
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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I'm Sagaril. My particular brand of role-playing is so unique, I had to invent a new designation for it: HARP, or half-assed role-playing. It's like regular role-playing, except my moderate altitis takes priority over backstories, so most of my characters have very little backstory and shallow personalities. I'm sure that latter part is a direct result of the former, though, and not in any way related to ineptitude.

My characters, many of whom are less-than-serious, as you will see, include:

Potentia Ex Machina, a spellcaster and roboticist whose page urgently needs an update.

Operative Redshirt, a Crab Spider who is always getting shot (hence the nickname.)

Greater Weapon Focus, a role-player who has become convinced he's his character.

The White Anachronism, another role-player who has become convinced she's her character, though for markedly different reasons.

The Gunman on the Knoll, a magic-user of some kind. Even he isn't sure what he is.

Hanlon's Razor, a suit of regenerating power armor that became sentient after being exposed to the Internet.

Sturgeon's Revelator, one of the creators of Hanlon's Razor, and the most vocal in favor of letting it fight crime on its own. Unrelated to my previous character with that name.

Douglas "I'm So Awesome I Don't Need a Hero Name" Newport, a psychic who got his powers by, basically, getting hopped up on a Shift derivative.

Aerosol Salmon 08-42, a Malta Group agent, or Knife of Artemis, or something, who went rogue due to increasingly silly codenames.

And, finally, Samedi Nuit Morte, a Dungeons & Dragons archvillainess brought to Primal Earth by a Retributive Strike from her Staff of the Magi. She's exactly as silly as she sounds.

Lastly, I apologize for my constant external linking to the TV Tropes wiki, but it just makes things easier for both of us.

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