Psionic Defender

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Psionic Defender
Player: @De-Frag
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: Rising
Personal Data
Real Name: Dylan Jacobs
Known Aliases: none
Species: Human
Age: 16
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Student, Super Hero, Part-time Musician
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Telepathy, Telekinesis, Empathy, Psychometry
Known Abilities
Flight, Musician
Kevlar Polymer Suit, Protective Glasses


The Psionic Defender

Character History

Dylan was born and raised in Paragon City. The only son of a wealthy businessman and former lawyer turned home maker turned lawyer once more. It's a family secret that Dylan is a "7 month baby", and would cause much shame to his parents if either side knew. He attends Paragon High and is currently a junior. His parents and no one other than his team mates of the All Star Teen Sentinels know of his powers. Dylan's mother runs a small law firm in Steel Canyon that caters to heroes.


Dylan was born blind. The doctors couldn't figure out why at first, his eyes were perfectly normal. They responded to light, would follow an object or focus on a sound like any other infant. It wasn't until they decided to run an MRI on young Dylan that they discovered the problem. Dylan's brain lacked the part that governs the receiving, interpretation, and relaying of visual images taken in by the eye. As Dylan grew older he began noticing strange things about himself. He started answering question before they were asked, or would already know how someone was going to answer one before he asked it. Pretty soon he could tell how someone was feeling just by being near them. Then around his tenth birthday Dylan started to develop severe migraines. His mother took him to the doctors were they performed a second MRI.The doctors were amazed to discover that the areas of his brain responsible for cognitive functions had stretched and filled in the unused portion of his brain.

It appeared Dylan had become a psychic.


Dylan is an inquisitive and curious boy. While with his powers it is possible for him to simply gleam whatever information he wishes to know about someone, Dylan considers such an act incredibly rude and would rather the person tell him. Always full of questions, and willing to listen to any answers or stories given. Dylan is also an intellectual of sorts, enjoying simple conversation and debates over most topics as well as being very polite, as his mother pounded the word "manners" into him as a child. Dylan is very open about being blind, seeing it as nothing negative, and has been known to act highly defensive whenever someone looks down on him due to his handicap, often becoming aggravated if anyone attempts to baby him, or do everything for him. His thoughts on the subject are "How can I feel better about myself if everyone else is feeling sorry for me?"


Blindness: Dylan has been blind since birth. Though through his mental powers he has ways of seeing, his brain is unable to relay or recognize any visual images.

Migraines: Dylan is prone to severe and almost crippling migraines from time to time. These can be caused by anything from mental build up, or from coming into contact, whether physical or mental, with an individual that has severe mental or emotional trauma.

Light Sensitivity: While his brain is unable to comprehend any images his eyes are functional, and will respond to various forms of light. Due to his unique brain condition his eyes have an extreme sensitivity to light, and if exposed to more than a candle flicker or moon light, Dylan is left incapacitated until his eyes have been covered or the light extinguished.

Empathy: Dylan's empathic powers are a double edged sword. While he is able to feel someone else's emotions, if those are strong enough they can overpower him, altering his mood to those around him. At times this is only mild but can be more depending on how strongly the individual is feeling the emotion.

Psychic Instability: Due to the nature of their development, at times Dylan is unable to control or suppress his powers. This can range from moving objects involuntarily to being unable to suppress or shut off his empathy or telepathy. The severity can vary and at it's worst during such times Dylan is almost completely unable to be around anyone else, as all the different thoughts and emotions are simply too overwhelming.

Normality: Apart from his psychic abilities Dylan has no other superhuman abilities and is susceptible to all the common ailments and injuries of an everyday person.

Powers and Abilities


Mind.jpg Telepathy: Dylan is capable of reading the thoughts of others as well as speaking to them directly in their mind. Most commonly used in combat situations to lock onto a target by reading their individual thoughts. Also used to make strong psychic suggestions to an enemy or to disrupt their brain activity, to stun them, or to lull them into a sleep like state.

Telekinetics.jpg Telekinesis: Dylan can affect objects at a distance with his mind. Effects can range from lifting an object, moving an object about, or violently shoving an individual. Most commonly used to send foes flying or to knock them to the ground.

PsychicBlast Aim.png Empathy: As well as being able to read someones mind, Dylan is also able to subconsciously feel the emotions of those around him.

PsychicBlast PsychicScream.png Psychometry: Dylan is able to ascertain details regarding an individual by handling an item the person recently handled or possessed, as well as by making physical contact with them. Also by making physical contact with a location he can determine events that have recently occurred in the area, or sense individuals that have recently passed through.

Abilities and Skills

Flyicon.jpg Levitation Through the use of his telekinetic powers, Dylan is capable of levitating his body into the air. It is uncertain what his maximum flight speed is, though as it is not an inherent power, it is believed to be less than most other heroes.

Classically Trained Pianist and Violinist: In order to build Dylan's self confidence as a child, his mother enrolled him in piano and violin classes. Despite his handicap Dylan flourished and progressed quite quickly, showing amazing hand coordination and memory.


Dylan wears at all times a special pair of sunglasses. The lenses are constructed to completely obscure and block any form of light source as well as prevent any UV rays from coming in contact with Dylan's eyes.
Dylan wears a series of special uniforms, constructed of a special Kevlar Polymer weave to provide additional protection.



All Star Teen Sentinels: Dylan is a current recruit in the ASTS.

Midnight Squad: Dylan is also an inductee member into the Midnighters.

Friends and Colleagues

Dylan has recently begun to make friends with both American Promise and Omega Lass. The two have started to teach him how to surf and now he tends to spend most of his time in Talos at Spanky's Boardwalk listening to the waves or treading the water on his back. He's often joked to himself that he'll have to yell at the two the day he heads home red as a lobster.

Dylan met Violet Starlight shortly after she joined the Sentinels. He enjoys talking with her, as they share a similar view point on modern day music. He is currently attempting to get her a job working as an intern at his mother's law firm.


OoC Notes

Psionic Defender's real name was originally going to be Dylan Meyers but I mistakenly introduced him as Dylan Jacobs.

The name Psionic Defender was created in Sept. of 07 as an Empathy/Psychic Blast Defender but I could never get behind the AT too much.

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