Demonic Design

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Demonic Design
Player: @DerekStorm
Basic Data
Origin: magic
Archetype: mastermind
Combat Level: 10
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Identity: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Diego Salazar
Known Aliases:
Species: human
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 145lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: blue/black
Blood Type: A
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Imperial City, Praetoria
Birthdate: February 21st
Citizenship: Praetorian
Current Residence: Imperial City
Religion/Faith: N/A
Sexual Orientation: a little off center and flaming.
Marital Status: single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Demonic Magic
Training / Abilities
Demon Summoning, light fire control, sewing fabulous clothing
Does a Singer count?

Dear Journal,

I refuse to call you a diary, just so you know. Why? Because it would be far too damn gay. I mean, isn’t it enough that I design women’s clothing for a living, do I really have to have a diary too? Anyway, I’m trying to make a point here. One day, when I’m rich and famous I figure I’ll be able to get someone to write my autobiography. I think I’d call it something like “Supreme Awesomeness” or “I’m better than you, ha-ha”. Something classy like that sounds about right. But, I digress; I’m completely losing my train of thought here.

So journal, this whole thing is about my life. Mainly, so when I do write this epic autobiography I have to all done for the poor sap that has to try and make sense of it. So, this is how it goes… I was born down by the river (and not in a van, thank you very much). My parents wanted a girl (imagine that, huh?) and they got me. I’m not saying they weren’t lovey dovey or anything like that, but they still wanted a girl.

Life was pretty decent for me; I did whatever I wanted when I wanted to do it. That kind of thing happens when you’re the only child. So, instead of go crazy and binge drinking (not that I didn’t do that the moment I turned sixteen) I spent a lot of time sewing and reading about things I shouldn’t be reading about. A weird combination, but I figured clothing designs based on the occult would be pretty damn fierce. In the end, let’s just say that I dabbled a bit too much in the occult and manage to have a few hearty little demon brats attached to me. Of course, they ended up with nicknames. Heidi Klum, Twiggy, Iman, Tim Gunn and Tyra Banks ( I thought it fit them, I’m weird, I know).

In the long run, it was a pretty nice deal. I’m not into this whole civil war-eque type thing going on, but I don’t want to see innocent people get hurt (after all, they’re going to be the one wearing my line). So, if I have power to stop everyone from fighting then I’m going to beat the shit out of them until they understand that peace is the only way. Sounds like a huge contradiction, but sometimes people just don’t want to listen to what’s good for them.

That’s just how I am, I’m catty, I’m snide, but I really do mean well (most of the time). I think everyone should try to get along and get over themselves. Not like anyone listens to the flaming fashion designer. And one more thing about that, just because I design clothes doesn’t mean I’m the froufrou guy. I’ll push you down before you even get a chance. Besides, I have a rule; you have to take me to dinner first. The way into a man’s pants is through his stomach, after all.

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