
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @Rapunzel
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Princess Rapunzel
Known Aliases: Jessica Mesmer
Species: human
Age: a lady never tells
Height: with or without boots?
Weight: Excuse YOU?
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: blonde, cut short
Biographical Data
Nationality: Fairy Tale
Occupation: Hero, and manager and exorcist of her apartment building
Place of Birth: A land far, far away
Base of Operations: Croatoa
Marital Status: Engaged to Astral Traveler. That means he's taken.
Known Relatives: none, thank you
Known Powers
Known Abilities
sensitive to, and able to control, the emotions of those around her, handy with a bow
This is not the dainty princess the Brothers Grimm slandered



Rapunzel is one of the founding members of Solace. She is close friend with Raam and currently engaged to Astral Traveler.


Rapunzel is not a lady to be crossed lightly. She is highly passionate and defensive of what she cares for. She enjoys hero work and tries to intill that excitement into others.



Once Upon a Time

The Brothers Grimm only had part of the story, the rest of it was wishful thinking on their part. Or the prince's. Rapunzel doesn't know, and doesn't much care, but she would like to have a word with the Brothers about their text. She mostly tries to grin and grit her teeth when people ask her to let her hair down.

It is true that she was a young princess raised in a tower by an evil witch. It is true that she had very long hair the witch used to climb to the tower. It is also true that her beautiful voice charmed a young prince who promised to rescue her from her plight. And that is where the truth and the Brothers part company. The Brothers proceeded to make up a story where the witch tricks the prince and he wanders off and weeps about it, or something. In reality, Rapunzel got fed up with waiting for her prince, cut her own hair off, she tricked the witch and stole her book of magic tricks. Tired of the constant view of empty forest, she headed for the nearest big city - Paragon City.

Long, Long Ago

Rapunzel quickly discovered that being a princess didn't pay the rent, but magic tricks could. She discovered that she was right at home in Croatoa, and the rent was cheap. She worked out a deal where she kept the ghosts out of the building and she got a major discount...plus he skipped the background check after laughing at her application.

She Met Her Prince

She ran into Astral Traveler on a few missions, and found him to be...overly dramatic and self important. And coming from a bona fide princess, that was saying something. She made it her mission to show him the joy and beauty of using his powers, instead of bemoaning them. As she started to jolly him along, he also began to teach her things - like how maybe, just maybe, she wasn't determined to be alone for the rest of her life.

Finally, he got up the courage to ask her on a date, and she accepted. She was attracted to his respect, without awe, and his acceptance of her. They had a successful evening on a rooftop watching the stars over Steel Canyon. They talked, bonded, and traded histories. His real name, that her name *was* her real name. Everything was perfect.

And then she saw his alter ego, Adrian Thompson, in the paper with a movie star at a charity event. And while she truly tries to be a throughly modern woman, she was raised a princess with archaic sensibilities. She erupted with anger, pelting him with stony silence before finally confronting him with his infidelity. He responded in kind, informing her that he wasn't prepared to give up his swinging bachelor lifestyle without similar promises from her. After a truly impressive fight, they agreed to be exclusive.

The super couple on Adrian's terrace

Adrian introduced his, perhaps first, steady girlfriend to the public at another high profile charity event as Jessica Mesmer, a librarian. Rapunzel let him buy her a dress and showed up accordingly. Everything was fine, they mugged for the cameras on the carpet, they admired the artifacts in the museum, and then Adrian left her alone to fetch cocktails. The scorned movie star took the opportunity to step in and rile Rapunzel, as the uncultured librarian. Rapunzel rose to the bait, but not in her shy girl mien, but with her spells. Publically the movie star suffered a psychotic break, but Adrian was displeased as he had recognized the tone and flavor of her magic.

After that, Princess Jessica promised to behave herself at public events, and Adrian promised not to leave her alone at them.

And They Lived Happily Ever After

Rapunzel, as always, is facing the future with passion and determination that can be larger than life. She has found a fathomless delight in taking the fight to the Rikti, and gleefully breaks into their mothership at every opportunity. She knows Astral has hereditary issues with the invasion, and he's returned to some of his old doom and gloom since they returned. Part of her hopes that if they get beaten badly enough they will simply leave her world alone. She has been coaxed into trying the crafting table at the University and discovered that they are not at all like the embroidery of her sheltered youth. She has gladly taken on the responsibility of outfitting members of Solace with basic crafts, and is experimenting with more elaborate recipes. Her freeform manner at the invention table scares some of the more reasonable members of Solace, but as with anything, she does it with her full heart, heedless of consequence, or not at all.

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