User:Nacht Sniper

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Stuff About Me

-My name is Michael

-I am a Freshman in College

-I seem to only be able to play crazy characters. I'm under the belief that it has something to do with my own personal craziness.

My Characters

This is my vast range of characters. Some I play often while others are collecting dust currently.


-Nacht Sniper: A crazy German ex-5th Columnist who currently works as a Merc and loves to create Chaos and incite insanity. He is also The Leader of The Weapons Union. Has Retired and currently resides in his Nacht Cave in the hills of Port Oakes.

-March Hare: A Rabbit-Man with a Multipersonality disorder that not only changes him mentally but also Physically. Each Costume represents a new personality and each personality Varies completely. He was employeed as a Mercenary Captain for the Arachnos Under Dog group, Sierra Squad. Now he is hiding in a sewer compartment in Mercy Island while searching for a new group to fit into.

-Zherneboh: A Demon Lord from Eastern Europe cast out from Hell's inner circle. He's possessed a Hellion in Paragon City and has set up shop in The Rogue Isles in order to regain power again.

-Eleanor Rigby: A Ghostly tormentor of Port Oakes. She wanders the Rogue Isles in search of Vengence after her tragic death on her own wedding day.

-Adjutant Morder: Nacht Sniper as he starts to discover his new found Vampyri powers.

-Mu'Thelas: Betsy. Nacht Sniper's Mu Ally. He's a Mu with a dry sense of Humor and amazing magical ability!

-Night Bot: Nacht Sniper's little robotic minnion. He aims for the FACE!

-Devil's Icebox: An illegal crey experimentation in cryogenetics gone right. Devil's Icebox is a morally cold villain who roams the Rogue Isles finding ways to suit himself best. So far he has no need for evil plots and plans and only cares for the eventual destruction of Crey Industries, the monstrous corperation that created his chilling new powers.

-Bloody Tarleton: The infamous Light calvary commander who made his devilish name in the American Revolutionary War. His merciless demeanor and pompous attitude was too much for even hell itself to stand. On Jan. 25th, 2012, The Bloody Ban is Back and this time he's out for blood!

-The Disguise Duo: A Friend and I came up with this witty secret Agent team and have immediantly fallen in love with the idea. They're Twins, they're funny and they cause chaos!

-The Spanish Inquisitor: Cardinal Juan Fernando Jimenez Diego Pascual de Guevara, A leading figure of the Spanish Inquisitions of 1485 that is thrust out of the medieval ages and into the modern age. The Cardinal looks at this strange occurance as a mission from God himself. Now the misguided and misdirected Red-clad Cardinal is on a mission to deliver a Holy judgement upon the lands with a rightcheous Crusade that not even the Pope himself can stop.

-Mr. Undercroft: A Serial Killer who prefers the dead over the living any day. He takes pleasure in his sadistic practices that he claims are for the good of all mankind. He carries his axe and proudly wears a suit made entirely of stitched up body bags.


-LuneAttack: My original Hero Character. A prince from medieval times, Trapped in suit of Armor cursed to make him live forever.

-Dr. Pepper: My Father's Character from back in the day. He was a worker in a soda factory who tasted the newest version of the product. He gained amazing powers to heal and make everyone feel better and he can shoot people with his Carbonated blasts! OF JUSTICE!


-United Underworld (Current)

-Wonderland Sanctum (Current)

-Sierra Squad(Dead VG)

-Weapons Union(Dead VG)

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