Fathom/Nations/Merridian Merfolk

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Merridian Merfolk


The Merfolk of Merridia in the Atlantic Ocean are the source for the common name for the undersea indigenous beings known as the "Mer". The name Mer being derived from the name Merridian. The Merridian Merfolk are some of the proudest and most expansive of the Merfolk empires.


The Merridian's have pale hued skin, which is slick and slippery to the touch, ranging from soft to strong blues, greens and even purples... Many of these peoples take on many different traits, such as webbed fins, like crests, which run down their arms, shoulders, and even heads. They all have pronounced Fins upon their backs, and are born with a long fish-like tail, which allow them to swim at modest speed, (average of 30knots) though as they age, nearly all Merridians are taught a simple spiritual shaping spell to change their tails to a set of legs.

Merridians are very long lived creatures, with average lifespan of nearly 1200 years. Reaching adoloscence at approximately seventeen years of age, and adulthood at twenty five. They seem to slow their "physically visibile" aging after this, reaching their middle aged range at approximately six-hundred and fifty and beyond. Merridians are not considered venerable until approximately nine hundred years and over.

As creatures of the sea, Merridians naturally can breath both underwater and above it, though clearly they prefer the natural comfort of the sea. They can see clearly in absolute darkness, through something very akin to darkvision (hints of Sonar) and have a perfect sense of up and down (while under water) Merridians are able to withstand Immense Deep sea pressure, and have been known to go without aid to depths of over 3 miles.


Merridians hail directly from Triton's empire, and are sophisticated, cultured and resourceful. They have a love for things of beauty, and their works of art are heralded throughout the Oceans and seas as the greatest, under Poseidon. Merridians are Philosophers, Artists, and Diplomats... but do have a strong sense of tradition and duty. Their Warriors are brave, and skilled, but are not quite the match of the mettle of the Warriors of the great Atlantis.

Merridians have an affinity to mystic energies, and many learn some type of sea magic as they mature, often entering such study with reverance to Poseidon or Triton himself.

(( Work in Progress ))

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