Torture (old)

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Player: @Kage
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Night Widow
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: Unknown (Appearance is of a teenager)
Height: '
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Ability to see certain things before they happen
Known Abilities
Trained in widow claw weapon, intolerance to pain and fear
Standard Night Widow armament
No additional information available.

(Character doesn't exist anymore, using this for reference and possibly reuse in the future)



Early Life

Torture, even from her earliest memories, has always been a slave. Even though slavery was outlawed in most major countries, there is a secret underground slave trade, providing slaves to many wealthy people. Initially she was kept in a special training camp, where other young children, like herself, were raised and trained until they were able to be sold or died.

First Master

Torture was a fast learner and was eligible for sale at a very early age. While she was raised as a slave and knew of nothing else, it didn't take long after being sold to her first master that her life at the camp was nothing like the real thing. Her new master was very harsh with her, beating her for even the slightest mistake. That is also when her special talent first appeared. When she is in danger, she see slightly into the future and see what was about to happen. This made her beatings seem much worse than they really were, and started to affect her mentally. Instead of getting better at the tasks she was made to perform, the memories and visions would frighten her and make her more likely to make a mistake, resulting in even more beatings.

Due to her poor performance, her master eventually gave up on trying to use her for labor and locked her in a tiny room beneath the house. The floor and walls of the room were made of rock and other than a fixture on the wall that she was chained to by her neck, a bath pan and a bucket, the room was entirely empty. There were no windows, but a small light was always on. A maid would take care of bringing her food, bathing her, and emptying her bucket. Her master had a new use for her, relieving stress. She was beaten much worse and much more often than previously. He would often cut and stab her with knives, as well as hitting her with whips and bats, often leaving her a bloody mess by the time he was done. To keep her from dieing from such treatment, he payed super powered healers to heal the wounds after he was done with her.

She lived in constant fear, not knowing when the next time she would be attacked. Her times with the maid was the only comfort she ever felt, even though the maid said little and only did what was required by the master. She was having trouble coping with it and decided to do something about it. As the master was about to begin one of his beatings, his maid interrupted him to give him a message she received. She used the opportunity to grab a knife. As the maid left and her master approached, she attempted to stab him. Unfortunately due to her conditions she didn't have much strength and barely scratched him. This infuriated her master, as he grabbed the knife from her and sliced her right eye with it. Instead of beating her normally, he decided to rape her instead. It was the first time for her and extremely painful. She passed out afterward and for the first time her master did not have her would healed. He intended the loss of her right eye to be punishment, so continued to just rape her until the wound fully scarred and would be unhealable. Once that happened, he would rape or beat her depending on his mood, sometimes doing both.

Other Masters

To help keep the slave trade secret and harder to track, slaves were traded among masters in various states and countries every so often. The time period for the trade was always different and was handled by the organization that sold the slaves. Due to what happened with her first master, Torture given to new masters wanted to use her for the same reasons as the first master did. Each master treated her slightly different, but in the end it was still the same. Rape and torture was all she experienced, whether it was directly from her master, one or more servants, and one master even made her essentially a demon's toy.

She had serviced many different masters, but one day her life as a slave came to an abrupt end. An oddly dressed woman entered the room. The woman said that she was here to take her away from this type of life. She wrapped a cloth around the child and picked her up. As they walked through the house, Torture saw the corpses of the various maids and butlers on the floor.

A new beginning

Torture was taken to Mercy Island, where she met Ghost Widow. Ghost Widow told her that she had a special gift and offered her a chance at a new life. Torture was trained and taught everything necessary to become one of Ghost Widow's Night Widows including how to better control her power, as well as received special care to help with the mental instability caused from her life as a slave. This special training had a few secondary effects. She had become immune to pain, even in amounts that would make a normal person fall unconscious. She also learned to deal with fears, generally feeling none even in situations that would frighten most experienced villains and heroes.

She was eventually given a special job to complete her training period. She was to deal with all the previous masters who she once served, in the method of her choosing. She was given a list with 12 names and their locations, but before setting out, she requested a large room with certain tools to be reserved. Using what she learned in training, kidnapping each was rather easy as while they were all wealthy men, they weren't directly involved with anything that would likely bring unwanted attention to themselves. She brought each one blindfolded to the room she reserved.


Once all of them were locked into the room, she removed their blindfolds and started her plan to kill them. She wanted them to experience pain and fear like she once did. Starting with her final master, she took him and locked him onto a table in the middle of the room. She then fired darts coated with a special serum designed to make it much more difficult for a person to become unconscious into his elbows and knees. Using her claws, she carefully cut the skin from the bottom of his chest to the bottom of his stomach. Her victim was screaming in pain, while the other men were screaming in horror. This caused her to smile for the first time in her life. She then proceeded to pull out his intestines, hanging them on a rope above the table, being careful to not kill him while doing so. She let the rest of her previous masters observe the scene for a while, but didn't want him to die this way. She then went over to a device on the wall, pressing a button, causing the table to be enveloped in flames, burning the man alive.

She repeated this one more time that day, and twice each following day, going with the most recent one alive. Not wanting to take any chances of them dieing from starvation, she gave the living masters meals made of the dead, burnt ones. On the 6th day from when she started, she had finally taken revenge on her previous tormentors as well as having passed the test. She still lacked a true name, even DNA tests revealed nothing about her or her family, so was given the name Torture by her superiors due to both the way she dealt with her final test as well as the torturing being the only times she was ever seen smiling.


No longer living a completely subservient life, Torture can seem a bit shy at times around others. Her training has taught her well on how to work with a team, even if she isn't that great socially. Taking great pleasure in slicing others with her claws, she is always ready to attack the enemy, but doesn't always realize when she is in over her head. Even seeing visions of her own defeat isn't enough to stop her at times when she really gets into it. When not working on an official job she will often take on lesser jobs to make herself stronger to gain favor with Ghost Widow and hopes to serve directly under her one day. This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

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