Even closer than he was before.

So De-Mo went and got Firelight again and the two worked on his Overflow. They did the same thing they did before, with Firelight gathering all the energy she could to send it to De-Mo who used what Chase Styles taught him by focusing on what he was fighting for. And that was for the De-Motivation of anyone with malicious intent. He coupled that with the thoughts of being one with his life energy and finally achieved The Overflow. De-Mo was stunned at first, then overjoyed as he had finally done it. When it ran out and he dropped to one knee, exhausted, he was still overjoyed... but he smiled for one of the first few times since he became The De-Motivator.

De-Motivational Love

De-Mo was eventually informed he wasn't allowed back on the Dread Aces' ship for whatever reason. He didn't mind it much, because their plans had changed and he still had things he needed to take care of back in the Isles. He continued combating against Arachnos and living days as he usually did. Eventually he met a girl by the name of Starlette though in his rounds of messing with people. He messed with her and she was surprisingly receptive of it. Eventually he willed himself to work with her and eventually asked her out on a date. Despite De-Mo's quirks and peculiarities, she accepted him and they became very close.

They managed to fall in love and De-Mo let her in on most of his secrets of which he told nobody else. Through this relationship they fought Arachnos together, doing a very good job of it. De-Mo never liked her joining in, but she had insisted and he trusted her. One day the worst happened though, and De-Mo and Starlette got beaten badly by a squad of Arachnos, and even De-Mo's Overflow couldn't help that much. He went down but Starlette managed to escape. De-Motivator was taken prison and held captive for months upon months, being tortured for the second time. This time, however, they were much more cruel about it and it seemed like it went on forever. They were given the order that since De-Motivator wasn't broken the last time, they wanted to break him and kill him this time. De-Mo took the abuse and did whatever he could to prepare an escape again, which he was fully aware they would all be ready for.

The Return

After many long months, De-Mo managed to break out one time when he was let out of his cell for another round of torture. Not unlike the last time he escaped, he broke through every soldier with his Overflow. As opposed to the other time, De-Mo didn't run. He proceeded to break out everyone in the prison and destroy everything in the place. After he felt he did a good enough job, he made his escape and hid for a while with a contact he could trust. Arachnos put him on high alert from this. There is a handsome reward for De-Mo's death, as they realize the mistake they made in keeping him prisoner twice.

He came back to find out his girlfriend was with another though, and she had thought he was dead during this whole time. De-Mo played his aloof self and only acted like he wanted his Re-Motivator back. She complied and the two had a more serious conversation. Starlette said she would choose between him and her current love and De-Mo wanted to know immediately her choice, but relented. He had wanted to get on with his life after the many long months he was gone, as his goal in taking out Arachnos was always stronger than anything else. Starlette made the choice of running off without a decision, only leaving De-Mo a note to explain it. Feeling betrayed and ashamed of himself for being with someone who he had deemed weak now because of her complete abandonment of all of his chakra beliefs, he completely dropped and tried to distance it from himself. So far, it was a success.


De-Mo and Firelight hanging out.

To De-Motivate List

De-Motivator's Playlist

De-Mo's playlist was probably my most eclectic of any of mine. He has a very broad personality, thus I wanted to tap into every aspect of it. The songs go from his general laid back attitude towards his work and life, but also his seriousness in that he often pushes himself to the limit when needed. It also delves into his strange personality and his De-Motivations he uses in battle. The two songs I'd pick to mostly emphasize De-Motivator are "It Doesn't Matter" and "Face Fisted."

Side Note: Ignore the videos. I just linked to a video for the song.

Soundtrack Listing:

Remember: There's always time for Re-Motivation.
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